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 It is an interface present in javax.servlet.http package.

 It is used to dispatch a request from one resource to another resource.
 Resource may be html, servlet and JSP.
 HttpSevletRequest provides a method getRequestDispatcher( ) to get reference of
 This method takes the url pattern of the next resource.
 RequestDispatcher has two method:

*public void forward(request, response)

*public void include(request, response)

 HttpServletRequest provides 2 method:

*public void setAttribute(String key, object value)

*public object getAttribute(String key)

 It is an interface present in javax.servlet.http package.
 It is used to identify a user.
 By using session we can get the user login time or creation time and used for
invalidating the session.
 HttpServletRequest provide method getSession( ) to get the reference of

HttpSession ses = request.getSession();
HttpSession ses = request.getSession(boolean b);

Methods of HttpSession:-
*public void setAttribute(String key, object value)
*public object getAttribute(String key)
*public void invalidate()

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