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Aluminium Titanate ALUTIT Advanced Ceramics for the Non-ferrous Molten Metal Industry nTec ALUTIT Alumi py URS h CN Mme Alumni jum Titanate (Al,T10,) This material dlstingushes itself by a unique combination (of thermal and physical properties. High-purty aluminium ‘oxide and titanium oxide are combined into a micro-porous mate‘al via a precision-contraled reaction sinteting process, ‘A structure characterized by a microfine yster of fissures ‘ives ALUTIT its unique performances characteristic, The extremely good thermal shock resistance isa result of the very low thermal expansion and a certain amount of porosity in the microstructure, This ceramic materials poor wettabi- ity with molten metals aso makes i ideal for use in foundy and metalirgcal meling especially i aluminium casting PROPERTIES ‘Outstanding thermal shack resistance: ‘temperature differences up to 900°C = Antiwetiing properties * Low thermal conductivity + Very good chemical resstance/good inate Components in Non-ferrous Molten Metals ADVANTAGES. « Direct exposure tothe malten metal feasible even without any preheating! = Simplified Cleaning + Energy efficiency of casting process + Reduced melt temperature gradients + Provides valuable solification « Better efficiency of casting plants ‘+ No decomposition of the melt by degraded products of ceramic + Low mechanical stress ALUTIT Products and Applications Handling Instructions ALUTT can find its appcatinsin metaluryin When using our meter trust be considered thet ALUTIT varius forms is ceramic ard therefore bite material + ser Tes fo LPC (ow pressure de casting) Tus, be anare when Rarding + realsngs for continuous casing of bass + vidance of any mechanical impact ads curing + Nozzes/Bushes os costing rol insert oF mol jens assembly and daring operations + Suction Tes fr vacua asng + Consideration of diferent thermal parsons dung + Dosage lubes fr dosing fumaces instalation a metalic dees + Plats, Stoppers and Cesng Systems fr flow convolaf + Use ound, wooden tol er caning (no metale roten masses hammers, o hel) + Use fins gasket to avo tres vl that may furthermore, Cerafec ake prodcae spc components erin component are cording o caster requirements made of Aluminium + Remevalof adherent lurinum or cross from the Titanate Cea component nmediatey after takeout frm the met + Spacers + Cruces + Foundry Molds i vous 4 f + Rotoss and Rotor Shafts «+ Protection Tubes + Special Components ‘Shapes and Special Requirements + Wide tolerance range (Grom fine to course tolerances) ‘+ Sophisticated three-dimensional shapes Depending on the version with/without: | eating (© sen nite ‘th groove: + wth dling) “th flange + cranked or others sr Tes bases Nosesausnes Stoppers Pates certo son a ee ery CeramTec open routes epee ean en serene ‘Stvrtsarince quatnTy co nat conctte «quran fr eta pops Wengen cave re ous tc ange veees {TOea002 + EN + 300 +1709 «star Cocperation (3808) «Printed in Germany

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