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Name : Date : Tuesday, 11/1/2022

Grade : VI Open-Minded

Conditional Sentence Type 2

1. Please complete these sentences below with the correct form of the verbs given.
If I ………… laptop, I ………. my project. (bring, finish)
If I ..brought… laptop, I ..would finish.. my project.

1. If I _________________ him today, I ____________________ him to SKA Mall. (MET,


2. If she _________________ the chance, she _________________ a famous singer. (TAKE, BE)

3. If you _________________ breakfast before, you _________________ stronger. (HAVE, BE)

4. If I _________________ the lottery, I _________________ myself for a new life. (WIN,


5. If I _________________ a purse on the sidewalk, I _________________ it to the lost and found

office. (FIND, TAKE)

2. Change these real situation of the sentences to be conditional sentences type 2!

I don’t have money, so I can’t buy food.
 If I had money, I could buy food.

1. My sister wakes up late, so she will come late to school.

2. Ausvaro forgets the bag, so He can’t bring the stuff.

3. My brother doesn’t write the name, so the teacher will not call his name.

4. Yoha doesn’t have time, so She can’t join our trip.

5. Isalicia takes the project, so She will have much money.

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