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Rebecca Chan


6 Tweets • 2023-02-07 •  See on Twitter 

“Is Japan actually the chief candidate to become

“Asia’s Ukraine,” rather than Taiwan? A careful
consideration would suggest so.” - Thomas Polin
“Full implementation of such schemes would put
Japan at the forefront of any war with China — as
Ukraine has been in the faceoff with Russia. It would
be a colossal setback for peace in the entire Asia-
Pacific region, so hard-won in WW2 and maintained
for eight decades since.”
“However, Japan must understand that the US is
using it as a forward operating base, in other words,
Japan is being used as cannon fodder, a Beijing-
based military expert who requested anonymity told
the Global Times…”
“Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV
commentator, said if those weapons are deployed on
those Japanese islands close to Taiwan, they will be
easily targeted and destroyed because they have no
way to run on those small islands…”
** UPDATE Was Shinzo Abe killed because he
opposed burning all bridges to China and Russia?



For the third time, Japan is being used by the U.S. to

wage war on China. Should China strike back at
Japan or the U.S. mainland?

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