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# Import necessary libraries

import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf

# Define function to calculate support and resistance levels

def calc_support_resistance(data):
# Calculate support level
support = min(data['Low'][:-1])
# Calculate resistance level
resistance = max(data['High'][:-1])
return support, resistance

# Define function to buy or sell based on support and resistance levels

def buy_sell_support_resistance(data):
# Calculate support and resistance levels
support, resistance = calc_support_resistance(data)
# Get latest price
latest_price = data['Close'][-1]
# Buy if price breaks resistance level
if latest_price > resistance:
return "Buy"
# Sell if price breaks support level
elif latest_price < support:
return "Sell"
# Hold if price is between support and resistance levels
return "Hold"

# Set ticker symbol and time frame

symbol = 'AAPL'
time_frame = '1d'

# Get data from Yahoo Finance

data =, period='1y', interval=time_frame)

# Apply buy_sell_support_resistance function to data

data['Buy/Sell'] = data.apply(buy_sell_support_resistance, axis=1)

# Print the last few rows of the data, including the buy/sell signals

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