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Barbara Goleman High School

Name: ______________________ Date: ____________ Period: ______
Lab Cryptography.

1. Using the Caesar Cipher, encode the name of your school. Use a key=5. Check
with a classmate to see if your answers are the same.

2. Decode the following ciphertext “Jfilyzljbypaf Jlyapmpjhapvuz hyl ptwvyahua”.

Use a key =7.

3. Frequency analysis
Perform frequency analysis on the following ciphertext. You may use an online
frequency analysis tool such as this one .

Hvs Qosgof qwdvsf wg boasr othsf Xizwig Qosgof, kvc, oqqcfrwbu hc Gishcbwig,
igsr wh kwhv o gvwth ct hvfss hc dfchsqh asggousg ct awzwhofm
gwubwtwqobqs. KvWt vs vor obmhvwbu qcbtwrsbhwoz hc gom, vs kfchs wh wb
qwdvsf, hvoh wg, pm gc qvobuwbu hvs cfrsf ct hvs zshhsfg ct hvs ozdvopsh,
hvoh bch o kcfr qcizr ps a—Gishcbwig, Zwts ct Xizwig Qosgof 56Vwg bsdvsk,
Oiuighig, ozgc igsr hvs qwdvsf, pih kwhv o fwuvh gvwth ct cbs, obr wh rwr bch
kfod ofcibr hc hvs psuwbbwbu ct hvs ozdvopsh:Kvsbsjsf vs kfchs wb qwdvsf, vs
kfchs P tcf O, Q tcf P, obr hvs fsgh ct hvs zshhsfg cb hvs goas dfwbqwdzs, igwbu
OO tcf L.—Gishcbwig, Zwts ct Oiuighig 88Hvsfs wg sjwrsbqs hvoh Xizwig
Qosgof igsr acfs qcadzwqohsr gmghsag og kszz, obr cbs kfwhsf, Oizig Uszzwig,
fstsfg hc o (bck zcgh) hfsohwgs cb vwg qwdvsfg:Hvsfs wg sjsb o fohvsf
wbusbwcigzm kfwhhsb hfsohwgs pm hvs ufoaaofwob Dfcpig qcbqsfbwbu hvs
gsqfsh asobwbu ct zshhsfg wb hvs qcadcgwhwcb ct Qosgof'g sdwghz—Oizig
Uszzwig, Ohhwq BwuvhgWh wg ibybckb vck sttsqhwjs hvs Qosgof qwdvsf kog
oh hvs hwas, pih wh wg zwyszm hc vojs pssb fsogcbopzm gsqifs, bch zsogh
psqoigs acgh ct Qosgof'g sbsawsg Qosgsf_qwdvsf, Kwywdsrwo

Paste the ciphertext and screenshot the frequency analysis.

4. What are the four most frequent characters?

5. What are the three most frequent trigrams?

6. Assume that a simple cipher that shifts all characters by a fixed number was
used to create the ciphertext (a Caesar cipher). Given the results of the
frequency analysis, what would the shift key have been (the shift to go from
plaintext to ciphertext)?
Don’t be proud; you can use your fingers to count.
What is the key of the ciphertext, counting forwards?
Hash the following plaintext using multiple hashing algorithms. Use the following
online tool. Modular conversion, encoding and encryption online - cryptii

We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We

hall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the
event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the
following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial
support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost
territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to
you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the
outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain, and add the
suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate
adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please
call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our
submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to
make peace.

7. Hash the plaintext using MD5. Screenshot the results

8. Hash the plaintext using SHA-256. Screenshot the results

9. Hash the plaintext using SHA-512. Screenshot the results

10. Are these results identical? Explain what happens.

11. Encrypt the following plaintext using the Vigenère cipher “The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog”.
Use the key=bghs
Key Mode=repeat
Case Strategy=ignore case

Screenshot your results

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