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1. I have read the book 'Rich dad Poor dad' written by Robert Kiyosaki.

In the title of the book,

'Rich dad' was Robert Kiyosaki's friend's father, a successful entrepreneur; due to this, he
accumulated more wealth. In contrast, 'poor dad' is claimed to be Kiyosaki's father, who he says
worked hard all his life but never obtained financial security.
2. If were asked to change the title of the book ‘Rich dad Poor dad’, I will have changed the title
from ‘Rich dad Poor dad’ to ‘Rich’s thought and Poor’s thought ’because in this book Robert
Kiyosaki has compared rich person’s thought and poor person’s thought.
3. ±← x2 π×÷
4. Pass
5. In this book I have read an incidence that influenced me a lot. The incident is mike – rich father’s
son- and Robert – Poor father’s son- have an idea to convert waste toothpaste tubes into lead
nickel. This is not possible in today’s world because today’s toothpaste tubes are made up from
plastic but then they were made up of lead. This influenced me a lot because they were just of 9
though they have this brilliant idea.
6. IN THIS BOOK I like rich dad because he teaches mike and Robert, how to earn money. He also
have different thoughts that inspired me .

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