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Salatul Tasbih

THE VIRTUES OF SALAATUT TASBEEH Salaatut Tasbeeh is a very important form of salaah, as is evident from several ahaadith, wherein Rasulullah ( enjoined it as a matter of great kindness and favour and stressed on its importance. As such, the Ulamaa, Jurists, Muhadditheen, and Sufis throughout the centuries have been particular in offering this Salaah. Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbaas ( has narrated that he w as once informed by Rasulullah (, ''O Abbaas, Should I not present to you, should I not confer to you, should I not inform you of such an act, which if you practice, Allah ( will forgive all your sins, whether old or new, intentional or unintentional, mino r or major, open or secret.(After describing the method of performing this salaah) Nabi ( stated, ''If possible, you should offer this salaah once everyday, and if you cannot perform it daily, then offer it on every Friday (weekly), or once a month, or once a year or at least once in your lifetime.'' [Abu Daawud] THE STATUS AND IMPORTANCE OF SALAATUT TASBEEH Imaam Al-Haakim (R.A) who is an authority on hadith, has written, ''The authenticity of this hadeeth (of salaatut tasbeeh) is supported by the fact that, since the second generation after the Sahabah ( until our times, all the great teachers of religion have been offering this salaah with constancy and have been advising the people to do so, among them was Imaam Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak (R.A) [He was the teacher of the teachers of Imaam Bukhari (R.A)]'' [Al Mustadrak Haakim vol.1, pg.318] ; Imaam Al -Baihaqi (R.A) has stated that, even before Ibn Mubaarak (R.A), Imaam Abul Jauzaa (R.A), a Taabi'ee (one who had seen the Sahabah () and whose narrations are considered to be reliable, used to be very particular in offering this salaah daily. As soon as he heard the azaan for the Zuhr Salaah, he would go to the musjid and would complete this Salaah before the Zuhr Salaah. Imaam Abdul Aziz Ibn Abi Rawwaad (R.A) who was the teacher of Ibn Mubaarak (R.A) and who was a great devotee, saint and pious man, has stated, ''One who desires to attain Jannah should be constant in offering Salaatut Tasbeeh.'' Allamah Taqi Ud-Deen Al-Subki (R.A) stated, "This salaah is very important, and one should not get misled if some people happen to deny its importance. The one, who ignores it even after learning about its reward, is negligent in religious matters, fails to act like virtuous people, and should not be considered as a reliable person." It is stated in Mirqaat that Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Abbaas ( used to offer this Salaah every Friday. [Fadhaail A'amaal, Virtues of Zikr Pg.244] This salaah is preferable to be performed on all those auspic- ous nights where extra ibaadat (worship) are encouraged e.g. The 15th Night of Shabaan, The nights of Ramadhaan etc. [NOTE: The Authenticity of Salaatut Tasbeeh has been affirmed by the muhadditheen. Many of them have written detailed articles on this matter. Allaamah al-Suyyuti (RA) has enumerated up to 20 great muhadditheen who have accepted its authenticity]. [Al-Laalil Masnoo'ah-vol.2, pg.40]. According to the principles of hadeeth, this hadith falls at least in the category of Hasan Ahadith. THE METHOD OF PERFORMING SALAATUT TASBEEH Imaam Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak (R.A) and many other ulama narrate the following method of offering this salaah. (This method is also reported from Rasulullah ( and is the preferred method of performing this salaah). "After reciting thanaa and before reciting Surah Faatihah repeat these words (the third Kalimah) 'Subhaanallaahi Walhamdulillaahi, Wa laa ilaaha illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar' fifteen times. Then start with 'a'oodhu' and 'Bismillaah' and, after completing Surah Faatihah and another surah, these words (above mentioned) should be repeated ten times before the ruku, ten times during the ruku, ten times after standing up from the ruku, ten times in each sajdah and ten times while sitting between the two sajdahs. All four rakaats should be performed in this manner, thus completing seventy five times (tasbeehs) in each rakaat and 300 times (tasbeehs) in four rakaats.'' [Sunan Tirmizi vol.2, pg.348] TABLE OF PERFORMING SALAATUT TASBEEH ACCORDING TO THE METHOD OF IMAM ABDULLAH IBN MUBARAK

(R.A) POSTURES OF SALAAH NUMBER OF TIMES AFTER THANAA BEFORE SURAH FAATIHA 15 TIMES BEFORE RUKU 10 TIMES DURING RUKU 10 TIMES WHILE STANDING AFTER RISING FROM THE RUKU 10 TMES IN THE FIRST SAJDAH 10 TIMES SITTING POSTURE BETWEEN BOTH SAJDAS 10 TIMES IN THE SECOND SAJ DAH 10 TIMES TOTAL PER RAKAAT 75 TIMES TOTAL IN FOUR RAKAATS 300 TIMES There are no particular surahs specified for this salaah. Any surah may be recited. However Sayyiduna Ibn Abbaas ( was once asked, ''Are there any particular surahs to be recited in this salaah? He replied, 'At takaasur (S.102), Al Asr (S.103), Al Kaafiroon (S.109) and Al Ikhlaas (S.112).'' Some Ulamaa have also stated, ''The most virtuous surahs (to be recited in this salaah) are Al Hadeed (S.57), Al Hashar (S.59), As Saff (S.61) and At Taghaabun (S.64).'' [Raddul Muhtaar vol.2, pg.461] SOME IMPORTANT POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND 1. Counting should not be done verbally as this act nullifies the salaah. The best way is that the fingers should be kept in their position, but should be pressed one by one for counting. [Raddul Muhtaar vol.2, pg.236; Fadhaail A'amaal, Virtues of Zikr Pg.244] 2. This Salaah can be offered at any time of the day or night besides the three forbidden times. However, the more appropriate times, in order of preference, are: After midday, any time during the day, and any time during the night. [Fadhaail A'amaal, Virtues of Zikr Pg.245] 3. According to some ahaadith, the third Kalimah should also be followed by 'Laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyyil adheem' It is therefore better to recite it sometimes in addition to the third Kalimah.'' [Ihyaa Ulummuddeen vol.2, pg.267] 4. In the ruku, 'subhaana rabbiyal adheem' and in the sajdah, 'subhaana rabbiyal a'alaa' should be recited before reciting the third kalimah." [At Tarsheeh, Libayaani Salaatit Tasbeeh pg.22] 5. If one missed out all the tasbeehaat or some tasbeehaat in any posture, he should not make up for that deficiency in qaumah (after ruku in the standing posture) or in jalsah (after the first sajdah before the second sajdah). PRACTICE AND CONVEY THIS GIFT GRANTED TO US BY RASULULLAH

Salatul Tasbih
For forgiveness of All Sins Benefits of Salat -Ul-Tasbih Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaho Alihiwassallam ) said to his uncle (fathers brother) Sayyiduna Abbass (may Allah be pleased with him) Oh uncle shall I not give you Shall I not grant you Shall I not award you Shall I not do mercy on you When you do 10 things Allah will forgive your sins: of the future and of the past; new and old; those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly; big and small; hidden and revealed. Then he (Sallallaho Alihiwassallam) explained the taught the way to pray Salatul Tasbih and then said if you can pray this salah once a day, if you can not pray once a day then every Friday,

and even if this is not possible then once a month and even if this is not possible then once a year and even if this is not possible then at least once in a lifetime (AbuDawood & Tirimzi) How to perform Salatul Tasbih? This salaat (namaz) is offered in four rakat at a time and can be read in any part of the day and night besides Zawal and Sunrise and Sunset makrooh times, keeping in mind the forbidden times for performing Salat (namaaz). But is is pre ferred before Zuhr (Fatawa Alamgeeri) The Tasbih to be read in Salaat -Ul-Tasbeeh:

" Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar "
Method: Goal is to recite above Tasbih 300 times in Four Rakah with the following method. In the first rakaat, after reading Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times. Now recite Aaoz "Aoozubillah...", Bismillah "Bismillah...", Then read sura Fatiha and a Surah or minimum of three small Ayayhs then read the tasbih 10 times again. Go to ruku saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar), after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Ruku. Saying "Samee Allahu Liman Hamidah Rabbana Lakal Hamdh" get up from ruku to qiyam position. Now read the tasbih 10 times. Go to Sajdah saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah. Now go after first Sajdah go to Jalsa (sitting position) saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar). Sitting in Jalsa read tasbih 10 times. Go to sajda again saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar) and after reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" minimum of three times read the tasbih 10 times in Sajdah again. Get up to begin 2nd rakat saying Takbeer (Allah Hoo Akbar). Do rakah #2 in same fashion, but before reading Bismillah "Bismillah...", and Surah Fatiha, read the tasbih 15 times. Follow the rest as you did in first Rakat. After second Sajdah of Second Rakat sit in Qaidah Oola (first sitting) read Attahiyat, Durood and Dua then get up for 3rd rakaat without saying Salam. Begin third Rakat, just like the first Rakat, with Sana "Subhaana Kallahumma...", read the above tasbih 15 times. Follow the rest as you did in first Rakat untill you sit for Qaidah Akihra (last sitting) af ter second sajdah of fourth Rakah. In Qaidah Akihra Attahiyat, Durood, Dua finish Salah with Salam.

Special notes for Salat -Ul-Tasbih: 1) Do not count loudly. It will break Salah 2) Do not count on fingers or by holding a Bead Tasbih in hand. It is Makruh. 3) You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder. For example if you are in Ruku. You me press pinky of your right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third count, following this me thod untill you reach the pinky of left hand will give you an exact count of ten. Use the same method in Qayam, Sajdah and Jalsa. 4) If missed a count then make it up in the next posture. For example if forgot to recite Tasbih after Surah in Qayam. Then yo u may recite Tasbish 20 times instead of 10 in Rukuh after "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem". Missed Tasbih cannot be recited in Qayam after ruku and Jalsa between Sajdah. If you missed the Tasbih in Ruku then recite 20 in the first Sajdah instead of the Qayam aft er rukuh. Similarly if missed the Tasbih in first Sajdah then do not make it up in Jalsa. Instead recite missed tasbih in the second Sajdah. If Tasbih has been missed in last sajdah of second or fourth Rakah then you can recite the missed ones before Attahiyat in Qaidah. 5) If you miss a wajib in Salah and have to do Sajdah Sahaw. You dont have to recite Tasbih in Sajdah sahoo, since the 300 count has been estalished. But if you had missed Tasbih in any of the postures and remeber it now. Then you may recit e the missed Tasbih in Sajdah Sahaw now. 6) It is preferable to recite after Surah Fatiha Sura Takathuur in the first raka, Surah Wal Asr in the second raka, Surah Kaferoon (qul ya aiyuhal Kafiroon) in the third and Surah Akhlas (Qul hu Allah -hu ahd) in the fourth raka. If one does not remember these surah they can recite the ones they prefer. May Allah accept this dua (supplication) for the sake of the trustworthy PROPHET MOHAMMED (Allahs Grace & Peace be upon him)

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