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BOT UUg T H E J ° P L I N aT ol Ti) thle eae CTT EM JANUARY 15-16, 2022 wt Di Reporting the news for 125 years Harley Davidson, of complex near 32nd Steet and Je ‘Joplin recommends an investment inthe housing stock in the ety. te ums HAMMER IT OUT Study recommends Joplin double pace of new home construction 1 aa wooo Sneereoesen se using experts seo a Strong demand continu Ing through this decade {or Joplin. and they ‘ecominiend dong down on “ity oficial this woek received theresults of a comprehensive, housing market analysis com ‘sloned fram a Pisiade'phia form, Urban Partners Pvlngs were discussed Monday ata work ‘on John Duy Drive. A new study com $ession ofthe Joplin Cty Cate pn veeommends an investment inthe (Gaty Manager Nick Edwards saidthe iggestakeawayfor | Forme, when you teytodouble needs, sald the city’s planning bm isthatJoplinneeds more | anything taat sa ifteult prope- and development directo Troy Fousingoplionsatalllevelgand sition,” he said Bolander pricesfor different agesandde “ Toachlevethat growth, city “We dd several housing Rogeaphics. ffeias and stakeholder: inthe studies) after the(2til disaster “Wienced more affordablehous- industry wiliavetofocuson because ourhouing market was ing Wensedmoreworkforce thatgoalatigentyheadded. upside down Tn tsi case, fora housing Weneedhousingfor the "Ttpeopledon'thavethe hous- healthy eommsnity there ae Senior population andwensed ingoptionstheyreloskingfor, several sectors you nave‘ Took marehousingfortheyomger theywontlivehere,"hesaid.” af. Oneot ‘hem ishousing We Feveration There’san across. "We'llexporsourtaientandthat head to make surethat we are ad fheboannedor ational witieadt doin Sessa he haurgnee nt using," awards sai ‘only fr today but tomorrow as The eye-opening tng was the Rees ‘well Weall have ited public constltantsaidtattostayon ‘There are still gaps left by the andprivate sector dollars and pace tomeet that future need the property destruction wrougit Weall mead tomake sre were ey wouldneedtodoubleitscur- by the May 2011 tornado ina Funtlovelof Rome onstruction dition o growth and changing Ste BUMD,& i Construction continues Thursday on s new home in Hi ‘Wildwood Raneh near John Dully Drive on Thursday Betty White feature oars EN Pre mapas Is ctr he hy wes ra eee enter th bby aa ert Fret bo she ded ee ° ‘new president of Crowd Crowder’s president: College can handle changing demands roc ost pesdekde cn NEOSHO, Mo.— Plenty cof people have asked Katt ia Pierson the same ques {ion Lately." What is your ‘She save that ia ques tion those aking willie nner While the new pre ident of Crowder College thas some dreams of boost Inganstexpanding esol rent andataring atonal sviention on its movation, ‘sho wants the college come ‘munity including each ot It satelite ste, to help pla the route. ac of ou ete, in cluding Neosho, Cassville, ‘MeDenald County they tach have aunque fare” Pierson etd "need fomake sure Tenow what = happening, sothat dont Says wre we ae go ingant have peopl resent ‘ulshat we abandoned who theyare Dierson is now on campus asthe president of Crowder ‘Thevetiring president she ‘Atscods, Glenn Coltharp, assisting wits making ‘conection With leaders Stlocal and stat lovee ae ‘Wella other transitional Einctions, ‘While she i spending the next months gettingto Snow each campus beter, Pierson already ses plenty of chaflenges in the fture ‘She shared thous challenges ‘Thursday with ocuty and Half members ina video fnnference and told them that Crowder ean expect to ScEMew. 28 ae 128 | be 141 alge yasiizes

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