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Psychosis, GA and LA (Questtion and answers)

Fill in the blank. (7 marks)

1. ------------ anesthesia refers to loss of sensation in a limited region of the body.
(1 mark) (Local)
2. The neurophysiologic state produced by GA is characterized by five primary
effects: analgesia, amnesia, ---------------, inhibition of autonomic reflexes, and
skeletal muscle relaxation. (1 mark) (unconsciousness)
3. General anaesthesia can be divided into three stages: Induction, --------------
and Recovery. (1 mark) (Maintenance)
4. Mood swings in the same direction are called -------------- depression. (1 mark)
5. ----------------------- is butyrophenones derivatives. (1 mark)
6. In psychosis, -------------- is positive symptoms and ---------------- is negative
symptoms. (2 marks) (delusion, social withdrawal)

1. Write about uses of Chlorpromazine. (5 marks)

1. Mental disorders
- schizophrenia
- bipolar effective disorder ( manic phase )
- to control agitation or psychosis in depressed patients ( with antidepressants)
- to control disturbed behaviour in patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer’s
- to control non manic excitable states
2. Preoperative sedation
3. Neurolept-analgesia ( Droperidol + Fentanyl )
4. As antiemetic with low non sedative dose
5. Psychosis associated with chronic alcoholism
6. Relief of pruritus

7. Relief of intractable hiccup

2. Explain about lidocaine. (3 marks)

It is a common local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drug. Lidocaine is used

topically to relieve itching, burning and pain from skin inflammations, injected as
a dental anesthetic or as a local anesthetic for minor surgery. The side effects of
lidocaine seen with increasing dose include drowsiness, tinnitus, dysgeusia,
dizziness, and twitching. As the dose increases, seizures, coma, and respiratory
depression and arrest will occur. Clinically significant cardiovascular depression
usually occurs at serum lidocaine levels that produce marked CNS effects.

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