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Nama : Qonnita Dhiya Ichsani

Kelas : IK2D

Nim : 33420317

Hello everyone
How are you? I hope you are fine
before the video starts let me introduce my self My name is Qonnita Dhiya Ichsani and you
can call me Qonnita
I am currently study at second year at Informatics Engineering Department majoring in
electrical at semarang state polythecnic
In this video I will explain how to lose weight. As an effort to lose weight, there are many
ways that can be done. Not only by exercising, but also reducing the consumption of calories
that enter the body. A calorie deficit diet is one way to lose weight. A calorie deficit diet is
also safe to do as long as it is done the right way.

Many people consume more calories than they need to maintain their ideal body weight. A
calorie is a unit of energy that you get from food and drink. If you consume excess calories
without doing physical activity to burn excess fat, the extra calories will be stored by the
body as fat. in the thighs, stomach, and the rest of the body. And when we consume fewer
calories than we burn, we have reached a calorie deficit. Therefore, basically a calorie deficit
diet is an eating pattern by reducing the intake of calories that enter the body every day.
In a journal published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the calories we burn or
expend each day, also known as calorie expenditure, include the following three components:
Resting energy expenditure (REE). REE refers to the calories your body uses at rest for
functions that keep us alive, such as breathing and blood circulation.Thermic effect of food. It
involves the calories the body expends to digest, absorb, and metabolize food.Activity energy
expenditure. This refers to the calories you expend during exercise such as exercise and non-
sports-related activities, including fidgeting and doing household chores.
If you give the body fewer calories than it needs to support these three components of calorie
expenditure, it will put your body in a calorie deficit. Doing it consistently for a long time
results in weight loss. On the other hand, you will gain weight if you regularly provide more
calories than needed to support these functions. This is called a calorie surplus.
In the journal Association for Psychological Science, stated that the size of the meal
determines the supply of energy, and which should be addressed as prevention and treatment
of obesity.
Tips for Doing a Calorie Deficit Diet
Basically, to ensure healthy weight loss, women should eat no less than 1,200 calories per
day, and men no less than 1,500 calories, according to the Dietary Guideline for Americans.
But if you want to cut calories from your diet to create a calorie deficit, it doesn't always
require drastic changes.
1. Know the Calories Needed in a Day for a Smooth Calorie Deficit Diet
To do a calorie deficit diet, you need to know how many calories you need. This is because
everyone has different calorie needs, depending on age, physical activity, gender, and age.
You can use a calorie calculator to calculate how many calories you need in a day to lose
weight. For example, from the site

Citing the Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietitics, for most people, a calorie
deficit of 500 calories per day is sufficient for weight loss and does not affect hunger or
energy levels.However, as is well known, the amount of calorie needs of each person is
different. This is determined by several factors such as gender, age, height, weight, activity
level and each metabolic system.
2. Do Physical Activity
Exercise can support faster weight loss if you are on a calorie deficit diet. The National
Health Service recommends that adults should get some type of physical activity every day
rather than none at can do simple exercise movements, such as cardio jump rope
movements, squats, planks, sit-ups and push-ups, and other movements. For exercise time,
the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a duration of 150 minutes of exercise
per week, or approx. 30 minutes five days a week.
3. Reduce Carbohydrate Intake
Carbohydrate intake is needed by the body as an energy source. However, you also need to
pay attention to the type of carbohydrates consumed and also the portion. Especially if you
want to do a calorie deficit diet.Although there is no definite benchmark for carbohydrate
intake in a day, you can choose healthier types of carbohydrates.

4. Drink Enough Water

Lastly, is to drink enough water to help lose weight. It is recommended, the consumption of
water as much as 30 mL / body weight in a day.Not only has 0 calories, drinking water can
also help burn calories, you know, you. As a result, they experience weight loss

increased energy expenditure and burned between 2-3 percent more calories than usual within
90 minutes of drinking water.
5. Don't Drink Drinks That Contain Calories
You may be able to eliminate several hundred calories from your diet simply by reducing or
eliminating sugary drinks like soda, fruit juices, and specialty coffee drinks. Alcoholic drinks
also contain a lot of calories.

Calories from these drinks do not provide a feeling of fullness, and if overdone, can lead to
weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes.

okay, that's all the video tips about losing weight by means of a calorie deficit, if there is a
wrong word I apologize, goodbye and see you again

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