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Gardens in Ramayana

Then battered down the garden door.

Five captains of the host be slew,

Through grove and garden, undismayed,

From house to house the Vánar strayed,
And still his wondering glances bent
On terrace, dome, and battlement:
Then with a light and rapid tread
Prahasta's home he visited,
And Kumbhakarna's courtyard where
A cloudy pile rose high in air;
And, wandering o'er the hill, explored
The garden of each Rákshas lord.

There Champac and As'oka flowers

Hung glorious o'er the summer bowers,
And mid the waving verdure rose
Gold, silver, ivory porticoes.
Through all the months in ceaseless store
The trees both fruit and blossom bore.
With many a lake the grounds were graced;
Seats gold and silver, here were placed;
Here every viand wooed the taste,
It was a garden meet to vie
E'en with the home of Gods on high.

He viewed the herds of gentle deer

Roaming the garden free from fear.
As through the sacred grove he trod
He viewed the seat of many a God

In kingless realms no princes call

Their friends to meet in crowded hall;
No joyful citizens resort
To garden trim or sacred court.

Shaking the earth beneath his tread,

He stamped his furious foot and said:
'To the As'oka garden bear
The dame, and guard her safely there
Until her stubborn pride be bent
By mingled threat and blandishment.
See that ye watch her well, and tame,
Like some she-elephant, the dame.'
They led her to that garden where
The sweetest flowers perfumed the air,
Where bright trees bore each rarest fruit,
And birds, enamoured, ne'er were mute.

In kingless realms we ne'er behold

Young maidens decked with gems and gold,
Flock to the gardens blithe and gay
To spend their evening hours in play.


C.M Villiers Stuart Gardens of the Great Mughals Chapter 10 How the Lotus of the Good

Law went a-voyaging Gardens in Mahabharata and Ramayana. (n.d.).



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