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It all started with me forgetting to attend the first Sunday meeting we organised, to

discuss the building we were going to choose. I should have set an alarm clock or something to
help me wake up on time. Actually, I did not like to work with Jonathan particularly, but I knew I
had no choice. Both Cedric and him were very responsible for their work and even prepared the
structure beforehand. Yet because of me, they were pulled down. From their messages, I knew
they were really exasperated.

However, after managing to fold less than 12 cubes over 2 hours, I told myself it was
impossible to do 40, which was assigned to me. On the night of the fifth of May, I argued with
them about the amount, maybe wasting an hour of time. Jonathan decided to be nice and set
up a folding meeting at his house. In total, we folded 330 cubes over a few hours. I thought It
was more efficient as each of us would do 2 to 3 steps and would cut down the amount of work
we needed to do.

On the night of the day itself, I argued with them once more about the number of cubes
that I needed to fold. I had assumed less than 30 as we did many during the meeting, but I was
told to fold 50 instead. Although it was cut down from 80, it still was a lot of hard work to do.
During that time I had especially many other coursework to do, so I wasn’t as free as usual.
Jonathan kept insisting that another meeting would waste travel time. I was not aware that
Cedric lived a 1-hour distance from school. It was my mistake to think that everyone lived
nearby. That day, I slept only at 11 pm after an unfinished discussion about the cubes.

In my heart, I was reluctant but I was motivated to try my best and complete the work.
My siblings were willing to help me out, so I folded 8 more than the expected amount. On
Sunday which was Mother’s day, I informed them to say that I had folded the cubes. What I did
not know was that Cedric and Jonathan went to fold my share when they were afraid that it
would result in a shortage of cubes. When I had the last chance, they did not inform me about
the last meeting where they combined every cube into the structure. I wouldn’t blame them
entirely. If I were in their shoes I would be done with a person that does not seem to contribute

What the whole team as a whole was the lack of communication. Probably we could
have discussed further to ensure that no quarrels would happen. I also could have asked more.
Most importantly for me, it was the time-management issue that failed me. If I had just down
my duty of folding cubes, I would not have gone into much trouble. Cedric and Jonathan did
much much more than me and had cut down my duties. I feel extremely ashamed now as I
come to think of it. While the past is past, I will try my best and be more diligent in my work, to
prevent such happenings in the future.

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