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Topic: Manual Testing


1. Software: A set of executable programs in an application

2. Testing: comparision of expected value with Actual value

expected value: client requirement

Actual value: developed application

3. Software Testing: The process of executing an application to find out defects

History of Testing:

Before 2001, developers: develop the application & Testing

70% application got failed at client side

Directors,managers,CTO, CEO---SEI(software engineer institute), meeting--third

party to test application

Testing team: Test engineer, test leads,QM,QA,QA

defect: Expected# actual

Defect can be called in three different terminologies:


1. Error: While writing the code, if developers finds any mistake

2. Defect/Bug: After coding,if tester finds exp# Actual

3. Failure: During utilisation if client finds any mistake

difference between product and project:


Project: The application which is developed for a specific customer

Product: The application which is developed for entire market

Types of Testing:

2 Types of Testing
1. Manual Testing:Testing any application only with human efforts

2. Automation Testing:Testing any application with the help of tools


Manual batch(7 pm to 8 pm)(mon-sat)(4 to 5 weeks)

2 Live Project(Agile methodology)

Notes daily

First three recordings

Interview guidance
certification guidance
resume guidance

200% job--

Test link/ALM

Mock interview

Test case, scenarios, RTM...

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