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WEIPPERTS a Instructions for the “PEDAL HARP . with a Retain. i, Containing 488 easiest & most mod-rn methods for Learners to Play . ecece-esecs ocosocececec PHILADELPHIA Published & Sold at G:willigs Mutical Magazine + Price 7 Cents % INSTRUCTJON FOR THE PEDAL HARP MUS is written on staves, which Consist of five Parellel lines, thu pat thé Beginning of each Sfavey is placed-aCliff, and for the PEDAL HARP, Two of these are usedy(Vi2) the Treble.) or G Cliff, and the Basse) x F.Cliffy Sometimes the Tenor jer C Cliff is made 1 use of infthe Bass Staves when the Part-ruas high, ta prevent Ledger : LEDGER LINES, are short additional lines, 4 The ahave five Parallel lines, with the spaces between ar called-for the sake of Di tinction, by the names of the first Seven Letters of the Alphabet. - A. B.C.D. and repeated, as often as the compass requires The Trébie or G Cliff A Big Dog FG 2 2S Se Bg 2 == The Tenor or C Cliff DEK GA BY p rg wr G 4 Bg —— == ae . . . The half notes, or Semitones, are expressed, by the fellowing- Characters, (# a Sharp) raises eny Note half aTone,(ba Flat) lowers the Note half a Tone, (j aNatural) Restore any Note to its Natural Sound. ; ABar is perpendiallar Stroke draw across the Staves , to divide the Measures and distinguish one Bar from another, thus A double Bar, is formed of two of those lines, thus=}f which divides the first partyand fiaahes. an Air Nc. Kc. and when dotted, thus EE shew:,that each partymust be played twice A (Repeat) Signifies that such Parts of an Air musf be play'd over again, from where such reference is marked. . The PEDAL AARP has 41 Strings, of which the lowest string, is is Fand the highest is D. as will appeat in the following Example. » 4 Left Hand aA Abe pF i] ie = —_— The Names, and Proportions of the Notes,and their Sevesal Rests 6 NOTES jemibreveMii rotchet Quaver _ Semiquaver _ Demisezniquaver RESTS 8 Quavers 168i miquavers 4 -O-The Rests Signi i Sor i ess Signify Silence, in Proporfien fo the |, x ve ‘Several Notes which adnhd of Pyingy sre cli cepressed thee) mer Written Played : A ALDOT . Addéd to either a Noteor Restymakes it half as’ long again. This , Write S==pS4 Rests dotted Played Exglained 3 Explanation of the different Graces, used on the Pedal Harp. "Which if not carefully affended fo, would appeaslanguidy and void of {hose pleasing, Expressions, that conveys an agreable Sensation to the Minds of the Hearers as well as the Performer. k ke Ss a w -Markd thus . Shake — turn Shake. “Inverted horn on the Dot Play'd thus| _ APOGIATURAS are little Gracefitl Notes; Placed before or after their Principals,thus Written Inferior Apogiafura, “Superior ApoBiatura, the Slur Played = s A PAUSE, is marked thus, fTMimpli¢s that the Notes or Restyaver or under which if is placedy is tobe bemtinaed beyond ‘its. proper time, and sometimes it is accomipanicl, by an Extempore Gadence to display the Taste and Skill of the Performer. A TYE, or bindings is ‘marked thus —~ which tyes Several Notes together thus : ee ae the first Note only is to be struck ,thoughs i it inisheld the ful’ Time of both. “$s TACCATO is marked thus1!1) or... .. Signifying that the Notes over which they are placed must be played in a very distinct manner. 6 rae ; On Time ‘The various kinds of Time used in Music may he reduced to Two, Viz COMMON aad TRIPLY, the Common is mark this ¢. CG. ff and the Tripte thus, $4218 6g as in the following Example. a } ‘Common Time | @. gd. io. Tiiple Time. A Figure 3 placed over three Crotchets, Quavers or Semiquavers, signifies that the. three Crotchets are to be played in the Time of one Minim} the three Quavers to. one Crotchet, the three Scmiquavers in that gf one Quaver: thus Hee : Z : A Figure & placed over Six Quavers, Semiquavers Mf &@. shews, that the Six @uavers must be played in the Time of one Minim. the Six Semiquaters in that of one Crotchet &S ° . = e z Zz m fer puny, 4 Peer xt, Ox HARMONICA : Harmonic Sounds are Produced, with the left Thumb, and the under Part of the Muscles opposite the 34 finger, the thumb must be held a little above the Middle of the String)so that the Muscle reat-Bxactly on the middle of the Ssring, if alittle lower, or higher, it -will not produce the Marmonic Sound, and when the Thumb Strikes the Strings the whole Hand should be withdrawn quickly to Facilitate the vibration of the String,the Doublé Harmonic notes are Produced in like manner(Viz) with the Thumb and the first finger,’ and if the String is Divided in five Parts it will give the fifth above the aforesaid, and if Divided in Right Parts, it will Produce the Eight above it . Explanation of the Pedal Harp Rotula This being of so Sitmple a Constructiony it Requires very little Explanation The PEDAL HARP has 15 Keys(viz) 8 Major and 5 Minors which are Produced, by the Petlals; which are Sifuated 40n the Righ{ and 3on the left, side of the foot,of the Instrument) By this ROTULA, you can immediately know what Pedals to put down, to Produce the different Keys, for Example if you wish fo Prt the Harp in etal pe Wen isthe Key of G_) look cn the Circuler Staves, and bring the Moveable Index.R, to one Sharp it will Inferm you that the Pedal N°TA$% must be put downy and then the Key is @__ in lice manner for any other Key, 4 W Sientfies the foot of the Harp, the Pedal are numberd and fo each number i sdd'd the n:me of the note the Pedal Produces; by if being put down , % - fs On Fingering 5 The o stand for tte Thumb. 1 for the first finger. 2 for the second finger and 8 for the third finger When there are five Notes descending When there are five Notes ascendins _the second finger strikes the fifth Note the fifih Nete is struck with the Thm ° 2 2 $232 e012 1 ro g $245 # thus E L” | thus 2 3 . CoSetes Octaves are 2 ‘The sixth is 2 = play’ thus; play'd thus ys a Lesson I Moderato Moderato, : 3 Moderato Haromonic Bass — NoLIT Adagio ce. . k Harmonic — — 7) Allegre eslie Waltz Lady Flarviet

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