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+ saa © Lifelong learning Choose the correct words or phrases. 1. I'm interested in human behavior, so I'm planning to take a class in a (geography / psychology / math) 2. Lwant to take a course in such as commerce or accounting. (education / business / social science) 3. fd prefer not to study because I'm not very comfortable in hospitals. (engineering / new media / nursing) 4, Id really like to work in Information Technology, so I'm thinking of taking courses in (computer science / finance / English) What would you prefer? A Write questions with would rather or would prefer using the cues. 1. take a science class / an art class Would you rather take a sclence clase or an art class? on Would you prefer to take a science class or an art class? 2. study part time / full time 3. have a boring job that pays well / an exciting job that pays less 4, take along vacation once a year / several short vacations each year B write answers to the questions you wrote in part A. 43 Qo A First, complete speaker A's questions with four things you would not like to do, Use ideas in the box or your own ideas. learn to play the accordion study sociology learn clothing design take o class in personal finance learn how fo repair watches take a cooking class Example: want to learn to play the accordion? her not. Id prefer to take a cookina class. Id prefer not to Id rather take a cooking class 1. A: Do you want to 8 2. A: Would you like to ii Ac Would you likerto se B: B Now write responses for speaker B, Use the short answers Id rather not ot 1 prefer not to and say what you would prefer to do. a Answer these questions and give reasons. 1. On your day off, would you rather stay home or go out? Id rather stay home than go out because 2. Would you prefer to have a cat or a bird? 3. Would you rather live in the city or the country? 4, When you entertain friends, would you rather invite them over for dinner or take them. out toa restaurant? 5. Would you prefer to see a new movie at the theater or download it and watch it at home? 44.= Unit 8 Homeschooling AA in some countries, there are children who are educated by their parents at home instead of by teachers at school. Do you think thi a good or a bad idea? Write down two advantages and two disadvantages. B Read the online newspaper article, Underline the information that answers these questions. 1. How many children in the United States learn at home? 2. Why do some parents prefer to teach their own children? 3. How do the Gutersons choose what to teach their children? 4, What are two criticisms of homeschooling? ind teachers, All children in the United States have to receive an education, but the law does not say they have to be educated in a school. A growing number of parents prefer not to send their children to school. Children who are educated at home are known as “homeschoolers.” tis estimated that there are between 1.5 and 1.9 million homeschaolers in the United States today. ‘Some parents prefer to teach their children at home because they do not believe that schools teach the cect religious values, Others believe they can provide bette education for their children at home. There are now many websites about homeschooling, and many parents who teach theircildren at home use the Internet to exchange ideas and resources. interestingly, ETS B than average on national test in reading and math. C what could the Gutersons teach their children if the TV news showed 1. people without enough food to eat David Guterson and his wife teach their three children ‘at home. Guterson says that his children learn very

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