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Title: Social Medias,
Word-of-Mouth and their
impacts on marketing in 288ACC
Digital age
Proposed title............................................................................................................................3
Research question.............................................................................................................3
Research objectives...........................................................................................................3
Literature review.......................................................................................................................4
Research design................................................................................................................6
Data collection..................................................................................................................6
Data analysis.....................................................................................................................7
Contribution of the study..................................................................................................8
Ethical considerations.............................................................................................................10

Word: 2805

All around of the world, people have constantly communicated, sharing and talk about
everything with each other. It is easy to share point of experience, advices and
disagreements to building communication. Therefore, the people can easy to talk their
experience and give some advices about the products. With the fast development of
the technology and internet, people using different way to communication with each
other sharing point of more efficient and information easier. Everything is altering
rapidly, much more products and services are fast becoming out of date. The
customer’s behaviour and what they buy becoming more important. Most of
companies through different publicity activities to encourage consumer-to-customer
and customer- to- marker communication. As a new type of word-of-mouth
information, online consumer product review is an emerging market phenomenon that
is playing an increasingly important role in. (Yubo C, Jinhong X.2008). Within this
research proposal, we will research is to study the attention of the consumers in word-
of-mouth and social media to power of their purchasing activities. The next research
is to analysis the people influenced by interest of word-of-mouth and social media.


Most of consumers are keen creating an

exchange and response of information
and increasing more and more in word-
of-mouth fact. Appreciation to the
internet, consumer’s information to be
successful in this way for companies.
some marketers may be spending
millions of ponds on elaborately
conceived advertising, makes up a
consumer’s mind is not free and simple.
The word-of-mouth is recommendation
from a trusted source. Too many
products choices for consumers which
means the word-of-mouth is quickly
and effectively for traditional
marketing. Word-of-mouth is the
primary factor behind 20 to 50 percent
of all purchasing decisions. (Jacques B, Jonathan D and Jargen V 2010). Today product
review is posted online and opinions disseminated through social network. More and
more people even create blogs or slide to discuss brands and products.
In the recent years, social media gives word of mouth wings. The impact of
social medias in brand attitudes, awareness and social norms is so strong. The online
communities, word-of-mouth increase in size, markets have come to recognize their
importance. An index of brand’s power to generate messages that influence the
consumer’s decision to purchase (2010). The right information building resonates in
interested networks, influencing brand perceptions, market share and purchase rates.
The online communications have significantly increased the potential and far-
reaching momentum effects.

Proposed title

Social medias, word-of-mouth and their impacts on marketing in digital age

Research question

In the form of research proposal, the following general research question could be
1. How marketers take word-of-mouth phenomenon and how to handle it?
2. How community utilizes and multiplies word of mouth information about online
purchasing experience?
3. How communities perceive word of mouth and social media on marketing?
4. What is the effect of social medias to word of mouth?

Research objectives

1. To investigate of ratio analysis word of mouth and social medias impact on

buying decision.
2. To analysis whether consumers are supposed to give more importance to negative
word of mouth rather than positive.
3. To analysis the ratios which are commonly used, consumers are more likely to
believe that social medias or word of mouth.
4. To predicting of higher importance in word of mouth and social medias
Literature review

Word of mouth is complex form and has many potential origins and motivation. It has
an important impact of brand and products on consumer’s decision. Word of mouth
has three forms on marketing should understand: consequential, experiential and
intentional. Experiential has a powerful form of word of mouth, that its result from the
consumer to direct experience product and services. But sometimes experience
deviates from what is expected, because consumers rarely praise or complain a firm.
Within the word-of-mouth form that the most using is consequential word of mouth.
The traditional marketing activities pass on massages to consumers and publicize their
brands, those massages impact is very stronger on consumers for direct effect.
Marketers should consider the pass-on effects and direct of word of mouth when their
determining the massages and media mix that maximizes the return on their
investment (2010). Last form is a less common form is intentional. Such as when the
brand use celebrity endorsements to make position buzz for product. But just a few
companies to invest in intentional word of mouth, because many marketers cannot
sure they can successfully or unsuccessfully of intentional form campaigns. All the
forms should to measure and understand its impact through markets.
Figure 2: Measuring the impact

Marketers have utilized various means to maintain the brand loyalty of their
customers, including classical marketing mix variables, brand elements and new ways
of marketing such as events, sponsorships, one-to-one marketing activities, internet
marketing and social media marketing (irem E, Mesut C 2012). Social medias is a
common form of marketing that is the process of companies to promote their products
in websites or online social channels. In the today’s fast moving business and
technology, should staying competitive power that needs stronger social medias
strategy. Most of companies will to hire consultants to decide characteristics of their
social medias environment. The aims of this research proposal are to understand on
consumer perspective on the social media and word of mouth effects on marketing.
For example, the Pepsi and Coca Cola, through applied online customer loyalty
programs to offers special free and promotions on consumers. Most of consumers will
view social medias sites and service channel to understand products and
communication with brands. Some consumers would rather like to see undated
content. Google company has changed for people required. Algorithm of their search
system to enable customers to see the updated contents first (Freidman, 2011). Many
social channel platforms will filter out the content that is not relevant to customers.
Thus, improving relevant information and updated contents is one of the most
important strategies. Today, the popularity of social media is the content among
friends, applied word-of-mouth forms in social medias platforms to communication
among consumers is another important reason for the customers to be engaged with
brands and products.
In the earlier, online shopping has crossed the space for business become major
purchasing behaviour. Thus, quality concern and other risks appeared on e-shopping.
Consumers who want buying products on online market, they need to find positive,
honest and evaluation for products. With the development of new technology, some
new technology changed human life style and communication way with people.
People now much more using a various of social medias platforms, for example
Instagram, Facebook, email and social networking websites. Within the companies,
word of mouth and social medias effect is the customers purchase behaviour. Word of
mouth and e-word-of-mouth is effective way for brand long time develop can to catch
the attention of new consumers. If the consumer never thought to buy a product or
heard a brand, some connection suggest to this brand will most likely affect consumer
behaviour and guide consumer to choose another product. Many consumers will ask
recommendation from other people in the buying before. They will trust family
member, and give more response with experiences and information to someone. The
persons most affected by this are people in towering uncertainty-avoidance culture
( 2010). One of the most important for the marketing is word of
mouth. When you have any experiences for a brand you will based by someone
recommendation who will tell you some negative or positive about a pick product. If
you have yourself prefer brand, you will be less tempted by other brand that a advises
you to purchase. Usually, messages passed within tight, trusted network have less
reach but greater impact than those circulated through dispersed communities (2010).
We are family members and trust friends has a high correlation. After all, one person
with 100 friends on Facebook may be ignore the advice of 80 of them. It is the small
size, close-knit network of trusted friends that has the real influence.
H1 word of mouth and social media platforms has positively effects of the
consumers buying behaviour and standard marketing,
H2 word of mouth and social medias message has a straight positive outcome
with consumers to communication.
H3 most of consumer’s minds is associated to their engagement in word of
mouth and social medias behaviour in making decision based on marketing.
H4 when the brands and product appears on social media platforms is positively
affected for customers.
H5 when the brand offers advantageous, relevant information and updated
content that the consumer buying behaviours is positively affected on social medias


Research design

Impact of word of mouth and social medias on the consumer’s buying behaviour of
communities will be seen in this research proposal. And descriptive research will be
done on the consumer’s buying behaviours and attitudes in relation to entertainment,
personal productivity and shopping. Consumers are generally influenced by other
people opinions when in a buying behaviour. Thus, the consumer will be depend on
information from word of mouth and social media communication in following:
1. When products have a higher transparency.
2. When verification by objective evaluation is difficult.
3. When the products or brand is complicated of information.
Most people go online shopping the reason is to find and understand information,
because the internet has become popular resource of collecting information about
buying behaviour and reduction.

Data collection

This research proposal data will be collected just through the use of secondary
sources. Secondary research data will be included help taken from research papers,
articles and blogs and so on. All result was manually depurated including journal,
institution, author name and others. To avoid misspelling in author’s names and to
normalize keywords and surname, methodology and data analysis techniques. After
obtaining permission site at which the data will be gathered. We will be borrowing
some about this study books throughout the Coventry university public library.
Data analysis

Figure 3: adaptive structural equation model (Chairman, Brad F 2014)

This model is highly effectively method to understanding the complex causal relation
of the word of mouth. And consider the multiple touch-points included in word of
mouth and social medias effects and the chained effects onto other marketing levels
and nosiness marketplaces of the promotion brand. In the last two years, about word
of mouth academic research interest has a significant. Followed by social medias
platforms highlighting the importance of word of mouth.
Figure 4: word of mouth both a direct and indirect role in driving business
performance.( Chairman, Brad F 2014)
This figure illustrates that word of mouth is directly impact of business performance.
this research interesting to note the amplification that word of mouth has offline
medias and online medias, which to impacts business performances. Thus, the word
of mouth also drives websites traffic and search. Furthermore, we found that two
thirds of word of mouth’s impact is direct with one third acting as an amplifier of
medias (Zoe B, 2015). Some research shows that word of mouth has a more
immediate impact than social media. Thus, this demonstrates the immediate nature of
recommendations and conversation.
Figure 5: framework of consumers decision-making【from: (Nawaz A, 2015)】

The figure 5 illustrates that word of mouth and social medias approach is stronger
than pallid printed information. And shows that has been made of three main parts,
first one is the process of customer’s decision making. Second one is individual
behaviour determinants, and the last one is environment influencing. Some negative
word of mouth information will be decreased of familiarity with the products. Most
consumer acquires more detailed from word of mouth information as the conclusion,
they have more diversity than when that was received general information or limited

Contribution of the study

This research proposal tries to describe and identify their impact of word of mouth
and social medias for consumer’s behaviours, and focuses on the business
marketplaces. This research proposal can help the people to have a better
understanding its impacts of word of mouth and social medias on marketing so as to
provide better quality and values products give consumers. In addition, the study may
help the brand to evolve their products. This is just a bases work on the impact of
word of mouth and social medias on marketing. Social media platforms are a very
dynamic and progressive platform. Today, has a potential to change the way of
characteristics and business of social medias is arrived.


This research proposal provides fundamental insights on the development for word of
mouth and social research regarding to: methodology, keywords and sources research
line. While this research builds upon the word of mouth and social medias, but have
some limitation should be noted. Any quantitative synthesis is constrained by the
nature and scope of the original studies on which it is based and this shortcoming
should be born in mind when interpreting findings presented here.


Impact of word of mouth on marketing arises due to social medias, that the consumers
see comments of the people who did shopping from such place. They will consider
whether or not to buying those products and see whether or not it would be effective.
Today, marketer aware of the consumer’s choices and they will try to change or
improve better quality for products.
The aims of this research proposal were to understand impact of social medias and
word of mouth on marketing. it was from perspective of the consumers. Social media
can be defined as a new form for building relationship with consumers is a rapidly
growing platform, become forming positive image of brand. The result of this
research show that social medias and word of mouth are most significant driver of
marketing and business marketplaces, followed is popularity of the content among
friends and family members, and appearing on different social medias platforms to
providing applications. The marketer will consider the values and benefits, advantages
they offer to the people in their campaigns, makes the consumers more prefer to their
brand or products. But consumer loyalty of brand also impacted positively by the
different social media platforms and word of mouth. That is meanings consumers are
asking for creative, variety and differences for engaging with the brand on social
media platforms. Thus, most of companies work on creation, interesting and
participative applications. Impact of word of mouth in marketing is non-negligible,
especially in online environment (Gruen at al, 2006).
Ethical considerations

This research proposal just only use secondary research and data, we do not have any
interview, questionnaires and any others type of primary research. Therefore, we need
not any consent forms and participant information. The secondary research date
collected publically available business date. That is meanings no sensitive data and
information. Some data and words from about business article This research will be a
low risk, no living participants and any secondary research data is nature.
Furthermore, this research will be using of specialist equipment for example google
scholar, Coventry university locate, SPSS, Microsoft and FAME databases.
Therefore, no special requirements are needed.


This figure show that the estimated timescale of this research proposal. This research
proposal is estimated to commence on the week beginning 04/04/2017 and estimated
completion date is the week beginning 03/05/2017.
Figure: timetable of dissertation






























Writing up
Find articles
about WOM
and social
sample size

the results

1. Jacques B, Jonathan D and Jargen V (2010). A new way to measure word-of-mouth

marketing. [online] available at:
2. YuBo C, JinHong X (2008). Online consumer review: word of mouth as a new element of
marketing communication mix. [online] available at:
3. Fatma N (2014). Word of mouth and its impact on marketing. [online] available at:
4. Irem E, Mesut C (2012). The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty. [online]
available at:
5. Freidman, A. (2011), Freshness Update + Social Media = Happy Users, retrieved from
(accessed on 20 March 2012).
6. ] T. W., Osmonbekov, T., &Czaplewski, A. J. (2006). eWOM: The impact of customer-
to-customer online know-how exchange on customer value and loyalty. Journal of
Business research, 59(4), 449-456.
7. Gruen T. W., T. Osmanbekov, A.J. Czaplewski (2006), eWOM: The Impact of Customer-
to-Customer Online Know-how eExchange on Customer Value and Loyalty, Journal of
Business Research, Vol: 59, pp: 449-45
8. Nawaz A, Jolita V and Rizwan Raheen A (2014). Impact of word of mouth on consumer
buying decision. [online] available at:

9. Zoe B (2015). New research: measuring the precise return on word of mouth marketing.
[online] available at:
10. Chairman, Brad F (2014). Return on word of mouth. [online] available at:

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