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Carbon, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp.

759-769, 1994
CoDyright0 1994Elsevier Science Ltd
Pergamon Printed’k &eat Britain. All rights reserved
0008~6223/94 $6.00 t .OO





Institut Anorganische Chemie der Universitiit Miinchen, Meiserstrasse 1,
80333 Miinchen, Germany

(Received 4 January 1994)

Abstract-A review is given on the surface chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons, in particular,
activated carbons. The main part is devoted to surface oxides with emphasis on the chemical methods
used in the assessment and identification of surface functional groups. Their formation under mild
conditions and the influence of water vapor and metal catalysts on the reaction with air (“aging” of
carbons) are described. Reaction with free organic radicals can be used for the functionalization of
carbon surfaces.
Key Words-Activated carbon, carbon black, surface chemistry, surface functionalization, surface

1. INTRODUCTION curved in part, and there is pronounced cross-link-

ing. Due to the activation process, the layer packets
Carbon blacks consist of spheroidal particles with a are separated by micropores, most of which seem
pronounced ordering of the carbon layers (graphene to be slit-shaped. Depending on the precursor, there
layers). The layers are wrapped around a very disor- may also exist meso- and macropores. The color
dered nucleus with a preferential orientation parallel blacks of high apparent surface area (BET surface
to the particle surface[i,2]. area) are microporous in a similar way.
High-resolution TEM showed[3] that the layers The surface oxides are bound to the edges of the
are bent and curved, following the surface. They carbon layers. It has been shown that basal planes
are larger, therefore, than the crystallite dimension of graphite are attacked by molecular oxygen only
L, of 1S-2.5 nm, as determined from line broaden- at their periphery or at defect sites such as vacan-
ing in X-ray diffraction. The spherical primary parti- cies[4-61. Many oxygen-containing functional
cles are fused to branched chain-like structures by groups have been detected in the surface oxides of
deposition of such layers. carbon. Other elements, in particular halogens, can
Since carbon blacks are produced from hydrocar- be chemisorbed on carbon surfaces.
bons, the dangling bonds at the edges of the carbon The surface properties ofcarbon blacks and other
layers are saturated mostly by hydrogen. Often, one types of carbon are influenced to a large extent by
finds large polycyclic aromatic ring systems on the the foreign elements fixed on the surface, in particu-
surface that can be extracted with hot solvents (e.g., lar by oxygen. This also affects the behavior of
xylene). One suspects, therefore, that there are also carbon blacks in practical applications.
still larger molecules on the surface that are insolu- The present paper gives an overview of the func-
ble, and that there is a gradual transition in size tional groups in surface oxides. The emphasis is on
to the layers that can be recognized in HRTEM the methods used for their identification because
photographs. some of the pertinent literature is now no longer
Other elements than hydrogen are also found in readily available. The experiments were performed
carbon blacks. The most important of these is oxy- in part with carbon black, but activated carbons
gen. Whereas sulfur and nitrogen originate from the have also been used because of their larger surface
oil precursor, oxygen can also be taken up during areas and larger concentrations of surface groups.
carbon black formation or storage. Much more oxy- Activated carbons were prepared from carbonized
gen is chemisorbed on heating carbon blacks in air sugar char, resulting in very pure carbon materials.
(or oxygen or by treatment with oxidizing media Charcoals produced from wood (Eponit) or peat
such as HNO, or NaOCl solution. The surface ox- (Norit) were also used: they were extracted with
ides formed in these reactions have a pronounced hot hydrochloric acid and washed with hot water
effect on the surface properties of the carbons. until no chloride could be detected. The carbon
Activated carbons consist of small layers stacks blacks Corax 3 (furnace black) and CK3 (similar to
that are less regularly organized. They are also channel black) were obtained from Degussa. The

760 H.P. BOEHM

experimental methods are outlined briefly; they are by classical chemical detection methods, such as
quite simple, and details are described in the original esterification with hot methanol (acid-catalyzed),
literature. formation of acyl chlorides with thionyl chloride or
formation of methyl esters of the carboxyl groups,
and methyl ethers of the phenolic hydroxyl groups
2.1 General with diazomethane; see below. Methyl esters and
Carbons, including carbon blacks, can show ba- methyl ethers can be differentiated by their different
sic or acidic pH values in aqueous dispersions, A resistance towards hydrolysis. These reactions were
good correlation between pH and oxygen content supplemented by observation of the changes in neu-
of carbon blacks has been found[7]. The dispersion tralization adsorption behavior.
is the more acidic, the higher the oxygen content Obviously, the individual functional groups, such
is. The acidic surface properties are due to the pres- as carboxyl groups, will exhibit a spread of their
ence of acidic surface groups. Such carbons have dissociation constants, depending on the neigh-
cation exchange properties. Carbons with a low oxy- boring groups, the size of the graphene layers, etc.
gen content show basic surface properties and anion Yet the acidity constants of carboxyl groups, lac-
exchange behavior. The basic properties are as- tones, or phenols differ over several orders of mag-
cribed to the presence of basic surface oxides, but nitude (see ref. [I8]), and it was established that the
it has been shown that the 7~electron system of the various types ofgroups can be distinguished by their
basal planes of carbon is sufficiently basic to bind neutralization behavior. At a given pH of the adjoin-
protons from aqueous solutions of acids&-IO]. ing aqueous medium, practically all carboxyl groups
will be dissociated to carboxylate with the counter
2.2 Acidic s~r~uce oxides ions dispersed in the diffuse double layer. It has
The acidic surface oxides have been the subject been found that the most convenient way of de-
of many studies that have been summarized in sev- termining the concentration of free carboxyl groups
eral reviews[l l-181. Figure 1 presents several struc- is to perform a neutralization adsorption experiment
tures of oxygen functional groups that might be with 0.05 M NaHCO, solution, separate the solu-
found at the edges of graphene layers. Carboxyl tion, and titrate the remaining Na+ ions (by adding
groups (a) might give carboxylic anhydrides (b) if excess 0.05 M HCl to an aliquot, boiling off the
they are close together. In close neighborhood to COZ, and back-titrate with standard NaOH). It was
hydroxyl groups or carboxyl groups, carbonyl shown that practically identical results are found as
groups might condense to lactone groups (c) or form with a pH-static titration to pH 8.2[19,20], or by
lactols (d). Single hydroxyl groups (e) on the edge reaction with a solution of KI and KIO, and titration
of “aromatic” layers would be of phenolic charac- of the liberated iodine[l2]. Such solutions establish
ter. The existence of carbonyl groups is very plausi- a constant pH of 7.5. With nonporous carbons, the
ble; they could come either isolated (f) or arranged adsorption of diphenylguanidine agrees, too, with
in quinone-like fashion (g). Obviously, other ar- NaHCO, consumption[8], Direct potentiometric ti-
rangements could be envisaged for quinone-type tration suffers from very slow establishment of the
functions. Finally, oxygen could simply be substi- ion exchange equilibria, particularly at higher pH
tuted for edge carbon atoms (h); such xanthene- or values[l9-211. However, the fact that the acidity
ether-type oxygen is very di~c~t to detect. constants cluster around discrete values can be
The groups (a) to (e) react more or less weakly clearly seen in conductometric titration curves[22].
acidic. Evidence for their existence has been found The best results were obtained with dilute NaOCH,

0 0
\\ *
C-O c-o 011

(a) lb)

(e) if) fd (h)

Fig. 1. Possible structures of surface oxygen groups (see text).
The surface chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons 761


Fig. 2. Conductometric titration of oxidized graphite wear

dust with 0.05 M NaOMe in MeOH.

in methanol; an example is shown in Fig.

It is generally assumed that phenolic hydroxyl
2. There are distinct breaks in the curves, and as groups on the carbon surface react with strong
shown in Table 1, they agree quite well with the alkali (e.g., NaOH) analogously to free phenols.
neutralization values found with NaHCO, and Attempts have been made to verify by chemical
Na,C!03. In a very recent paper, Bandosz ef af. reactions the presence of such groups. An example
described the analysis of titration curves that leads of such reactions is shown in Table 2. On reaction
to a resolution of the various acidity constants[23]. with an etheric solution of diazomethane, CH2N2,
Lactones are weaker acids than free carboxyl carboxylic acids form methyl esters of the acids,
groups. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact and methyl ethers are produced from phenols.
that the lactone ring in phenolphthaleine is opened Lactols form methyl esters, too[251. Ethers are
(purple color) by sodium carbonate, but not by bi- stable to hydroIysis by dilute acids, in contrast
carbonate. Therefore, 0.05 N Na,C03 solution is to esters that are saponified. As shown in Table
suitable for the determination of carboxyl groups in 2, the neutralization values with NaOH have de-
lactone-like binding. The formation of lactols (Fig. creased to those found with NaZCOj, and the
Id) from aromatic carboxylic acids with neighboring difference is equal to the methoxyl content re-
carbonyl groups is well known, for example, for 2- maining after hydrolysis.
benzoylbenzoic acid[24]: Acyf chlorides are formed in the reaction with
thionyl chloride, SOCl,. At reflux temperature,
SOCI, decomposes slowly to Cl? and other products,
and therefore some chlorine is also bound by addi-
tion or by hydrogen substitution. Only part of the
fixed chlorine can be hydrolyzed with alkali; the
larger part is resistent even to hot I M NaOH. Only
the chloride that can be recovered by hydrolysis
with alkali was equivalent to the carboxyl groups
The presence of analogous structures seems (Table 3). This is what one would expect for the
quite plausible on the edge of a graphene layer: reaction

Table 1. Comparison of the breaks in conductometric titration with

neutralization values (titration with 0.05 M Na+OMe- in MeOH)

1st NaHC03 2nd Na?CO,

break uptake break uptake
Sample peq/g Feq/g peq/g CLeq’g

Corax 3a, H.T. 1400°C 65 56 85 92

ox. with (NH,),S,Os
Corax 3” H T. 3000°C 10s 99 145 134
ox. v&h &MnO,
Graphite wear dust 205 181 350 363
ox. with air at 420°C

“Corax 3 = furnace black (Degussa).

762 H. P.BOEHM

;:k+ -
determined with NaHCO,. It is known that phthalic
COCI acid is converted to phthalic anhydride in the reac-
tion with thionyl chloride. The acyl chloride must
have been formed in this case from the lactone-type

carbonyl functions.
Another attempt to identify carboxyl groups used
the Friedel-Crafts reaction with dimethylaniline and
t Na+CI- the Schmidt rearrangement, a special type of the
Curtius rea~angementr26~. In both reactions, the
carboxyl groups were first converted to acyl chlo-
However, with NaOEt in some cases the consump- ride by reaction with thionyl chloride. After treat-
tion was less than with the carbon before chlorina- ment with dimethylaniline and anhydrous aluminum
tion (see Table 3), although one would expect an chloride in hot nitrobenzene as a solvent, and ex-
unchanged consumption, as was observed with the traction with dilute hydrochloric acid, water, and
other samples: ethanoi, the nitrogen content corresponded to the
acyl chloride content after ~hlorination[Z6~. The
neutralization value with NaHCO, was decreased
COCI by an equivalent amount, whereas the neutralization
+ NaOEt - of the other groups was unchanged within experi-
i_x mental limits. The results presented in Table 4 can
be explained by the reaction sequence
+ Na+CI- R-COOH + R-COCl-
A plausible explanation is that anhydrides of two
neighboring carboxyl groups had formed, which
The Schmidt rea~angement involves reaction of the
form ester plus carboxylate:
acyl chloride with an aicoholic solution of sodium
0 azide, NaN,. The resulting acyl azide decomposes
to form a urethane, which is stable in acidic media,
Z, but decomposes with alkali to give an amine. Thus,
+ NaOEt - again, the carboxyl groups are destroyed:
~ c
R-COOH + R-COCl----+ R-CON,2
COO-No+ +H,O
-CO,,-EtOH R-NH2'

cx COOEt
The reaction was followed by determinations of
The loss in NaOEt consumption corresponded the nitrogen and ethoxy contents, as well as the
quite well to half the content of carboxyl groups changes in neutralization behavior after each step.

Table 2. Influence of reaction with di~omethane on the neutralization behavior of oxidized carbons
(the activated carbons from carbonized sugar char were oxidized with 0, at 400°C)

Neutralization in peqig 0CH3

Treatment NaHCO, Na$O, NaOH pmol/g

Sugar char, H.T. 950°C

after oxidation 200 430 720 0
methylated with CHzNz - - 720
methylated and hydrolyzed with 210 410 410 290
hot HCI solution
diff.: 310

Sugar char, H.T. 1100°C

after oxidation 160 320 690 0
methylated with CH,N, - - 720
crethylated and hydrolyzed with 170 320 330 380
hot HCl solution
diff.: 360
The surface chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons 163

Table 3. Neutralization behavior of oxidized carbons after reaction with thionyl chloride (oxidation with OZ at 400°C)

Change in consumptn.
after SOCI? reaction
Group Group Hydrolyzable
I” II” Cl NaOH NaOEt
Sample peq/g peqig peqlg peq/g peq/g

Sugar char 160 150 160 +I80 0

H.T. 1100°C
Sugar char 230 210 210 +200 0
H.T. 1100°C
Eponit 870 430 +410 0
H.T. 1100°C
Activ. sugar char 600 460 480 +450 -340
H.T. 950°C
Activ. sugar char 600 350 350 +350 -310
H.T. 950°C
Eponit, 660 680 520 +580 -340
add. activation

“Group I = NaHCO, neutralization.

Group II = NarCO,-NaHCO, neutralization

The results are a bit complicated because lactones The carbonyl groups are susceptible to reduction
may form ethyl esters,and carbonyl groups may re- with nascent hydrogenl261. This results in a de-
act with NaN, in hot ethanol. When the reaction crease of NaOEt consumption. After reaction with
was performed at room temperature, one nitrogen zinc and hydrochloric acid, the sodium ethoxide
atom was taken up, and one carboxyl function was uptake was reduced to that of sodium hydroxide in
lost for each acyl chloride group formed origi- some cases. In one such case, the weakly acidic
nally[26,27]. carboxyl function (neutralized by Na*CO,) had in-
Phenols are very weak acids, neutralized by creased in acidity and reacted with NaHCO,, too.
NaOH solutions. In contrast to carboxylic acids, This observation points to an interrelationship be-
they can be reacted with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene tween the carbonyl groups and neighboring carboxyl
(DNFB) or with p-nitrobenzoyl chloride (p- groups. The quantity of active carbonyl groups was
NBC)[26]. As shown in Table 5, the bound quanti- also reduced after reaction with NaBH, or LiAlH,.
ties agree very well with the difference between Pairs of carbonyl groups arranged at the periph-
NaOH and Na&Os consumption. ery of the graphene layers in such a way that a
Using a still stronger base than NaOH, sodium system of conjugated double bonds can be formally
ethoxide, Na+OEtt, in ethanol, additional groups drawn in, will behave similar to quinone func-
are detected. We have shown[26] that equivalent tions. Reduction peaks in cyclovoltammetry experi-
quantities of Nat and OEt- are bound by the car- ments have been ascribed to such quinone func-
bons in this reaction. The assumption that this is tions[28-311. Also, some chemical evidence for
due to the formation of sodium salts of hemiacetals their existence has been presented[32,33].
from carbonyl groups In our early experiments we observed that fre-
quently equivalent quantities of the various groups
are found after strong oxidation that results in partial
gasification of the carbons. This observation led us
to speculate on a model in which carboxyl groups,
lactols, and phenols are grouped in immediate prox-
imityl341. It was thought that this surface complex
is based on identical conversions after reaction with is an intermediate step in the removal of carbon
hydroxylamine that lead to oximes (Table 6). atoms from the layer edge. It must be stressed,

Table 4. Results of the Friedel-Crafts reaction with dimethylaniline

(from refs. 126,271)

NaHCO? N content
neutralization Cll after after
reaction w. reaction w.
before after SOClz Ph-NMe*
Sample peqig yeqlg peq/g pmol/g

Eponit ox. with OZ 460 280 230 220

Eponit 590 280 310 330
ox. with (NH&&Ox
764 H.P. BOEHM

Table 5. Reactions of phenolic surface groups on oxidized carbons

(oxidation with O2 at 400°C)

Difference Hydrol.
NaOH- resistent Conversion with
Na2C03 OCH,
uptake gr. DNFB p-NBC
Sample weoig fimol/g wmol/g ~molig

Carbon black CK3 320 330 130 290

Activ. sugar char 610 620 620 -
H.T. 950°C
Sugar char, H.T. 1100°C 420 430 420 -
Activ. sugar char 390 - 370 400
H.T. 1100°C

however, that very frequently other distributions 2.3 Basic surface oxides
of acidic surface functions are observed, especially Basic surface oxides are always present on a
after relatively mild oxidation treatments. In the carbon surface. When a carbon is heated to ca.
more recent literature, such equivalences of differ- 1000°C in vacua or under an inert gas, the existing
ent surface groups are rather rare. With carbon surface compounds are almost quantitatively de-
blacks, there are often fewer carboxyl groups than composed. When this carbon is exposed to dry oxy-
reactive carbonyl groups. In the early stages of oxi- gen after cooling to room temperature, some oxygen
dation with solutions of (NHJ2S205, KMnO,, etc., is chemisorbed. After submersing this carbon under
at room temperature, only weakly acidic carboxyl aqueous acids, the same quantity of oxygen again
groups and reactive carbonyl groups are formed is taken up, and approximately one equivalent of
(lactol functions)[271. Oxidation with concentrated acid per chemisorbed oxygen atom is bound at the
nitric acid often produces acidic compounds of rela- same time (Fig. 3)[39]. The bound anion of the acid
tively small size that go into homogenous solution can be exchanged for other anions. Water is a suffi-
on treatment with dilute alkali[20]. cantly strong acid, and OH- ions are bound when
Usually the carbons contain more oxygen than the reaction is conducted in pure water, giving rise
can be explained by the detected functional to an alkaline pH of the dispersion. Some H202 is
groups[12,35,36]. This oxygen is usually ascribed to formed during the second chemisorption reaction,
ether-type oxygen (Fig. lh) without further proof. but carbon surfaces catalyse its decomposition and
Determination of active hydrogen by reaction it decomposes rapidly[39,40]. The chemisorbed HCl
with methyl magnesium iodide or lithium methyl or H,O are desorbed on outgassing in vucuo, even
was found to be low compared to the content of at room temperature[41].
carboxylic and phenolic groups on carbon black Garten and Weiss, who studied the basic surface
Spheron 6, whereas good agreement was found with oxides in the 195Os[42,43], ascribed the basic prop-
agraphite[37]. The reason is that part of the methane erties to chromene-like structures. Voll and Boehm
may be adsorbed on the carbon black surface. concluded on the basis of a few chemical reactions
Therefore, with higher-surface-area carbons, active that y-pyrone-like structures, as shown in Figs. 4
hydrogen can only be determined by isotope ex- and 5, are more plausible[44]. The ether-type oxy-
change. Table 7 shows that the contents of active gen can easily be replaced by nitrogen in the reaction
hydrogen agreed quite well with the NaOH uptake with ammonia. The hydroxyl groups can be methyl-
with carbon black, as well as with a graphite wear ated with diazomethane, whereas the anion ex-
dust produced by milling graphite under argon[22]. change property is preserved.

Table 6. Reactions of carbonyl groups on oxidized carbons (oxidation

with 0, at 400°C if not stated otherwise)

Fixed N
Difference Bound after react.
NaOEt-NaOH -0Et with
uptake groups NH20H
Samnle ueolg pmol/g peq/g

Sugar char, H.T. 95O”C, 670 680 660

Sugar char, H.T. 1100°C 480 460 430
Eponit, H.T. 1100°C 630 640 580
(ox. with (NH&S20s)
Carbon black CK3 210 180 -
The surface chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons 765

Table 7. Active hydrogen on oxidized carbon surfaces. In the Zerewitinov method, the volume of
methane that forms in the reaction with a solution of CH,MgI is measured. The isotope exchange was
performed by exchange with deuterium from D20, as described in detail in ref. [38].

Surface NaOH
area Method of Active H uptake
Sample m?!g determination fimolig i-=q&

Graphite wear dust

ox. with air at 420°C 275 isotope exch. 670 580
ox. with NaOCl 345 isotope exch. 1040 1025
ox. with (NH4)2S?08 330 isotope exch. 1440 1650
Corax 3 n.d. Zerewitinov 130 200
ox. with (NH&SI08
Corax 3, H.T. 1100°C n.d. Zerew~tjnov 228 206
ox. with (NH&O8
Corax 3, H.T. 1400°C n.d. Zerewitinov 94 123
ox. with (NH&O8

As mentioned earlier, hydrochloric acid is also Oxidized carbons always contain basic sites in
adsorbed on the basal planes of carbons and graph- addition to the acidic functions. However, their
ite[8-IO]. This is due to the basic character of aro- quantity is usually less than with the original carbon.
matic 7r electrons. Also in Fig. 3, the HCI adsorption It was found that the acid take-up increased when
isotherm is a little higher than the oxygen-uptake acidic groups on Pd- or Pt-loaded carbons were re-
curve. By potentiomet~c titration two types of pro- duced in hydrogen at 80-500°C (see Fig. 611461.Hy-
ton-binding sites were found on a carbon fiIm1451. drogen is chemisorbed as H atoms on Pt or Pd, and
One corresponded to a base with a mean basicity can diffuse from the metal surface to the surface of
constant pKb = 6.6, while the second site was a the support (hydrogen spillover)[47]. This provides
very weak base (pKb > 11)[451. Table 8 shows that a relatively mild way of reducing surface oxides, as
some hydrochloric acid is adsorbed even on graphite compared to hydrogen treatment of the metal-free
powders with a very small surface area of the prism carbons, which becomes effective only above
faces. The acid uptake did not correlate well with 4OO*C.The carboxyl groups/lactols were more sus-
the BET surface areas, however. Papirer et nl.[36] ceptible to reduction than the phenofic groups[48].
observed, in contrast, that the concentration of ba- Obviously, basic surface groups form at the same
sic groups on oxidized carbon blacks was propor- edge sites as acidic groups, but their quantity re-
tional to the surface area. They concluded further mains lower than that of the destroyed acidic sites.
that one of the oxygen atoms of a pyrone group is
quite heat-resistant, and is desorbed as CO and CO1 2.4 Sp~ctroscopi& rn~~~o~s
only between 800°C and 950°C. It was confirmed There have been numerous attempts to study the
that one oxygen atom is fixed at 100°C for each basic surface groups by spectrometric methods, espe-
site formed. cially by infrared spectroscopy. This is made very
difficult by the strong IR absorption of carbon. The
first confirmation of the presence of carboxyl groups
was found with dispersions of highly oxidized fine-
particle-size color blacks[49-5 I I. Progress was
made by application of the ATR technique[52] and
especially by FT spectrometers[53,54]. Adsorption
peaks at ca. 1000 cm-’ and ca. 1200 cm-’ indicate
the presence of C-O single bonds. The spectrum
of HOOK-oxidized “graphitized” Thornel carbon
fibres showed peaks at 1705, 1730, and 1750 cm-‘,

Fig. 3. 0, and HCI consumption on immersion of out-

gassed aciivated carbon from sugar char in dilute hydro- (1) (n)
chloric acid. (Outgassing at 95O”C, HCI adsorption by pH-
metric titration to constant pH). Fig. 4. Proton addition to y-pyrone-like structures.
746 H. P. BOEHM

Table 8. Adsorption of HCI from 0.05 M solution on graph-

ites and carbon blacks

Surface area HCI uptake

m*/g EiLeo/g

Kropfmiihl AF (natural) 13 2s r 2
Lonza KS 75 (synthetic) 7.5 34
Lonza KS 15 14
Lonza KS 75/KM 42 ::
Carbon blacks
CK3 77 40
Corax 3 84 36
Corax 3, H.T. 9OO’C 87 64
Corax 3, H.T. 3000°C 62 27

Fig. 5. Possible structures of basic surface sites on a

graphene layer, derived from the y-pyrone structure.
way in which the oxygen is bound. One fmds essen-
tially two different binding energies for oxygen sin-
gly and doubly bonded to carbon[SS]. More informa-
which were assigned to free carboxyl groups, esters, tion can be gained from satellites of the C Is peak
and lactone groups, respectively[54]. An absorption at higher binding energies[55,56]. The shifts from
at 1640 cm-’ was explained by carbonyl groups situ- the main peak range from 1.6 eV for carbon atoms
ated near hydroxyl groups (enols). However, we bonded to OH groups to 4.0 eV (carboxyl groups
observed the same frequency with violanthrone (di- or esters) and even higher. XPS is not very accurate
benzanthrone), a polycyclic system with nine con- for quantitative determinations, and it is used mainly
densed rings and two carbonyl groups. An extended in studies of low-surface area carbons such as car-
review on this subject has been published[45], but bon fibers.
unfortunately there are not many studies on carbon Thermodesorption spectroscopy is not very well
black surfaces. suited for the determination of the functional
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, ESCA) groups. Carboxylic groups are least stable, and they
has also been used for oxidized carbons, mainly decompose with formation of C02. However, this is
carbon fibres. Due to the high electronegativity of not possible when carboxylic anhydrides are formed
oxygen, the 0 1s signal is not very sensitive to the first, and they will produce CO2 plus CO in this

Acidic surface groups 1 psq/gf Basic surface groups [peq/‘gf

450 T-_q,i

: \ t
I \ \

250 350
O--U Norit, ox o.,.o Norlt, ox
,50 ) y Nod:' ox-to,,, , 1~ 250 1 TNorl:' ox-:,,t , , D

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500

Temperature [“C ]
Fig. 6. Reduction of acidic surface sites on treatment with hydrogen (left side) and concurrent increase
in basic surface sites (right side). Open symbols: Activated carbon Norit, oxidized with 0,: Filled
symbols: Norit loaded with 200 pmol/g of platinum (80% dispersion at 150°C; there was some smtering
at higher temperatures).
The surface chemistry of carbon blacks and other carbons 767

case. The TDS patterns for CO* and CO are affected adsorbed in the micropores of the activated carbon
by the type of carbon used, the oxidation conditions, than on the more hydrophobic surface of the
and the way the TDS experiment is carried out[35]. nonporous carbon black.
The probability of secondary reactions of the For comparison, we also studied the same car-
evolved gases is drastically enhanced with porous bons after loading with 200 pmol/g of palladium by
carbons. Especially in micropores, CO* might react incipient-wetness impregnation with H2PdCl,. Al-
with the carbon surface to give CO, and at lower though it is known that palladium catalyses the gas-
temperatures CO might react with surface oxygen ification of carbons with oxygen above 350”C[63],
complexes to give CO,[57]. the catalytic effect observed at 60-110°C (Fig. 7)
was impressive. It was very significant with the car-
2.5 Oxidation under mild conditions bon black.
Formation of surface oxides is an activated pro- Liquid oxidizing agents are often used for the
cess. It has been shown that no oxygen is chemi- production of acidic surface oxides. Concentrated
sorbed at low temperatures (below 200 K) on freshly nitric acid is usually used at its reflux temperature,
produced carbon surfaces[58]. Surface oxidation and-as shown above-solutions of (NHJ2S208,
with molecular oxygen is fairly rapid above 3Oo”C, NaOCl, or KMnO, can be used at room tempera-
but obviously surface oxides must be formed more ture. Puri also found surface oxidation with KBrO,
slowly at lower temperatures. This phenomenon of or even KNO, solutions[64]. Therefore, it is not
“aging” of carbon materials (activated carbons and surprising that carbon surfaces can also be oxidized
carbon blacks) is well known in the relevant indus- with metal cations of a sufficiently high oxidation
tries. The isoelectric point of a carbon black heat- potential. It has been observed that hydrated Ag+
treated at 1500°C shifted from pH > 10.5 to pH ions are reduced to metallic silver[65-671. Analo-
5.8 after one year’s storage in ambient air[59]. The gously, PdCI:- ions are reduced to Pd0[48], and
presence of water vapor significantly accelerates the iron(III) ions are reduced to iron(I1). Using a series
surface oxidation[60-621. The surface becomes of different metal ions, Fu et al. showed experimen-
more hydrophilic when covered with surface oxides, tally that the extent of oxidation depends on the
and the adsorption properties of activated carbons redox potential of the system, which is dependent
are greatly affected[60,62]. not only on the element, but also on temperature,
We have treated an activated carbon (Norit) and pH, and the presence of complexing ions[67]. After
a furnace black (Corax 3) either in a drying oven at oxidation with a weaker oxidizing agent, additional
110°C in ambient air or in air of 70% relative humid- surface oxides can be produced by action of
ity at 60°C. The increase in acid surface functions stronger oxidants[67].
was determined by titration with 0.05 N NaOH. As
is shown in Fig. 7, acidic surface groups are formed 2.6 Influence of surface oxides on the
in both cases with creation ofrelatively many pheno- surface properties
lit groups[48]. The rate of their formation decreases Surface oxides provide hydrophilic sites on a
gradually, but the surface was not saturated even hydrophobic surface. A high concentration of che-
after 70 days. With humid air the oxidation was misorbed oxygen makes a carbon black hydrophilic,
much faster with the activated carbon, although the and it disperses very well in water. The dissociation
reaction temperature was lower. With the carbon of carboxylic surface groups facilitates the disper-
black, slightly fewer acidic groups were found sion by creating a negative surface charge[l4]. Car-
after reaction in moist air at 60°C than in air of bon blacks oxidized with ozone form spontaneously
low relative humidity at 110°C. Very likely this colloidal dispersions on immersion in water[68]. The
difference arises because much more water is polar and the hydrophobic parts of a carbon black
surface can be separately determined by microcalor-
imetric determination of the heat of reaction for
the preferential adsorption of n-butanol (for polar
NaOH uptnke Norit NaOH uplnke comx
@mWgl .. @mWgl
sites) and n-dotriacontane, C,*H, (for the unpolar
. .
surface), on the carbons immersed in n-
.- l .
I ,I
The carboxylic groups on oxidized carbon sur-
faces produce cation exchange properties, and car-
bons always exhibit an anion exchange capacity be-
cause basic surface oxides are always present when
carbons have been exposed to the atmosphere.
-time+ However, the concentration of basic surface sites
is relatively small, whereas considerable cation ex-
Fig. 7. Formation of acidic surface groups during low-
temperature oxidation of an activated carbon (Norit) and change capacities can occur. This can have conse-
a furnace black (Corax 3); open symbols. For comparison, quences for the application of color blacks in print-
the same carbons loaded with 200 pmol/g of palladium ing inks, paints, etc.
were also studied (filled symbols). The surface charge of carbons and the zeta poten-
768 H. P. BOEHM

tials in aqueous dispersions are determined by the it is bound substitutionally with HCl evolution, and
nature of the surface groups and the pH. Tempera- finally it removes hydrogen as HCl without Cl
ture and the concentration of non-potential-de- chemisorption.
termining ions have a smaller effect (provided there Bromine can be chemisorbed in a similar way,
is no specific adsorption). The isoelectric point of but the bound quantities are lower.
a color black, Printex U, was found at pH 4.5 2
0.2. After heat treatment under N, at llOO”C, that
is, thermal destruction of most surface oxides, it 4. REACTIONS WITH FREE RADICALS
shifted to pH 8.8; after treatment at 1500°C it was
The surfaces of carbons react with free radicals,
at pH > 10.5, and even higher after graphitization
and this reaction can be used for the grafting of
at 27OO”C[59]. On oxidation with air at 37O”C, new
functional molecules or polymers to the carbon sur-
acidic functions were formed with a consequent shift
face. The fixation of 2-isobutyronitrile radicals,
of the IEP to pH 5.7 after 2 h and pH < 3.0 after
(CH&-CN, on the carbon surface can be easily
60 h. These measurements were performed by elec-
determined from their nitrogen content[79]. The rad-
trophoresis, but mass titration provides a conve-
icals are produced by heating a solution of azo-di-
nient way to determine IEPs if sufficient quantities
isobutyronitrile. Similarly, the carbons react with
of material are available[70].
3,5-dichlorobenzoyl peroxide or lauryl peroxide.
The radicals seem to attack especially quinone-type
3. BINDING OF NITROGEN AND HALOGENS functions, and radicalic sites may be produced on
the carbon surface[80]. Benzoate groups are found
Carbon blacks contain small concentrations of
on the surface after reaction with dibenzoyl perox-
nitrogen. This is very likely bound substitutionally
ide, and these can be hydrolyzed to surface phenolic
at the edges of the graphene layers. Nothing is
known about the solubility of nitrogen in the interior
Polystyrene can be grafted to carbon black sur-
of graphene layers (e.g., in graphite). It is well
faces by starting radicalic polymerization in styrene
known that diamonds frequently contain substitu-
solutions in the presence of carbon blacks. It has
tionally dissolved nitrogen.
been found that carbon blacks with quinone oxygen
On treatment of carbons with ammonia at ele-
inhibit polymerization initially until all quinone is
vated temperatures (e.g., 600-9OO”C), nitrogen is
converted to hydroquinone[8 1,821. Prior hydroge-
bound[71-731. This reaction has been studied with
nation of the quinone groups eliminates the inhibi-
carbon blacks as well as with activated carbons.
tion period. These and other grafting reactions are
Photoelectron spectra show two main nitrogen N
well described in Donnet’s review[l5].
1s signals. The peak with a binding energy of ca.
400 eV is assigned to amine-type nitrogen, and the
signal at 398-399 eV is generally explained by pyri-
dine- or acridine-type nitrogen[71,73]. These studies REFERENCES
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