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Errors caused by misunderstanding of meanings represented in the source text

Source text Target text Proposed text

В статье рассматриваются In this article, concepts about
концепты, относящиеся к national culture, tradition and
национальной культуре, their appearances in Dulat
традициям и обычаям, Yisabekov’s translated
репрезентированные в novelettes are analyzed.
повестях известного
писателя Д.Исабекова
According to Cambridge Dictionary, ‘appearance’ is a word that means ‘being present’ that refers to
people. If we talk about culture and traditions, it is better to use the word ‘represent’ as it is given in
the source text. Also, the translator added the word ‘translated’ which is not mentioned in the source
text. Therefore, the suggested version is: “In this article, concepts about national culture and
traditions represented in Dulat Yisabekov’s novelettes are analyzed”.
Source text Target text Proposed text
Если внимательно If attentively to concentrate on
сосредоточиться на истории history of research of the
исследования героического heroic epos of Kazakhs, it is
эпоса казахов, то видно, что visible that most of researchers
большинство pays attention to pictorialism
исследователей обращает of the word in the epos.
внимание на
изобразительность слова в
The phrase “изобразительность слова” definitely refers to linguistics, whereas ‘pictorialism’ is
related to cinema or photography. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the closest translation
of the given phrase into English is ‘figurative language’. In addition, ‘it is visible’ is literal
translation of the phrase ‘видно, что’ which could be expressed with phrase such as ‘apparently’
(Multitran). The suggested version is: “If attentively concentrate on research history of Kazakh
heroic epos, most of the researchers apparently pay attention to figurative language in the epos”.
Source text Target text Proposed text
В настоящее время главной Now a main task is ability to
задачей является умение correctly use medical terms in
правильно использовать accordance with their
медицинские термины в assignment and concept.
соответствии с их
назначением и понятием

Source text Target text Proposed text

Так как образное As the figurative perception
восприятие, полученное в received in the result of
результате влияния друг influence of daily living and
другу повседневной жизни subjects and phenomena on
и предметов и явлений, each other which surround us
которые окружают нас имеет is related to formation of
отношение к формированию phraseological units.

Source text Target text Proposed text

К ВОПРОСУ О ЧЕЛОВЕКЕ About a «man» as a key
КАК КЛЮЧЕВОМ concept of the language world

Source text Target text Proposed text

В данной статье In this article there are
рассматриваются considered conceptual
концептуальные моменты moments of «developing
стратегии Europe» strategy and creation
«расширяющейся Европы» of stability and safety areas
и созданию зон around its external borders.
стабильности и безопасности
вокруг своих внешних

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