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NAME: Johanna Henry

DATE: 4/2/23
English A

“I wish I knew you wanted me, I wish I knew…” One of my daughter’s favourite songs
blasting on the way home on my way home from work. Today was a long and tough day at work
and I wanted nothing more than to lie with my wife and kids for a moment. I can already hear
their sweet voices rushing to welcome me as I walk through the front door..
I was about 15 minutes away from home when I received a text from my wife inquiring
about my whereabouts. You see, I work as a consultant on the paediatrics ward at the Western
Medical Hospital. I see families with children broken apart with sickness every single day. This
is why going home to a happy healthy family means the absolute world to me.
When I received the text from my wife I took my eyes off the road for about 30 seconds.
I was passing the intersection on George Street when suddenly a car collided with my side of the
vehicle which caused it to flip multiple times and end up in a ditch on the opposite side of the
road. After the collision, I was in a daze. I saw bright red and blue lights flashing all around me.
Eventually I ended up at the hospital which ironically was the hospital I worked at. While being
rushed into the hospital, in between consciousness I saw my wife right by my side.
It was a few hours before I regained consciousness and I woke up in my hospital bed. I
was very fortunate to have survived this accident. My family all came to visit me and just that
made me feel so much better. Soon after Dr. Patell came to check in on me. He told me that I had
no detrimental injuries, just a few broken bones and a concussion from the impact of the
collision. “You are a very lucky man,” he said, “Make sure you take it easy for the next few
weeks and I hope to see you very soon back at work Dr. Williams”
In the following weeks after my accident I got to rest and spend a lot of time with my
family. The healing process was quite easy and fast thankfully and I am to return to work in one
week. I definitely won’t be answering any calls or texts while driving again.

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