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g UFRGS VESTIBULAR 2009 Fisica, Literatura de Lingua Portuguesa'e Inglés Comissio Permanente de SelecSo— COPERSE INGLES Instrugao: As questdes 51 a 59 referem-se ao texto abaixo, 01. | will wait for her in the yard that Maggie 02. and | made so clean and wavy yesterday 03. afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable 04. than most people know. It is not just a yard. 05. It's like an extended living room, When the 06. hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the 07. fine sand around the edges lined with tiny 08. irregular grooves anyone can come and sit 09. and look up into the elm tree and wait for the 10. breezes that never come inside the house. 11. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister 12. goes: she will stand hopelessly in comers, 13. homely and ashamed of the burn scars down 14. her arms and legs, eying her sister with a 15. mixture of envy and awe, She thinks her 16. sister has held life always in the palm of her 17. hand, and that “no” is a word the world never 18. learned to say to her. From: WALKER, Alice, Everyday use: for grandmama. In: CHRISTIAN, Barbara T. (Ed). Women writers: {axts and contexts. New Jersey: RUtgOTS University Press, 1994p. 23. 51. De acordo com o texto, (A) 0 patio é uma extensao da sala da casa (8) Maggie limpa 0 patio regularmente. (©) a sala da casa € tao limpa quanto 0 patio. (0) a irma de Maggie ajudou na limpeza dé patio (©) Maggie e sua inna reuniaise diariamente No pati. 52. A leitura do texto permite concluir que (A) Maggie sé) queimow com produtos de limpeza, (8) a irma de Maggie se esforea para deixar tudo em ordem (C) o chao da sala da casa’¢ irregular, (D) a casa nao & 0 lugar mais fresco para receber visitas (©) a vizinhanga foi convidada para visitar a casa de Maggie 53. Da leitura do texto, pode-se inferir que os sentimentos que Maggie nutre pela irma so de (A) admiracao e ciumes. (8) ddio e clumes, (©) inveja e rancor. (D) inveja e respeito. © admiragao e respeito, 54. Na frase the yard that Maggie and I made 0 clean and wavy yesterday afternoon (. 01-03), as palavras sublinhadas poderiam ser substituidas, sem —alteracdo do sentido contextual, por (A) neat e sinuous. ® pl @ colorful (C) undone ¢ sinuous. (0) pleasant e cool ©) neat e colorful, 55. Alpalavra eying (I. 14) pode ser substitulda, sem alteragéo\de sentido, pela expresso (AV Glancing quickly at. (8), viewing with superiority (©) looking carefully at (0) observing carelessly. (©) Signalling attentively 56. As tradugdes mais adequadas para as palavras hopelessly (|. 12) e ashamed (I. 13), no ccontexto em que se encontram, sa0 (A) desanimada e enraivecida (8) desanimada e envergonhada, (©) desesperada e envergonhada. (0) desesperada e ensimesmada. (©) destemida e ensimesmada 57. Considere as afirmacoes abaixo sobre uso de pronomes 1-0 pronome /t (|. 04) refere-se a A yard Tike this (\ 03). I-A primeira ocorréncia do pronome fer na linha 14 refere-se a sister (I. 11). II1- © pronome Sine (|. 15) a Maggie 0.79. ‘Quais estao corretas? (A) Apenas |. (8) Apenas 11 (©) Apenas 111 (D) Apenas te It © Liven 5B. Assinale a expressao do texto formada por dois substantivos em que 0 primeira qualifica 0 segundo. (A) diving room (\, 05) (8) hard etay (06) (©) fine sand (\. 07) (0) irregutar grooves (|. 08) (©) ebm tree (1. 08) 59. Considere o trecho absiixo. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: she will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars dows her arms and fegs (I. 11-14) ‘Suponha quo.2 autora quisesse expressar‘como Maggie ficou depois da pertida da ima. Nesse caso, em sell viexto, as formas’ verbais subiihadas no tech acima \deveriam ser substituiias, respectivamente, pot (A) were, went e stood (8) was, is gone e standed (C) were, is gone e standed. (©) were, was gone e stood. (©) was, went e stood. Instrugao: As questoes 60 4 67 referem-se 20 texto abaixo. 01. Feelings of stress are caused by the body's 02, instinct to defend itself. The instinct is good in 03. emergencies, such as getting out of the wey 04. of @ speeding car. But stress can cause 05. physical symptoms in response to life's daily 06. challenges and changes. 07, When this happens. it's as though your 08, body gets ready to jump out of the way of the 09. car, but you are sitting stil. Your body is 10. working overtime, with no place to put out 11. the extra energy. This can make you feel 12, anxious, afraid, worried and uptight. 13, Any sort of change can make you fee! 14, stressed, even good change, It's not the 18. change or event itself, but also how you react 16. to it that matters. What's stressful is different 11. for each person. For xample;ane person 1B, may feel stressed by retiring from work, 1 19, someone else may not, 20. Other things'that may be stressful include 21. being laid off from your Job, your child leaving 22. oF retumniig home, the death of your spouse, 23, divorce of marriage, an illness, an injury, a 24, jobspromotion, money problems, moving, or 25, having a baby. 26, Stress can cause health problems or make 27. problems worse if. you don't learn ways to 28. deal with it. Talk to your family doctor if you 29, think some of your symptoms are caused by 30. stress, It's important to make sure that your 31. symptoms aren't caused by other health 32, problems. Adapted from: . ‘Recess on: Oet. 13, 2008. 80. A palavra que melhor completa a lacuna da linha 18, expressando a relagéo semantica que ha entre a frase em questto e a precedente, ¢ (A) why, (B) therefore. (C) while. (0) how. (©) where. Res evo 61, Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmagoes abaixo, conforme elas estejam ou nao de acordo com 0 texto, () As reagdes instintivas. sao uma caracteristica positiva do comportamento humano. : ( } 0 instinto @ 0 estresse estao relacionados. () Os eventos positives no causam estresse. (.) Ha novos medicamentos no mercado para tratar o estresse. A sequéncia correta de preenchimento dos parenteses, de cima para baixo, & (A) F-V-V~F. (8) F-F-V-Vv. (O)V-F-VHF. (0) V-V-F-F. (©) V-V-F-V. 62. Indique a ordem em que constam no texto as seguintes informacdes. |= Questoes financeiras @ familiares causam estresse. 2- Hé sintomas que indicam @ ocorréncia de estrosse. 3- Alguns sintomas podem no. relacionados com o estresse. 4 Nem ntam todas as pessoa sintomas de estresse por mudangas em suas vidas. 63. Examine 0 uso dos verbos modais ean (|. 04 e 1. 13) e may (|, 20). Nos contextos em que se encontram, eles indicam (A) condicao. @) possibitidade. (©) permissao. (0) obrigacao. (© conseiho jativa que completa nas do enunciada abaixo, 64. Assinale ccorretam (0) nervous © eK OS Ao para =e ready to jump out of the way (1. 07-09).6 (8) 6 comase" seu corpo estivesse pronto para'saltar do carro. (8) ¢ como se seu corpo se pusesse a pular de dentro do carro. (0) ¢ através de seu corpo que voce sabe a hora de sair do carro, ~\ (D) como se seu corpo se preparasse para sair da frente do carro, (E) @ a forma que seu corpo encontra para enfrentar 0 carro, 6. O pronome itself (|. 02) refere-se a (A) Feetings (|. 01) (8) stress (|. 01). (©) body (01) (0) emergencies (|. 03) (©) speeding car (|. 04). 67. Assinale a alternative que _preenche Corretamente a lacuna do enunciado abaixo, A oracao sublinhada na frase do texto /t’s important to make sure that your ‘problems (|. 30-32) poderia ser passada para a forma ativa correspondente. Nesse Caso, ela assumiria a seguinte forma: that other health problems your symptoms. (A) do not cause (6) would not cause (C) did not cause (0) would not have caused (€) will not cause Instrugao: As questoes 6B 2 75 referem-se a texto abaixo, on 02, 03, 04, 05. 06. 07 08, 09, 10. n 12. 13. 4. 15. 16 17, 18, 19, 20. 21 22 {vania Tupinamba lives at the edge of a city at the end of a peninsula, Tho Plataforma district of Salvador, Brazil, fs, in the words of a local teacher, “on the way to nowhere”. People born there usually stay put, trapped .. low oF non-existent incomes and poor education. It is the sort of place where even many long-term residents of Salvador never stray. And so, despite living in an area where community workers estimate that 90 per people do not have access to a pr computer, 19-year-old Ivania finds the world ~ and tells the world about the internet. © Courtesy of a charitable Kabum = a bright! technology school that ha photography, hel et given her screen cor technology ~ Iv the best-equipped = vi led yt and: aught her a blog.and array of at image \ editing multimedia Savvy as ritish teenager ject ‘Adapted from: YEOMAN, Fran. From Birmingham 0 Brazil young people find safety in the net ie “women uk. hesess om: Oct 13, 2008. 68. The prepositions that complete the gaps in lines 06, 11 and 12 property are (A) in ~ for = by. (8) in - to - by. (C) for- of - in, (D) by - for ~ in. (© by - of - about. ple in the city of Salvador access to personal & project ref wy text offers Ivania the chafige to lear photography, create build hardware equipmer 4 1" cording to'the text? ~ © © onyin. (0) Only | an@ytti. ) 1, ari 1 70. The text mainly describes {A) international contributions Plataforma district. (8) the way a social project can help poor teenagers in Salvador. to the (©) class difference and its effects on Salvador. (0) the hard time teenagers have with computers. (©) the limitations of teenagers in poor nations, 71. A synonym of array (|. 19) could be (A) energy, (8) situation. (©) assortment. (0) sale. (©) counter. 72. Consider the verb forms from the text listed below. 1- born (1.08) 2+ taught (|. 17) 3 - helped (|. 18) Which forms are in the Past Participle in the referred context? (A) Only 1 (8) Oniy 2. (©) Oniy 3. (©) Only 1 and 2. © 1.2and3 73, Select the alternative that best replaces the Word despite (I. 09) (A) nevertheless (8) however (©) in spite of (D) therefore (©) but 74. The expression that ig formed in the same way as brightly-painted (|, 16) is (A) movie-goer. (8) well fed. (C) high-class. (D) long-term, (E) flat bottom. 7. Select the best alternative to express the superior form of comparison of the adjectives savvy (|. 21) and best- equipped (|. 22). (A) sawvier ~ more best-equipped () the sawiest — better-equipped (©) the most savvy ~ the least equipped (0) the savviest the least equipped © sawier ~ better-equipped

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