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Name- Suraj Mete

Class- BCS (SY) DITMS (2022-23)

<html> <h1>Three Languages To Build websites</h1><form>

<head><title>Form Tag Demo</title></head> <div class="leftdiv">
<style> <img src="C:\Users\Dell\Downloads\html.png" width=150
body{ font: size 10px;font-weight: bold;} height=150><br><br>
.leftdiv{ HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. <br>
float: left; HTML is used to create web pages and web applications. <br>
padding: 40px; HTML is widely used language on the web. <br>
font-weight: bold; We can create a static website by HTML only.<br>
border: 10px outset purple; Technically, HTML is a Markup language rather than a programming
width:20%; language. <br></div>
height:350px;} <div class="middlediv">
.middlediv{ <img src="C:\Users\Dell\Downloads\css.png" width=150
float: left; height=150><br><br>
padding: 40px; CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. <br>
font-weight: bold; CSS is used to design HTML tags. <br>
border: 10px outset purple; CSS is a widely used language on the web. <br>
width:20%; HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used for web designing. <br>
height:350px;} It helps the web designers to apply style on HTML tags. <br></div>
.rightdiv{ <div class="rightdiv">
float: left; <img src="C:\Users\Dell\Downloads\js.png" width=150
padding: 40px; height=150><br><br>
font-weight: bold; JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language. <br>
border: 10px outset purple; Designed for creating network-centric applications. <br>
width:20%; Complementary to and integrated with Java. <br>
height:350px;} Complementary to and integrated with HTML. <br>
.img{ image-align:center; } Open and cross-platform. <br>
</style><body> </div></form></body></html>

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