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Pedoman Wawancara JPRI / Interview guidelines for JPRI


Efektivitas Pengadilan Sederhana atau Small Claim Court / Effectiveness of Small claim
Court in Korea
a. Apakah di negara anda dikenal dan diatur tentang Small Clain Court?
Is your country known and regulated about Contempt of Court?
b. Berapa lama jangka waktu yang digunakan dalam penanganan perkara melalui
mekanisme Small Claim Court di Korea?
How long is the term used in handling the case through Small Claim Court
mechanism in Korea?
c. Berapa maksimal nominal yang disengketakan atau nilai gugatan daam
pengaturan Small Claims Court di Korea?
What is the maximum amount of dispute or the value of the lawsuit in the Small
Claims Court arrangement in Korea?
d. Bagaimanakah efektivitas Small Claims Court dalam menyelesaikan perkara
perdata di Korea? Lalu jenis perkara apa saja yang dapat diselesaikan melalui
Small Claim Court?
How does the effectiveness of Small Claims Court in resolving Civil litigation in
Korea? Then what types of cases can be resolved through the Small Claim Court?
e. Bagaimanakah sifat dari putusan Small Claim Court? Apakah dapat diajukan
banding atau lansung kasasi?
What is the character of the Small Claim Court ruling? Can it be appealed

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