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obstinately as it clung to old ways, it was forced to remove


v.-ix.; M. Dubois, Les lignes Etolienne et Acheenne

drums. In the tapping process a fixed crucible is used,

field. In this magnetic field is pivoted a small circular

from India in 1847. Among subsequent possessors were Scott's

plain that joins the inland plain of Esdraelon, and so affords

to the time and place of its origin is of a highly complicated

the ammoniacal liquor of gas-works (see GAS: Manufacture)

purification it may be shaken with hot milk of lime, the oily

is natural to regard (3) the curious resemblance as to the

injuriously. It is, of course, a question of dose and

T. O. Bergman also observed that the addition of potash or ammonia

oxus, acidus, sour, and oxos, acetus, vinegar.

cigarette-case, containing a syringe and hundreds of doses of

Herat. Dost Mahommed now became the British ally, but on his

the entire destruction of Greek liberty for over a century.

therefore be avoided by him should he desire to do so. Its

chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster and the secretary for

intermittent albuminuria, &c. Its recognition is of extreme

told in Mrs Ednah D. Cheney's Louisa May Alcott: Her

in 1488, and in 1498 Vasco da Gama, after having rounded

rules of the unwritten law, the ``common law'' as it is

in the former as is compatible only with an early date.

BIBLIOORAPHY.--For a general account of Algeria, see Maurice

important recommendations of the Food Products Committee,

met with in those countries where the Code Napoleon is in

carry, for example, a full cargo of grain. In such a case the

In modern times its historical value has been seriously

those grew whose seeds were wafted or carried by birds, the

and employes, who estimate over-confidently the edition of

sharpness of the distal curvature. In other cases the cardiac

Evidence is still wanting for the Macedonian and Thracian

protoplast. It is certain that the centre of the cell, which is

classification of the strata in ``Western'' texts---and has

concluding section it announces that all laws contrary to the

place in the Carolingian renaissance. He wrote extensively

This view has the merit of giving the book a practical religious

now Quincy, Massachusetts, and was named after John Quincy

acid (q.v.) and zinc and hot hydrochloric acid convert

discontinued in 133 B.C.) in that only the greater and

coco-nuts. There are factories for coir-matting. The raja

Rodgers met with no marked success, but on the 25th of October

weakened, he felt more than ever that he had only his own

and Leake, Prec. Pleadings (3rd ed.: 6th ed. 1905).

the treasury--aspired to succeed him in his high office. In

bureau, which has charge of the forecasting of weather; the

this among the Alexandrians. In literature their activities

most popular watering-place on the west coast of Wales, and

entreaty. The Iliad concludes with the funeral rites of

ornament, he has stripped his dramas of the embellishments

better fortune, he was called upon to reorganize the military

Congress (Petersburg, 1887); Bourchier, ``Prince Alexander of

another character, namely, the grant of a certain proportion

pp. 89 seq. (1893); the apocryphal ``Testament of Abraham''

Republic. The first permanent settlement at the mouth

Laghman and the adjoining districts. Famous silver mines were

physiology. In 1840 the appearance of Chemistry in its

Marcellinus (1533) contains five books more than any former

cannot go, camel litters in the Sudan, dhoolies in India,

Godard. In spite of the elaborate preparations that had been

subsisting. In criminal proceedings a plea in abatement was at

1821--1826), &c. Ackermann was an enterprising man; he

constitution of a cabinet on European lines, ministers

whence it overflows into the compartments (c1), (c2), (c3)

fact the only Bantu tribes who are not agriculturists are the

Manufactures.---The growth of manufactures in Alabama

The best general maps are those of the Carte de l'Algerie,

and finality for the laws to which their data are found to

Introduction of Christianity.

itself, but also to connect it with parallel growths of

pierced. The men were brave fighters, their chief weapons

explorer. Alarcon was the first to determine with certainty

20, Crystal Palace, 5900; August 21, Hendon, 14,355; September

try, and he did so with such a rapid success that a revolution

certainly known is mentioned at the end of the 4th century),

sanding, earthing, mudding, snayl-codding, mucking, chalking,

flowers. The advancing summer introduces many flowers of the

hydrochloride is converted into para- and ortho-toluidine

for males and sixteen for females. In Spain, majority is

coincident). At the same time, in his criticism of other views

inferiority in numbers was now becoming lessened as Sherman

Boys between fifteen and seventeen years old of good character,

monastic line and its daily requirements---the refectory for

few perhaps from a written source used by Luke. Certain of

ambiguity parol evidence is admissible to explain only what

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