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Posters convey information or promote awareness to an audience.

They are designed to be both

informative and eye-catching. Posters can also introduce a new topic or concept.

By: Rodrigo Zapatero Gutirrez & Ian Rivera Centeno

Style Background
The Background property of this is
represented by a function that changes
regarding an HTML property. Therefore, this
starts opening the tag of heading or <h1>.
Then identify the heading of the page with
the characters "id=lol" and add the name of
the heading with the closing tag of </h>

Establish the
Open the tag of the button <button> followed by the event
of "type" regarding the function of "button" in quotation
marks. Then add the event of "onclick" which indicates the
button to sets the instruction regarding the functions of
characters of the heading established prior to establishing
the color denominated, in this case, orange style property is
set. Finally, establish the words interpreted in the button
and close the tag of button </button>.

Arithmetic Function

The arithmetic function squares the number

given in the text box. First There is a button
with the event "on clicked" square the
"number" given, There are 3 funtions, the first
one gets the value of the number given, the
second one calculates the square of the
number "n" and the third one show the result in
the paragraph


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