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How safety and structure shape our world in the future.

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Reliable safety and accurate structures are essential to ensuring sustainable development

in all aspects of life. Safety is when hazards causing psychological, material, or physical threats

or harm are managed or prevented to protect citizens' welfare and health. To achieve a higher

level of safety, the government and community members formulate and observe several practices

such as; exercising integrity of values, preventing injuries brought about by accidents, enhancing

solidarity, equality, and peace in protecting human rights at all levels, lastly is the provision of

prevention and rehabilitation methods. There are various types of safety, including social or

public safety, which is concerned with the risk of harm caused by crimes like vandalism and

theft. An example is that loss of life due to murder is worse than one caused by a road accident,

though the latter takes place.

Another type is substantive, which is experienced when the world's history is conducive,

and normative safety is obtained when products' design meets standards and is safe. Perceived

safety is the level of user conformity and perception of risks without considering the history of

safety. Traffic signals are considered safe though they may increase traffic accidents like

roundabout junctions (Sorensen et al., 2021). Some regulations and responses for ensuring safety

are; insurance compensating when property loss or destruction occurs. Creating awareness

among people on various grounds is another way to ensure the future world is a safe environment

for people to live in upon applying the knowledge received.

Structure refers to an organization of interrelated components of a system or object.

These materials involve; natural objects such as biological organisms, chemicals, and minerals,

and human-made objects like machines and constructions. In the contemporary world,

intellectual innovation and technology is the structural force which has reduced costs of

communication, production, and transportation; for example use of computers and bots has also
increased opportunities for attaining economic growth through the exchange of services and

products covering huge areas. Therefore, appropriate design, procedures, and standards must be

followed and maintained to achieve sustainability. An update of information and systems should

also be exercised and controlled to avoid unnecessary errors.


Sorensen, G., Dennerlein, J. T., Peters, S. E., Sabbath, E. L., Kelly, E. L., & Wagner, G.

R. (2021). The future of research on work, safety, health and wellbeing: A guiding conceptual

framework. Social Science & Medicine, 269, 113593.

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