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E: Hi Andrea, How are you? What are you doing?

AN: Hi Edson, Nice to see you! I’m fine. I’m now returning from the bank.
What are you doing?
E: I’m going home now, but I better watch the parade with Alexander. I think
He is buying now.
AN: Yes. I’m looking at it from here.
AL: Andrea, Hello!!! How are you?
AN: Hi, Alexander. I’m good. What are you doing?
AL: I’m buying some things that I need at home. I saw that there is a new store
near the square. I don't know what they're selling, but the store looks nice. They
want to go?
ED: Of course, Let’s go
AN: Ok, Let’s go.

ED: What’s in this store?
JU: Hello, good afternoon. How can I help you?
AN: Hi, good afternoon. Are you working here?
JU: Yes, I work here. They have problem?
AL: No, don´t worry. We would like to know what this store sells.
JU: Oh, well, Here we sell all kinds of cheap things. This store is new, so there
are few people buying now.
AN: Wow, that’s amazing!! How much do these two mirror cost?
JU: Just for today We are selling it for 1 sol each.
AN: Wow, so cheap!
ED: Excuse me, What are these things?
JU: Oh, those are knives and spoons, they just have those kind of weird handles.
They are very rare!
ED: You are right. How much they cost?
JU: They are costing 5 soles each. But if you wear a complete set it would only
cost you 10 soles.
AL: Excuse me. I'm looking at these porcelain plates in different colors. How
much they cost?
JU: These dishes are costing 4 soles each. But if you take a complete set, We
would be selling it to you for 11 soles
AL: Here things are very cheap.
JU: OK. If you already have your things, We go to the cash register.
JU: OK, in total it costs 23 soles.
ED, AN, AL: Ok
JU: That's all guys. Goodbye
ED, AN, AL: Bye
JU: Come back soon. We are waiting for you.

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