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Reflection Paper

The lesson that is most significant to me can be found from chapter 8 that is
about the Theory of Ethical Relativism. To put it another way, it depends on the
moral norms of the society which it is practised whether an action is right or wrong.
In one community, a certain behaviour might be morally acceptable, yet in another, it
might be unethical. This chapter deepen my understanding after knowing what I
consider being moral depends entirely of who I am, and the cultural context in which
I was raised because it is not based on a primary rule that works for all.
It seems likely what I also experienced from one of my friends, she has this
quality of being late and I sacrificed my time just to wait her. I think all the time that
her habit is not good, because I think that her time is most important than mine yet it
is nothing for her. Rather I can say, I stands relative to what I weigh to be wrong and
there’s nothing I can do on how I supposed to change the case if she holds different
perspective at all and who am I to judge? Arguments within ethical relativism did
sustain my curiosity in terms of dealing for a particular situation regarding to what is
normal practises or not, and what I have remember is because it is culture
determined. I realize that, the reason why I hardly acknowledge why some people
doing what I grew up believing is due to their own standard and all I can do is to
become more open-minded about the moralities of others. Apart from it, I find out
may be some culture says about what is the truth is because they experienced it
already and yet not objectively since most of us wanted evidence. It does not mean
what I have witnessed I will adapt it also. Therefore, it is true that opinions are
difficult to prove.
In conclusion, ethical values may vary from individual choice and to culture. I
cannot force people to submit what I used to believe because of different perspective
or even what they home with. Some instances may be acceptable for me just like if I
say, “Physical exercise is healthy”, but not to them because of opposite practises.
Lastly, I can say that ethical relativism encourages me to respect and accept each
other’s differing values.

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