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mardi 21 février 2023 21:57

Flats repris d'une session précédentes donc largement améliorables.

La lumière du voisin m'a encore saoulé, et a sans doute participé aux 'outliers'. De plus la lumière des lampadaires est un vrai problème.
Je lance l'acquisition de cette séquence sans trop y croire. Je n'ai jamais réussi un transit d'une profondeur aussi faible ( 11,5 Millimags attendus et magnitude de l'étoile principale 12,54 visuelle)

Simbad GSC 03348-01101

GAIA DR2 255397142179844224
2MASS J04580102+4818038

À partir de l’adresse <>

Très peu d'observation de ce transit au moment où je me lance c'est ce qui fait tout l'intérêt de cette observation. D'autant plus avec un tube aussi petit que le mien.

FITTING 2023/02/22
Avec la nouvelle version de HOPS qui permet un fitting quadratic, lineair ou airmass.

Re traitement des datas avec la nouvelle verson de HOPS le 23/02/2023. Les nouvelles fontion de
detrend suivant Airmass et quadratiques sont géniales. Reste à poster l'observation, mais le site buggé
m'en empeche actuellement. Mail envoyé à l'équipe pour qu'ils corrigent et supprime l'observation
buggée qui plante le système.

# variable fix/fit value uncertainty initial min. allowed max. allowed

c0 fit 0.9803 -0.0024 +0.0023 0.9760885260131084 0.8823210154133231 1.1401640439137124
c1 fit 0.0154 -0.0013 +0.0014 0.02025486482548322 -2.0 2.0

c1 fit 0.0154 -0.0013 +0.0014 0.02025486482548322 -2.0 2.0
LDC1_clear fix 0.522525832598483
LDC2_clear fix -0.3025182890394777
LDC3_clear fix 0.965130711768764
LDC4_clear fix -0.4192809088304912
rp fit 0.0964 -0.0067 +0.0063 0.09946228228698234 0.02355 0.3768
P fix 2.64532306
a fix 6.93
e fix 0.0
i fix 87.93
w fix 0.0
T_mid fit 2459996.4997 -0.0028 +0.0032 2459996.5079805735 2459996.30127142 2459996.7012714203

#Number of outliers removed: 0
#Uncertainties scale factor: 1.9418563700209794

#Mean: 0.0001517875988982252
#STD: 0.00784637786482114
#RMS: 0.007847845887422513
#Chi squared: 108.01151360571085
#Reduced chi squared: 1.038572246208758
#Max auto-correlation: 0.19459890132391944
#Max auto-correlation flag: False
#Shapiro test: 0.9899250268936157
#Shapiro test flag: False

#Detrended Residuals:
#Mean: 0.0001496044767233397
#STD: 0.0077544751743950395
#RMS: 0.00775591817451452

--- results.txt ---

Contains the fitting results for the parameters involved.

variable Name of the variable
fix/fit Indication of wheather the parameter was fixed (fix) of fitted on the data (fit)
value Value of the parameter used in the final model
uncertainty Uncertainty of the parameter (only for parameters that were fitted)
initial Initial value of the parameter in the MCMC (only for parameters that were fitted)
min. allowed Minimum allowed value of the parameter in the MCMC (only for parameters that were fitted)
max. allowed Maximumm allowed value of the parameter in the MCMC (only for parameters that were fitted)

c0 no units - Normalisation factor
c1 no units - Linear coefficient of the de-trending function
c2 no units - Quadratic coefficient of the de-trending function (valid only for quadratic de-trending)
LDC1 no units - First limb-darkening coefficient
LDC2 no units - Second limb-darkening coefficient
LDC3 no units - Third limb-darkening coefficient
LDC4 no units - Forth limb-darkening coefficient
rp no units - Planet-to-star radius ratio
P days - Orbital period
a no units - Orbital semi-major axis relatively to the stellar radius
e no units - Orbital eccentricity
i degrees - Orbital inclination
w degrees - Orbital argument of periastron
T_mid BJD_TDB - Transit mid-time

Number of outliers removed Number of outlying points detected and removed.
Uncertainties scale factor Originally the uncertainties are SQRT(FLUX + 2*SKY)
however these may be underestimated or overestimated due to
the gain of the camera. During the fitting, the uncertainties
are scaled based on the RMS of the residuals of the best-fit model.

Mean Mean value of the residuals
STD Standard deviation of the residuals
RMS Root mean square of the residuals
Chi squared Chi squared of the residuals
Reduced chi squared Reduced chi squared of the residuals
Max auto-correlation Maximum value of the autocorrelation function of the normalised residuals
Max auto-correlation flag Flag indicating weather the maximum value of the autocorrelation function is higher than what is
expected from a gaussian distribution
Shapiro test 1 - shapiro statistic on the residuals
Shapiro test flag Flag indicating weather the shapiro test is higher than what is expected from a gaussian distribution

Detrended Residuals:
Mean Mean value of the de-trended residuals (de-trended data - de-trended model)
STD Standard deviation of the de-trended residuals (de-trended data - de-trended model)
RMS Root mean square of the de-trended residuals (de-trended data - de-trended model)

--- model.txt ---

Contains the data and the final model. The columns contain the following information (in order):
1. mid-exposure time in BJD_TDB
2. orbital phase
3. relative flux
4. uncertainty on the relative flux used during fitting
5. model
6. fitting residuals

--- detrended_model.txt ---

Contains the detrended data and the final model, where all fluxes have been divided by the best-fit model for
the systematics. The columns contain the following information (in order):
1. mid-exposure time in BJD_TDB
2. orbital phase
3. detrended relative flux
4. detrended uncertainty on the relative flux used during fitting
5. detrended model
6. detrended fitting residuals

--- corner.pdf ---

Shows the correlation between the fitted parameters during the MCMC process. A good fitting is indicated by
well-shaped normal distributions in all the plots across the diagonal.

--- detrended_model.pdf ---

Shows the final transit model, data and residuals (data-model), divided by the best fit model for the systematics
(a second-order polynomial is fitted simultaneously with the transit model).


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