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Design and Analysis of Algorithm Assignment

1. Explain Tower of Hanoi Problem, derive its recursion equation and compute it’s time
2. Write Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication problem. Show the Execution of
Algorithm with simple example. What is the recurrence for Strassen’s algorithm derives
time complexity of Strassen's algorithm.
3. Write Iterative and Recursive Algorithm to find factorial of n. Identify time Complexity
of both & justify your answer.
4. Discuss in detail about complexity classes (class p, Np, Np complete and Np hard) using
example, show the time taken by some graph algorithms and in which class they will be
categorized (decision version of 0/1 knapsack problem, graph coloring, traveling sales
man problem, Hamiltonian cycle….)

NB. The assignment is individual: to share understanding and ideas group discussion is
allowed but the submitted assignment should be a unique answer (expression) for each
 The assignment directly copied from any sources will have no credit: try to
understand the algorithm first, then write by yourself what you get.
 The submitted assignment will be a handwritten format.
 If you use a text book or any reference please cite.
Submission date: 3/6/2015

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