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What we throw away goes somewhere, so we When we just basically throw
must be mindful of throwing away trash. There things away without reusing and
is really no really 'away' because the trash you
threw might end up in the ocean, might end up recycling them, we reduce the
in a poor animal's guts and it will take years to amount of watse that fills up
decompose especially if it's non-biodegradable our landfills that makes the
waste like plastics. There are other options
than throwing away which is reusing it and wate become toxic and very
recycling it to different useful things like a harmful.
mere bottle can be agood vase or a pot for
your plants. Anything will depend on your
creativity and determination to help the world
a better place. STATEMENT:
yth ing a way,
Don't throw an '.
th ere's no 'aw a y

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