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COMM 39 -Communications for Business

● Assignment to be done on an Individual basis.
● Weightage - 10 Marks.

Question :
Scenario: You are planning to apply for a job in your department and business of your
choice. Hence you need a resume to start with a job application. Please demonstrate
your resume writing process -
a. What will be the key sections of the resume ? Please also explain the purpose of
each section.
b. What will be the most important explanation to put on Resume, And What can be
skipped ?
c. Is it important to list work and/or academic achievements ?
d. According to you, what could be called a ‘Resume Mistake’ ?
e. Is it ok to have a lengthy resume ? How would you make it effective and efficient?

Tip: Answer each question in your own words. No Copied answers. Support your answer
with your analysis.

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