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4 Recupero Class  Date 

Vocabulary 4 Completa i minidialoghi con le domande e le

risposte brevi. Usa le parole tra parentesi.
1 Scrivi i nomi degli oggetti personali.
A Have you and Rob got our football (you and Rob/
our football)?
B No, 1 . This is our football.

A 2 (Rachel /a new email address)?

games console 1 B Yes, 3 . It’s

A 4 (the students /dictionaries)?

B Yes, 5 . They’ve all got dictionaries.

5 Scegli la frase (a o b) che contiene la forma

2 3 possessiva ’s or s’.
a Harry’s got a dog. b Harry’s dog is black.
1 a This is Jessica and Helen’s band.
b The band’s called Raven.
2 a Kieran’s a good friend.
b Kieran’s dad is Irish.
4 5 3 a Angie’s got a new bike.
b Angie’s bike is green and white.
4 a Tanya’s friend is in my class.
b Tanya’s very intelligent.
2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
5 a Gary’s 14.
Our English teacher has got / have got an
b Gary’s two sisters are twins.
English dictionary.
1 Queen Elizabeth II have got / has got a big
palace. Communication
2 Formula One teams have got / has got very 6 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel
good cars. riquadro.
3 Rome and Venice has got / have got beautiful
your receipt I’ll take it Thank you
problem It’s £140 I’ll leave it
4 The art museum have got / has got some How much is this bike
pictures by Vincent van Gogh.
Jonathan Excuse me. How much is this bike?
5 Your photos are good because you has got /
have got a nice camera. Assistant 1 .
Jonathan That’s expensive! 2 ,
3 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa. thanks.
I’ve got a nice watch. Assistant No 3 .
I haven’t got a nice watch. Jonathan Oh, how much is this skateboard?
1 Callum has got blond hair and blue eyes. Assistant That’s £21.95.
2 I’ve got a games console. Jonathan It’s nice. 4 .
3 We’ve got Art lessons on Wednesdays. Assistant OK, that’s £21.95, then.
4 They have got a black and white dog. Jonathan Here you are.
5 We’ve got new skateboards. Assistant Thank you. Here’s 5 and
five pence change.
Jonathan 6
. Goodbye.
Assistant Goodbye.

226 Step Up 1 Recupero 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE  © Oxford University Press

Step up TB1.indb 226 31/10/2017 15:14

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