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Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68

The onset of germ cell migration in the mouse embryo

Robert Anderson a, Trevor K. Copeland b, Hans SchoÈler c, Janet Heasman a, Christopher Wylie d,*
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology & Genetics Program, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
EMBL, Gene Expression Programme, Meyerhofstrasse 1, D69012, Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Received 27 August 1999; received in revised form 12 October 1999; accepted 14 October 1999

Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) are speci®ed between embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5) and E7.5, when they have been visualized as an
alkaline phosphatase-positive (AP1) cell population in the developing allantois. By E8.5, they are embedded in the hind-gut epithelium.
Previous experiments have suggested different sites for PGCs' origin, and it is unclear how they reach the gut epithelium. We have used
transgenic mice expressing GFP under a truncated Oct4 promoter to visualize living PGCs. We ®nd GFP1/AP1 cells in the posterior end of
the primitive streak as a dispersed population of cells actively migrating into the allantois, and directly into the adjacent embryonic
endoderm. Time-lapse analysis shows these cells to be actively migratory from the time they exit the primitive streak. q 2000 Elsevier
Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase; Allantois; Cell migration; Filopodia; FM4-64; Germline; Green ¯uorescent protein; Hind-gut; Mouse/murine development;
Oct4; Primitive streak; Primordial germ cell; SSEA-1; Time-lapse confocal microscopy

1. Introduction antigens cannot be used to look at earlier stages, since

SSEA1 is not expressed on PGCs before E9.5 (Wylie et
The primordial germ cells (PGCs) in mice are thought to al., 1986), and EpCAM is expressed by all epithelia (Litvi-
be set aside from other lineages between E6.5 and E7.5 from nov et al., 1994). Therefore, the only marker used to study
a pluripotential population of cells in the proximal epiblast PGC origins and behavior prior to their entry into the hind-
(Lawson and Hage, 1994). They arise from cells that also gut has been alkaline phosphatase (Chiquoine, 1954).
give rise to the proximal allantois, and this step requires that Because of this, the exact origin, and route by which
BMP4 be released from the extraembryonic ectoderm PGCs enter the embryonic endoderm, have been uncertain.
(Lawson et al., 1999). Once formed, the PGCs enter the Based upon alkaline phosphatase staining alone, different
embryonic endoderm that will give rise to the hind-gut studies have suggested different sites of origin for the PGCs,
(Tam and Snow, 1981), where they display motile charac- including the posterior primitive streak (Chiquoine, 1954;
teristics both in vivo and in vitro (Clark and Eddy, 1975; Snow, 1981; Copp et al., 1986), the yolk sac endoderm
Godin et al., 1990). From E9.5±11.5, PGCs migrate from the (Chiquoine, 1954), and the extraembryonic allantoic meso-
hind-gut to the genital ridges, and are migratory in vitro derm (Ginsburg et al., 1990). In particular, a small group of
(Clark and Eddy, 1975; Donovan et al., 1986). Immunos- highly expressing cells, found in the allantoic diverticulum
taining of the PGC cell surface molecules SSEA1 and has been reported as the initial PGC population (Ginsburg et
EpCAM during this stage shows that PGCs are extensively al., 1990). However, grafting experiments suggest that
in contact via dendritic processes during migration, a allantoic tissue at this time cannot give rise to tissues of
complex morphology that was not anticipated by staining the embryonic body, including the germ cells (Downs and
for the germ cell marker alkaline phosphatase (Gomperts et Harmann, 1997). Furthermore, the ¯ow of allantoic meso-
al., 1994; Anderson et al., 1999b). However, these surface derm cells out of the posterior primitive streak outwards into
the allantois creates a logistical problem for the subsequent
movement of cells at this site into the embryonic endoderm.
* Corresponding author. Box 206 Mayo, University of Minnesota Medi-
In this study we have used a novel living marker of early
cal School, 420 Delaware St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Tel.: 11-
612-624-3110; fax: 11-612-626-7031. germ cells. We have previously described a transgenic
E-mail address: (C. Wylie) mouse (Oct-4D PE:GFP 1) in which green ¯uorescent
0925-4773/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0925-477 3(99)00271-3
62 R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68

protein (GFP) is expressed in PGCs under control of a trun- 1990; Yeom et al., 1996; Anderson et al., 1999a) in conjunc-
cated Oct-4 promoter (Yeom et al., 1996; Anderson et al., tion with a distinctive cell morphology, we conclude that the
1999a). Using transgenic embryos, we identi®ed a popula- extreme ventral-posterior GFP 1/AP 1 cells of the primitive
tion of cells that are both GFP 1 and AP 1 cells at the poster- streak and all GFP 1 cells in the de®nitive endoderm are
ior end of the primitive streak. These cells move out of the PGCs.
primitive streak, both directly into the embryonic endoderm, On embryonic day 7, visceral endoderm (AFP 1) is
and into the allantois. Using both time-lapse movies of replaced by de®nitive endoderm (AFP 2) which arises
living embryos at this stage, and the shapes and positions from the anterior primitive streak (Dziadek and Adamson,
of PGCs in ®xed tissues, we conclude that PGCs arise in the 1978; reviewed in Hogan et al., 1994). In E7.5±E8 embryos,
posterior primitive streak and move by active locomotion we found that the endoderm adjacent to the posterior primi-
directly into the subjacent endoderm, where they begin their tive streak expressed intermediate or low levels of AFP;
migration to the gonad. more proximal endoderm was clearly AFP 1, more distal
endoderm was AFP 2 (Fig. 2G and data not shown, respec-
tively). This result suggests that PGCs occupy a junctional
2. Results zone between visceral and de®nitive endoderm, and is in
agreement with ultrastructural observations made by Clark
We have previously shown that, in Oct4D PE:GFP 1 and Eddy (1975).
embryos, GFP expression is limited to the germline after
E10.5 (Anderson et al., 1999a). To test the speci®city of
this marker at earlier stages, we analyzed GFP expression
in living and ®xed Oct4D PE:GFP 1 embryos from the 1 cell
stage to E8.5. As shown in Fig. 1A,B, GFP was expressed in
all cells at the morula stage (E2.5) and then became
restricted to the inner cell mass in blastocyts (E3.5) (Fig.
1C). Since the Oct4D PE:GFP construct in these embryos is
paternally derived (see Section 4), all GFP expression is
exclusively zygotic. Embryos E6±E8 were staged by the
system of Downs and Davies (1993). In early streak/mid
streak (ES/MS, ,E6.75) embryos, GFP expression was
found throughout the epiblast and in the vicinity of the
primitive streak, but not in other tissues (Fig. 1D). In no
bud (OB, E7.25±E7.75) stage Oct-4D PE:GFP 1 embryos,
the entire epiblast and primitive streak expressed GFP,
although the level of expression in the epiblast was clearly
higher (Fig. 1E,F), even if minor differences in cell density
are considered.
The ®rst indications of GFP 1 PGCs were found in slightly
older embryos (early bud (EB) stage, Figs. 2D and 3H; late
bud (LB) stage, Fig. 2E) approximately E7.5±E8. In these
embryos, we identi®ed a group of GFP 1 cells in the poster-
ior-most region of the primitive streak. In the endodermal
epithelium immediately ventral to the posterior primitive
streak, we detected a small population of individual GFP 1
cells (Fig. 2E). The ®rst distinguishing feature of early
PGCs is the expression of AP (Chiquoine, 1954; Ginsburg
et al., 1990; MacGregor et al., 1995). Therefore, we stained
Oct4D PE:GFP 1 EB and LB embryos (,E7.5±E8) for AP Fig. 1. GFP expression in early Oct4D PE:GFP 1 embryos. (A,B) Zygotic
GFP expression initiates in all cells of an E2.5 morula. (C) In E3.5 blas-
activity. As shown in Fig. 2A±D, the posterior-most cells of
tocysts, the trophoectoderm begins to lose GFP expression, whereas the
the primitive streak were AP 1 and GFP 1. All endoderm- inner cell mass remains GFP 1. (D) In an ES/MS stage embryo (,E6.75),
embedded GFP 1 cells were also found to be AP 1. In addi- GFP is expressed by the ectoderm and in the early primitive streak. Label-
tion, endoderm-embedded GFP 1 cells were found to be ing of regions based on orientation of ®xed section. (E,F) Anatomy and GFP
negative for a -fetoprotein (AFP), a visceral endoderm expression in ,E7.25 embryo. (E) Propidium iodide staining of OB stage
(,E7.25) embryo. (F) GFP is expressed in the ectoderm and the primitive
marker, and negative for SSEA-1, a marker for PGCs
streak of the same embryo. AM, amnion; B, blastocoel; C, chorion; EC,
after E9.5 (Fig. 2G and data not shown, respectively). ectoderm; ICM, inner cell mass; PS (and arrow in E), primitive streak; T,
Based on this pro®le of markers (Chiquoine, 1954; Dziadek trophoblast. (D±F) Proximal is up; anterior is to the left. Scale bar for D 100
and Adamson, 1978; Wylie et al., 1986; Ginsburg et al., mm; scale bar for E/F in E 100 mm.
R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68 63

Fig. 2. PGCs are GFP 1 in Oct4D PE:GFP 1 E7.5 embryos. (A±C,D) Two ventral views of the posterior primitive streak of a ®xed EB stage (,E7.5) embryo
stained for AP (red), GFP is in green. (A±C) AP staining is localized to the membrane and GFP expression is cytoplasmic, as expected. Arrow points to the
same cell in A±C, illustrating this GFP/AP co-expression. (D) Note that the posterior-most GFP 1 cells are also AP 1 (arrows) and appear to be leaving the
primitive streak. The allantois is behind the plane of focus of this image and also demonstrates GFP/AP co-expression. (E) A live LB stage (,E7.5±E8) embryo
viewed laterally in the vicinity of the posterior primitive streak. Distinct GFP 1 cells (arrows) are found interspersed within the GFP 2 endoderm (asterisks). The
ectoderm is out of focus in this image. (F±I) A lateral view of an EHF stage (,E7.5±E8) embryo expressing GFP and stained for laminin (F), AFP (G), and
propidium iodide (H). (F) There is a discontinuous basement membrane between the endoderm (asterisks) and the terminal primitive streak. Note the PGC
(arrow) embedded within the endoderm proximal to the level of the allantois. (G) A PGC (arrow) is near to the AFP 1 visceral endoderm (dotted arrow) and
AFP - de®nitive endoderm (arrowhead). (H/I) The endoderm (asterisks) contains two isolated GFP 1 cells (presumed PGCs) (arrows). (I) There is a mass of
GFP 1 cells in the terminal primitive streak adjacent to the endoderm (arrowhead), and the allantois has a variegated appearance due to a mixed population of
GFP 1 and GFP 2 cells. The junction between the posterior primitive streak and the extraembryonic mesoderm is indicated by the dotted line. (J,K) Schematic
diagram of E7.5±E8 embryo. (K) Detail of schematic showing region pictured in panels F±I. Dotted line indicates plane shown in panels A±D. AM, amnion;
AL, allantois; EC, ectoderm; PS, primitive streak; SQ, squamous endoderm. (A±D) Posterior is up; right is to the right. (E±I) Posterior is up; dorsal is to the left.
Scale bar for A±C in A, H/I in I, all scale bars: 10 mm.

To determine the source of the endoderm-embedded ventral movement of GFP 1 cells from the posterior primi-
GFP 1 cells, we used time-lapse confocal microscopy to tive streak into the underlying endoderm (Fig. 3A±E,H±I).
®lm the posterior region of an EB embryo over a 160-min The route of this initial movement of GFP 1 cells is demon-
period. Using this technique, we documented the dorsal-to- strated by comparison of the details in Fig. 3 with the posi-
64 R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68

acteristic of most E7.5 PGCs which were typically highly

polarized and teardrop shaped, very similar to the reported
shapes of E10.5 PGCs and motile Drosophila PGCs
(Gomperts et al., 1994; Jaglarz and Howard, 1995). In
contrast, although migratory, GFP 1 mesodermal cells of
the primitive streak were completely devoid of long ®lopo-
dia and were typically trapezoidal or rectangular in shape
(not shown). A further difference was that PGCs appeared to
disperse and migrate as individuals, whereas mesodermal
cells migrated en masse. In EB stage embryos, PGCs were
found in a relatively discreet cluster in the posterior primi-
tive streak (Fig. 2D); in LB-EHF stage embryos, PGCs were
in a crescent-like distribution: ventral, lateral and posterior
to the primitive streak (Fig. 4B,C).
At slightly later stages (E8, two to four somites), most
PGCs had translocated posteriorly and/or laterally from the
primitive streak, and were located in the endoderm of the
invaginating hind-gut (Fig. 5A,B). Due to the dynamic
changes in the morphology we could not track in detail
the path of PGCs in the invaginating hindgut. However,
we did observe in older E8.5±E9 embryos with 12±14
somites, that PGCs were located in a broad area of hind-
gut endoderm deep inside the caudal region of the embryo
Fig. 3. PGCs undergo active migration directly from the posterior primitive
streak into the endodermal epithelium. (A±C) Time-lapse cinematography (Fig. 5C). PGCs of this stage had the appearance of highly
of an Oct4D PE:GFP 1 EHF stage (E7.5-E8) embryo in the vicinity of the motile cells (Fig. 5D).
posterior primitive streak, ventral view; three Z-sections at 4 mm apart The allantoides of LB stage (Fig. 6A) and stage EHF (Fig.
projected for clarity and to show movement is both lateral and into the 2I) embryos contained a population of GFP 1 cells mixed
plane of the page. (C) After 160 min, a PGC (arrow) has emerged, moving
with GFP 2 cells, giving the allantoides a variegated appear-
from the posterior primitive streak into the GFP 2 endoderm. (D±F) Three-
dimensional reconstruction of same time points as A±C from side perspec- ance. In agreement with previous reports (Ginsburg et al.,
tive: A±C rotated clockwise 908 out of the page to show separation of the 1990; MacGregor et al., 1995), we noted that the cells of the
PGC from the PS along the dorso-ventral axis. (G) Schematic diagram of proximal allantois also expressed AP (Fig. 2G). Unlike the
E7.5±E8 embryo posterior region. Dotted line represents plane shown in A± population of PGCs that migrate directly into the endoderm,
C, square represents plane shown in D±F. Asterisks are in the endoderm;
the GFP 1 allantois cells were spherical in shape and
(H±I) live, single Z-section from Oct4D PE:GFP 1 EB (E7.5±E8) embryo.
(H,I) Red is FM4-64 (Molecular Probes) stain of all cell membranes includ- displayed no ®lopodia or lamellipodia (Fig. 6A). Further,
ing those in the GFP 2 endoderm. (I) Green is GFP 1 PGCs at the edge of the GFP 1 cells in the allantois were frequently closely adjacent
PS and in the endoderm; AL, allantois; AM, amnion; A, anterior; D, dorsal; to each other (Figs. 2H,I and 6A), in sharp contrast to early
EC, ectoderm; EN, endoderm; L, left; P, posterior; PS, primitive streak; R, PGCs which were scattered (compare with Fig. 4C). In E8.5
right; V, ventral. The scale bar for A±F in C; the scale bar for H,I in I; all
embryos, GFP 1 cells of the allantois were frequently found
scale bars: 10 mm.
clustered together in tight aggregates (Fig. 6B), whereas the
PGCs were widely dispersed in the hind-gut (Fig. 5C).
tions of GFP 1 PGCs in the z-series shown in Fig. 4, in which
panel F is in the plane of the endoderm, panel E is imme-
diately ventral to the posterior primitive streak, and panel D 3. Discussion
is through the posterior end of the primitive streak. We
interpret these data to indicate that GFP 1 cells have passed Previous studies have focused on the location of PGCs in
directly from the posterior primitive streak into the endo- E7 and E8 embryos using AP as a marker (Tam and Snow,
derm. 1981; Ginsburg et al., 1990). Here we show that in Oct4D
It was previously impossible to identify E7.5 PGCs in the PE:GFP 1 embryos, GFP can be used to identify PGCs, and
un®xed/unstained embryo, and as a result, little is known of is a de®nitive marker for PGCs as soon as they enter the
their phenotype. Therefore, we examined the morphology endodermal epithelium of the future hind-gut. We have
and behavior of live EB stage and LB stage PGCs (,E7.5± taken advantage of the fact that GFP expression can readily
E8) by confocal microscopy. These early PGCs displayed a be detected in vivo in order to examine the source and
motile phenotype, with some projecting ®lopodia up to behavior of the earliest PGCs.
several cell diameters in length (Fig. 4B). Time-lapse analy- Ginsburg et al. (1990) identi®ed a cluster of AP 1 cells in
sis allowed us to capture the morphological changes as an the extraembryonic mesoderm at the base of the allantois
E7.5 PGC extends a ®lopodium (Fig. 4G±J). This is char- (above the level of the amnion) in ,E7.5 embryos (approxi-
R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68 65

Fig. 4. PGCs appear to migrate actively out of the posterior primitive streak. (A) Schematic detail of E7.5±E8 embryo. Letters labeling dotted lines correspond
to D±F. (B) Projection of serial 2 mm Z-sections over a total of 40 mm. Note the long ®lopodia on several PGCs (arrows). (C) Low power ventral view of a
living Oct4D PE:GFP 1 LB stage (E7.5±E8) embryo showing the posterior primitive streak (GFP 1) surrounded by endoderm (GFP ±). Note the dispersed PGCs
(GFP 1) in the endoderm. (D±F) Higher power optical sections of the embryo shown in (C). The plane of (E) is 20 mm ventral to (D); the plane of (F) is 40 mm
ventral to (D). (G±J) GFP 1 PGC extends ®lopodia. Projection of 12 mm serial Z-sections at 4 mm intervals shows GFP 1 cell in PS extending ®lopodia (arrows).
AL, allantois; AM, amnion; EC, ectoderm; Asterisk (*), endoderm. Axis key for A±C,E,F in C. Scale bar for B,D±F in B; G±J in J, all scale bars: 10 mm.

mately stage EB or OB) as PGCs. From this area, they ments, the allantois does not contribute to any structures
suggested that the AP 1 PGCs moved into the adjacent endo- of the embryo proper. Our results are also consistent with
derm during slightly later stages (approximately OB or LB an observation by Chiquoine (1954), who described an ante-
stage). In this study, we identi®ed a GFP 1/AP 1 cluster of rior-to-posterior gradient of increasing AP activity in the
cells in the ventral/posterior primitive streak of Oct4D posterior primitive streak (see Fig. 2A,C,D,G). We interpret
PE:GFP 1 stage EB embryos. Further, we demonstrated this correlation of AP activity, GFP expression and a
that these cells migrated outward from the ventral/posterior distinctive morphology in the ventral-posterior-most cells
primitive streak into the adjacent allantois as well as both of the primitive streak as indicating that they are PGCs.
extraembryonic and embryonic endoderm (Figs. 2I, 3 and It has been known for some time that E8.5±E11.5 PGCs
6). Based on this evidence, we propose that PGCs that will migrate extensively in vivo, including movement within the
eventually colonize the genital ridges are the ones that hind-gut endoderm, splanchnic mesoderm of the gut,
migrate directly into the endodermal epithelium. This mesentery, and urogenital ridges (Clark and Eddy, 1975).
conclusion is consistent with a recent report by Downs However, the mechanism by which E7.5 PGCs enter the
and Harmann (1997), who found that, in grafting experi- epithelium of the future hind-gut was not known, because
66 R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68

extraembryonic endoderm immediately posterior to the

embryonic endoderm. Since ®xation and staining for AFP
is required to identify the embryonic/extraembryonic endo-
derm boundary, it has not been possible to follow the fates
of these in living embryos.
We identi®ed a large number of GFP 1/AP 1 cells in the
proximal allantoides of stage EB (E7.5±E8) and older
Oct4D PE:GFP 1 embryos. It is possible that these cells
were extraembryonic PGCs (or PGC precursors) that
would have eventually reached the endodermal epithelium,
as has been previously proposed (Ginsburg et al., 1990).
However, cell movement in the allantois is proximal to
distal (Downs and Harmann, 1997), and extraembryonic
PGCs in the base of the allantois would need to migrate
against this morphogenetic movement in order to reach
the endodermal epithelium. In addition, we know that

Fig. 5. PGCs in E8 and E8.5 embryos, ventral view. (A,B) PGCs (arrow-
heads) are located in the invaginating hind-gut of living Oct4D PE:GFP 1
E8 (three somite) embryos. (A) Filming of this embryo (not shown)
revealed that PGCs were swept into the forming hind-gut diverticulum
(gross motion indicated by the curved arrow). (B) In this plane, PGCs
did not appear highly motile. However, several PGCs (arrows) were slightly
angular. (C) PGCs are dispersed in the hind-gut of a living 14 somite
Oct4D PE:GFP 1 (E8.5±E9) embryo. The endoderm, mesoderm, and tail-
bud ectoderm can be distinguished by their relative levels of GFP expres-
sion. (D) Higher power image of the embryo shown in (C). PGCs at this
stage show obvious signs of motility, including the extension of ®lopodia
and lamellipodia (arrows). EN, hind-gut endoderm; M, mesoderm; PS,
primitive streak; T, tailbud ectoderm. (A±D) Posterior of embryo is up.
Scale bars, A,C: 100 mm; scale bars, B,D: 10 mm.

of an absence of suitable markers. Using Oct4D PE:GFP 1

embryos, we found that E7.5 PGCs were highly motile.
Indeed, E7.5 PGCs were morphologically indistinguishable
from migratory PGCs at E10.5 (Gomperts et al., 1994).
Although we could not stain for AP activity in living
embryos, our analysis of ®xed tissue suggests that nascent
PGCs acquire their distinct migratory phenotype and AP
activity at about the same time (see Fig. 2A±D).
Our observations of E8 PGCs are in agreement with
previous reports, where E8 PGCs were described as round
cells with occasional small pseudopodial projections (Spie-
gelman and Bennett, 1973; Clark and Eddy, 1975). In early
E8 (two to four somite) embryos, we found that PGCs had
fewer features of motile cells than at slightly earlier or later
stages (see Fig. 5B). However, the invagination of the hind-
gut at this stage signi®cantly changes the orientation of the
endoderm, making it extremely dif®cult to visualize the
morphology of PGCs. In older E8.5±E9 embryos the Fig. 6. GFP 1 cells in the allantoides of Oct4D PE:GFP 1 E7.5 and E8.5
embryos. (A) Projection of serial 2 mm Z-sections of a LB stage (E7.5±E8)
PGCs had the appearance of motile cells, which is in agree-
allantois over a total of 40 mm. This allantois is from the embryo shown in
ment with their behavior in culture and previously described Fig. 2D. (B) GFP 1 cells in the allantois/connecting stalk of an E8.5 (14
morphology. somite) embryo. This allantois from the embryo shown in Fig. 5C/D. (A,B)
We also found a small number of GFP 1/AP 1 cells in the Distal allantois is up. Scale bars: 10 mm.
R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68 67

PGC migration, in which cells that can enter the germ line
emerge as a dispersed population of cells migrating out of
the posterior primitive streak into adjacent tissue, which
includes a direct route into the embryonic endoderm
where they become incorporated into the hind gut (Fig. 7).
We would therefore de®ne the posterior primitive streak as
the site of origin of their migration in the mouse embryo.

4. Experimental procedures

4.1. Mice
Fig. 7. A model of PGC formation and behavior. (A) PGCs arise in mouse
embryos on the 7th day of development, (B) in the region of the posterior Establishment of Oct4D PE:GFP 1/2 mice has been
primitive streak. (1) PGCs and cells of the proximal allantois arise from a described previously (Anderson et al., 1999a). All embryos
common precursor (Lawson and Hage, 1994). (2) In the ventral posterior
primitive streak, PGCs differentiate and migrate actively into the endoder-
analyzed were (50% CD1, 50% FVB)-Oct4D PE:GFP/0
mal epithelium. (3) Cells of the proximal allantois remain outside of (Charles River, JAX Mice). This hemizygous genotype
embryo proper, and do not contribute to the germline. Gray, ectoderm; was generated by mating FVB-Oct4D PE:GFP 1/1 males
green, mesoderm; red, extraembryonic mesoderm; dark purple, de®nitive to CD1 females and is referred to throughout this work by
endoderm; light purple, visceral endoderm. reference to the expression of GFP under the control of
Oct4D PE (as Oct4D PE:GFP 1). Conception was estimated
many GFP 1/AP 1 cells remain in the allantois, since we see to occur at midnight prior to the morning of the vaginal
them there on E8.5, when they are aggregated together and plug. The approximate stages of E6±E8 mouse embryos
appear non-motile. We assume that GFP 1 cells in the allan- was determined by the system of Downs and Davies
toides of Oct4D PE:GFP 1 E8.5 embryos are descendants of (1993). All experiments involving mice were carried out
GFP 1 cells found there a day earlier at E7.5.An alternative under the guidelines of the University of Minnesota's
route to the genital ridges exists for these cells, since the Research Animal Resources department, which conform
allantois is later incorporated into the umbilicus. However, to all pertinent government regulations.
the allantoic grafting experiments of Downs and Harmann
4.2. Antibodies
(1997) included portions of the allantois corresponding to
those we found to contain large numbers of GFP 1 cells (Fig. Polyclonal rabbit anti-mouse laminin-1 was used at a
6A), and their results indicated that none of the allantoic dilution of 1:500 (Sigma). Polyclonal rabbit anti-mouse
derivatives are incorporated into the embryo proper. AFP, a kind gift from Eileen Adamson, was used at a dilu-
It is well established that the PGCs are only loosely direc- tion of 1:100. Cy-3-conjugated anti-rabbit Ig was purchased
ted toward the somatic gonads during development, and that from Jackson Immunoresearch, and was used at a dilution of
many of them become ectopic (Bendel-Stenzel et al., 1998). 1:400.
This is seen most obviously when PGCs migrate from the
gut to the genital ridges, during which many PGCs die in 4.3. Histology and wholemount embryo analysis
ectopic locations. From the data presented here, it seems
likely that this principle also applies earlier. `Potential For paraf®n sections, embryos were ®xed in 4% parafor-
PGCs' (de®ned by their expression of GFP and AP) migrate maldehyde (PF) for 30 min, dehydrated in a series of etha-
ventrally and posteriorly out of the posterior primitive streak nol, cleared in xylene, and embedded in paraplast (Sigma).
into surrounding structures, including the allantois, as well Sections (10 mm) were cut, mounted on silanized slides
as the underlying extraemabryonic and embryonic endo- (Sigma), and dried overnight at 408C. Next, slides were
derm. Those that enter the endoderm become incorporated dewaxed in xylene, rehydrated in a graded ethanol series,
into the hind gut and migrate to the gonad, whilst those out washed brie¯y in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and
of range of the endoderm that becomes the hindgut remain blocked with 10% goat serum 1 0.02% sodium azide in
in ectopic locations and eventually die there. We do not PBS (PSA).
know the `range' here, because we cannot track germ For immuno¯uorescent staining of paraf®n sections, the
cells during the E7.5±E8.5 period due to morphogenetic primary antibody was diluted in PSA, and slides were incu-
movements. So some of the potential PGCs in the proximal bated with this solution overnight at room temperature in a
allantois and extraembryonic endoderm may be within humidi®ed chamber. Propidium iodide (Sigma) was used at
range. However, we ®nd many non-migratory cells the a ®nal concentration of 5 mg/ml. After several washes in
next day still in the allantois, and so assume these were PBS, the secondary antibody (diluted in PSA) was incubated
out of range. 1±4 h at room temperature in a humidi®ed chamber. After
In summary, we present a simple model of the onset of several washes in PBS, slides were mounted in an aqueous
68 R. Anderson et al. / Mechanisms of Development 91 (2000) 61±68

mounting solution (90% glycerol, 10% H2O with 100 mg/ml and associations of primordial germ cells of the mouse. Dev. Biol. 47,
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