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C H A P T E R 7


continues to be devastating. The role of diseases such as

smallpox, plague, yellow fever, and polio on human history
is fascinating, but, fortunately, is mostly historical.
Malaria, one of the most widespread diseases, is caused by a
Although smallpox has been eliminated, the latter three dis-
Plasmodium parasite and is transmitted to humans by the
eases do reappear, but the cases are isolated. Plague is
Anopheles mosquito. It infects several hundred million peo-
treated effectively with antibiotics, and there are vaccines
ple each year, results in several million deaths annually, and
for yellow fever and polio.
is a complex disease to treat. The causative agent is a group
There are three potential ways to control malaria: elimi-
of parasitical protozoa of the Plasmodium genus transmitted
nation of the vector, drug therapy, and vaccination.
by the female Anopheles mosquito. Its original treatment was
Elimination of the vector is the simplest and most cost-
quinine that became the prototypical molecule for the first
effective. Drug therapy has the same challenges as those with
generation of synthetic antimalarial drugs. The target for drug
development of antibiotics, resistance to the drug. The current
treatment and prophylaxis is the parasite, and each advance in
antimalarial drugs, although reasonably effective, also have
the drug treatment of this disease has resulted in the parasite
significant adverse reactions, and resistance is increasing. So
developing resistance. One of the most effective preventions
far, no effective vaccine has been developed that is effective
is controlling the mosquito population that is the vector car-
in vivo, but that may be changing because of a better under-
rying the parasite to humans. The human immune system
standing how the human immune system interacts with the
does respond to the parasite, but the development of an effec-
parasite. The malaria parasite does elicit an immune response
tive vaccine has been a challenge. Sequencing the plasmo-
as evidenced by the fact that children with an initial exposure
dium genome is providing information that may lead to other
are more likely to die than adults who have recurring attacks.
approaches to prevent and treat this debilitating disease.
Because malaria has been eliminated from North
America, Europe, and parts of Asia, it becomes a potential
History problem when citizens from a malaria-free area travel into an
Malaria’s name is derived from “mala aria” or bad air, and area where malaria is endemic. It is common for these trav-
has been called ague, intermittent fever, marsh fever, and elers going into areas where malaria is endemic to receive
The Fever.1,2 The name is based on the early knowledge that prescriptions for antimalarial drugs and use them prophylac-
malaria was associated with swamps and badly drained tically.8 Many times, citizens of malaria-free countries re-
areas. The use of quinine for treating malaria has been turning from areas where malaria is endemic plus citizens of
known since the 17th century. Although malaria is an an- the latter countries who are coming to the malaria-free coun-
cient disease, its upsurge seems to coincide with the advent tries will have contracted malaria and will require antimalar-
of farming about 20,000 years ago. The clearing of land pro- ial drugs for several months following their return. Also,
vided areas for ponds containing still water. The Anopheles there will be restriction on their ability to be blood donors.
gambiae mosquito uses still water that sits in ponds and con- Most prescriptions for antimalarial drugs in North America
tainers to breed. The gathering of humans in farming com- are indicated for prophylaxis of travelers going to and com-
munities provided the necessary concentration of people to ing from areas of the world where malaria is endemic.
form a reservoir of hosts for the parasite and “food” for the
mosquitoes breeding in the ponds.3–6 Malaria
Proof that the Anopheles mosquito is the carrier of the
Malaria is caused by four species of the one-cell protozoan
causative protozoa was obtained by Dr. Ronald Ross who
of the Plasmodium genus. They are:
was recognized in 1902 by receipt of the Nobel Prize in
Medicine. In a scenario somewhat similar to that where de- Plasmodium falciparum: This species is estimated to cause
finitive proof that yellow fever was transmitted by the approximately 50% of all malaria. It causes the most
Aedes aegypti mosquito was required, Dr. Ross strongly ar- severe form of the disease and, because patients feel
gued that malaria was transmitted by an insect vector and ill between acute attacks, debilitating form of the disease.
finally demonstrated that the parasite was carried in the One of the reasons it leaves the patient so weak is
stomach and salivary glands of the Anopheles mosquito. because it infects up to 65% of the patient’s erythrocytes.
The latter discovery was important because it helped re- Plasmodium vivax: This species is the second most
solve the dispute whether malaria was spread by the bite of common species causing about 40% of all malarial
the mosquito or drinking water containing mosquito eggs cases. It can be very chronic in recurrence because it can
and larvae.7 The impact of malaria on the human species reinfect liver cells.
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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 243

Plasmodium malariae: Although causing only 10% of all protozoan changes from sporozoite to schizont to mero-
malarial cases, relapses are very common. zoites, its immunological character changes. Determination
Plasmodium ovale: This species is least common. of the Plasmodium genome has shown that each form of the
parasite produces a different set of proteins. At the same
Figure 7.1 outlines the steps of the parasite as it is injected time, once the merozoites have left the hepatocyte and are in
into the victim and where drug therapy might be effective. systemic circulation, they are susceptible to attack by the
The mosquito stores the sporozoite form of the protozoan in patient’s immune system provided that it has “learned” to
its salivary glands. Upon biting the patient, the sporozoites recognize the parasite. Therefore, another site for vaccine de-
are injected into the patient’s blood. Ideally, this would be a velopment is the merozoite stage. Depending on the
good site for intervention before the parasite can infect the Plasmodium species, a merozoite vaccine may or may not
liver or erythrocyte. In the case of drug therapy, people liv- provide much protection to the liver, but it could reduce sub-
ing in areas endemic with malaria (and the mosquito vector) sequent infection of the erythrocytes.
would need to take the drug constantly. Although this would Merozoites in systemic circulation now infect the pa-
be plausible for people living temporarily in these areas, it is tient’s erythrocytes where they reside for 3 to 4 days before
not practical for the permanent residents. It is true that anti- reproducing. The reproduction stage in the erythrocyte can
malarial drugs could be formulated into implanted depot either produce more merozoites or another form called ga-
dosage forms, but these are expensive, and many times re- metocytes. The latter has different immunological proper-
quire trained medical personnel to implant the drug. ties from the other forms. Either way, the newly formed
Within minutes after being injected into the patient’s merozoites or gametocytes burst out of the infected erythro-
blood, the sporozoites begin entering hepatocytes where they cytes. The new merozoites infect additional erythrocytes
become primary schizonts and then merozoites. At this point, and continue the cycle of reproducing, bursting out of the
there are no symptoms. Depending on the Plasmodium erythrocytes, and infecting more erythrocytes. The debris
species, the merozoites either rupture the infected hepatocytes from the destroyed erythrocytes is one of the causes of se-
and enter systemic circulation or infect other liver cells. The vere fever and chills. Also, the patient’s immune system will
latter process is seen with P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale, respond with repeated exposure to the parasite, and this will
but not P. falciparum, and produces secondary schizonts. contribute to the patient’s discomfort.
This secondary infection of the liver can be very damag- The conversion of merozoites results in male and female
ing and is one of the sites for possible drug intervention. gametocytes. After entering the mosquito, they “mate,” pro-
Killing the secondary schizonts would accomplish two ducing zygotes in the mosquito’s stomach. The latter reside
things, protect the liver from further damage and eliminate a in the mosquito’s stomach endothelium oocysts. Eventually,
reservoir of schizonts that can change to merozoites and they migrate as sporozoites to the mosquito’s salivary gland
enter systemic circulation. It needs to be noted that, as the where the cycle begins again when the mosquito bites a

Figure 7.1 Stages of the parasite that causes malaria after injection into its victim.
See discussion in the text. ⵧ indicates site of antimalarial drug action in humans.
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244 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
human. Note that, in effect, there are two reservoirs or vec- erythrocyte. The significance of thalassemia varies with the
tors for the parasite: the mosquito that infects humans and type of anemia and whether or not the patient is homozygote
humans that infect mosquitoes. Consistent with the latter, or heterozygote. The most recent identified mutation is
there have been some attempts at developing prophylactic pyruvate kinase deficiency. Because erythrocytes lack mito-
agents that would be in the blood ingested by the mosquito. chondria, this enzyme is key to the formation of adenosine
These drugs would stop further development of the parasite triphosphate (ATP) from phosphoenolpyruvate.15 These
in the mosquito, preventing the insect from being a carrier. mutations produce an erythrocyte such that the parasite has
difficulty reproducing.
Another mutation is the ability of certain populations to
increase their production of NO. The site is in the promoter
There are at least two benefits to decoding the parasite’s region of the gene for nitric oxide synthase 2 that generates
genome. One is to find a protein or biochemical reaction that NO from arginine and involves a mutation where cytosine is
is unique to Plasmodium species such that a drug can be de- replaced by thymine. The result is higher circulating levels
signed that is selectively toxic to the protozoan. A second of NO. Mechanistically, it is not known how increased NO
goal is to understand the genetic changes that lead to drug provides this protection, because there appears to be no sig-
resistance. One of the main reasons for the increase in nificant difference between blood levels of the parasite in
malaria since the late 1990s is the developing resistance to individuals with the mutation compared with those with
chloroquine, an antimalarial that has been widely used “normal” NO synthase. The protection may be from compli-
against P. falciparum. This resistance is blamed for the in- cations seen with malaria, giving the patient’s immune sys-
creasing mortality rates in Africa and to the resurgence of tem time to respond to the parasite.16
The P. falciparum genome consists of the 30 million base Controlling the Vector,
pairs, forming 5,000 to 6,000 genes. It is nearly 80% ade- the Anopheles Mosquito
nine (A)-thymine (T) rich, making it difficult to tally base
pairs on the parasites’ 14 chromosomes.9,10 (In contrast, the The Anopheles mosquito has adapted very well to human
human genome is about 59% A-T.) The high A-T concen- habitats. As already pointed out, it requires still water to lay
tration made determination of the Plasmodium genome dif- its eggs, wait for them to hatch, and then let the larvae, who
ficult to sequence because (a) it was more difficult to slice feed on microscopic organisms in the still water, mature.
the chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strands into Transient still water is ideal because it likely is not going to
smaller distinct segments that make it easier to sequence the contain predators that will feed on the eggs and larvae. In
nucleotides and then reassemble them into chromosome; general, mosquitoes need 1 to 2 weeks to develop into ma-
and (b) the computer software would fail and had to be mod- ture insects. This usually is enough time before predators
ified.11 Because P. vivax is difficult to propagate in the lab- begin to populate the still water.
oratory, obtaining its genome has been a challenge. It turns Currently, there are two ways to control the mosquito
out that although it resembles P. falciparum’s genome, it carrier. One is to prevent contact between humans and the
possesses novel gene families and potential alternative inva- insect. Because the Anopheles mosquito is a nocturnal
sion pathways not previously recognized.12 feeder, it is easier to control compared with the Aedes
aegypti mosquito, which is a day feeder and carries both
dengue and yellow fever. Putting screens on windows and
Human Mutations that Protect
using mosquito netting in bedrooms are very effective. The
against Malaria
latter, when insecticide impregnated, has proven very effec-
There are at least six mutations in the human species that tive.17 As simple as the use of treated nets may seem, they
provide protection against malaria. These predominate in produce a logistical challenge. It has been estimated that in
populations that historically lived and continue to live in 2007, 130 to 264 million treated nets are required to reach
areas endemic with malaria. The six mutations are sickling 80% coverage for 133 million children younger than 5 years
disease (formerly sickle cell anemia), glucose-6-phosphate and pregnant women living in 123 million households in risk
dehydrogenase deficiency, hemoglobin C, various thal- areas in Africa.18
assemias, increased production of nitric oxide (NO), and Second, elimination of the Anopheles mosquito, usually by
pyruvate kinase deficiency. Sickling disease can be fatal in application of insecticide and destroying its breeding areas,
homozygotes although treatment has greatly improved. are the most effective ways to eliminate (as opposed to con-
Heterozygotes usually are asymptomatic and show a 90% trol) malaria. Areas that have been successful at eliminating
decrease in the chance of dying from P. falciparum.13 infected mosquitoes include North America, Europe, and
Homozygotes with hemoglobin C usually are asymptom- Russia. To do this, the adult female mosquito must be killed
atic.14 Erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and breeding areas (still water) must be drained. One of the
deficiency (actually 10%–15% of normal activity in the most effective insecticides has been dichlorodiphenyl-
erythrocyte) can cause hemolytic anemia and prehepatic trichloroethane (DDT). Dr. Paul Muller received the 1948
jaundice when the patient takes certain drugs or is exposed Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that DDT kills the
to some viral infections. Ironically, some of the antimalarial malaria-carrying Anopheles mosquito. DDT is very long last-
drugs must be used with caution in patients with erythrocyte ing and, unfortunately, accumulates in the environment.
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency to minimize Although being long lasting is beneficial from the standpoint
the risk of hemolytic anemia. The increased levels of oxi- of mosquito control, it also means that these insecticides get
dized glutathione in the erythrocyte that are deficient in this into the food chain and can affect both animals, including
enzyme may prevent the parasite from maturing in the birds, and humans. Indeed, use of DDT has been banned in
Chapter 7 Antimalarials 245
most economically developed countries. Unfortunately, the
areas of the world where malaria is endemic are economically STIMULATION OF ANTIMALARIAL
poor and cannot (a) afford the newer insecticides that must be RESEARCH BY WAR
reapplied because they degrade, (b) fund and maintain the in-
frastructure to eliminate breeding areas, and (c) provide med- From 1941 to 1946 (World War II), more than 15,000 sub-
ical facilities, staff, and drugs to treat their citizens. stances were synthesized and screened as possible antimalar-
ial agents by the United States, Australia, and Great Britain.
Activity increased again during the Vietnam War, especially
because of the increasing problem of resistance to commonly
used antimalarials. During the decade 1968 to 1978, more
than 250,000 compounds were investigated as part of a U.S.
Army search program.21 Department of Defense funding of
this research has continued.

Drugs Used to Prevent and

In general, malaria is endemic in areas of the world where There are four possible sites (Fig. 7.1) for drug therapy at
poverty is rampant. There is not the infrastructure to eliminate this stage of the disease.
the mosquito-breeding ponds, provide the insecticides to kill 1. Kill the sporozoites injected by the mosquito and/or pre-
the mosquito and screens to separate the population from the vent the sporozoites from entering the liver.
mosquito, and provide the necessary drugs to treat the dis- 2. Kill the schizonts residing in hepatocytes and/or prevent
ease. In addition to pharmacological treatment, proper nutri- them from becoming merozoites.
tion is important in surviving a malaria attack. The patient 3. Kill the merozoites in the blood and/or prevent them from
must replace the destroyed erythrocytes and, depending on developing into gametocytes.
the species of Plasmodium, hepatocytes. This requires calo- 4. Kill the gametocytes before they can enter the mosquito
ries from a high-quality diet that provides essential nutrients and reproduce into zygotes. Some have argued that the
including amino acids, lipids, and trace minerals. The World focus at this stage should be on the male gametocytes.
Health Organization’s 2008 Report (see Selected Reading) This would block the female gametocytes from mating.
has scored countries based on the populations’ lifestyles and
availability of resources. Lack of proper food is one of those Antimalarial drugs (Table 7.1) are good examples of
resources. In other words, just as the pathology of malaria is anti-infective agents with poor selective toxicity. Contrast
complex, so is its control and treatment. them with the antibiotics (Chapter 8). Tetracyclines, chlor-
amphenicol, and aminoglycosides act against bacterial
Development of Vaccines ribosomes, but not mammalian. Penicillins and cy-
closporins inhibit bacterial cell wall cross-linking, and
The complex nature of the parasite and its interactions with mammals have cell membranes, not cell walls. The fluro-
human red blood cells provide a large number of antigenic quinolones inhibit bacterial gyrase, but not mammalian
sites for the immune system.19 A T-cell response that in- topoisomerases. The biochemistry of the Plasmodium
cludes both CD4⫹ and CD8⫹ T cells and production of genus is similar to mammals, making it difficult to design
interferon and nitric oxide synthase induction is additional drugs that will not adversely affect the patient. Some have
evidence that the human immune system does detect the indications beyond that of treating and preventing malaria.
parasite and responds accordingly.20 An ideal vaccine Nearly all of the antimalarial drugs currently in use are
should, at a minimum, be effective against both P. falcip- based on prototypical molecules isolated from plants (see
arum and P. vivax, the two species responsible for 90% of Selected Reading).
malarial cases. Currently, the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine is
showing promise (see Selected Reading in the References at
the end of the chapter). It contains surface proteins from the
sporozoite stage, meaning it is designed for the immune sys- CINCHONA ALKALOIDS
tem to stop the parasite as it enters the patient’s blood from
the mosquito and before the parasite can reach the liver The cinchona tree produces four alkaloids that function as
where it matures and multiplies. prototypical molecules from which, until recently, most
antimalarial drugs were based. These alkaloids (Fig. 7.2) are
Development of Antimalarial Drugs the enantiomeric pair quinine and quinidine and their
desmethoxy analogs, cinchonidine (for quinine) and cin-
New antimalarial drugs must be developed constantly be- chonine (for quinidine). (Unfortunately, the nomenclature
cause the protozoa develop resistance by various mecha- for the two series of alkaloids is inconsistent.) Their num-
nisms (see discussion of mechanisms with the different bering system is based on rubane. The stereochemistry
drugs), and there are a wide variety of adverse reactions. differs at positions 8 and 9 with quinine and cinchonidine
The combination of cost of drugs and their adverse reactions being S,R and quinidine (cinchonine) being R,S.
can make patient compliance difficult. Because there are Historically, quinine has been the main treatment for
four different species of protozoa that cause malaria, no one malaria until the advent of World War II when battle in
antimalarial drug is effective against all four species. There areas where malaria was endemic led to the search for more
is a tremendous need for effective antimalarial agents. effective agents.
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246 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

TABLE 7.1 Summary of Current Drugs Used to Prevent and Treat Malaria
Dosing Ranges for Treatment and
Class Generic Name Indications for Malaria Other Indications Prophylaxis of Malaria
Cinchona alkaloids Quinine Chloroquine-resistant Nocturnal leg cramps Adults: 260–650 mg t.i.d. for
P. falciparum; (see FDA restrictions 6–12 days
combination with other on over-the-counter Children: 10 mg/kg every 8 hours
antimalarials; not indi- sales) for 5–7 days
cated for prophylaxis
Quinidine Not indicated for malaria Cardiac arrhythmias
in the United States
4-Aminoquinolines Chloroquine Prophylaxis and treatment Extraintestinal (liver) Doses are expressed as chloro-
of P. vivax, P. Malariae, amebiasis quine base equivalent
P. ovale malaria, and The following Prophylaxis for Children: 5 mg/kg
susceptible strains of P. indications are weekly up to a maximum of
falciparum malaria not approved in 300 mg
the United States Prophylaxis for Adults: 300 mg
Forms of hypercalcemia weekly
Rheumatoid arthritis See Centers for Disease Control
Discoid and systemic and Prevention for current
lupus erythematosus recommendations for
Porphyria cutanea treatment of acute attacks
Solar urticaria
Hydroxy- Prophylaxis and treatment Rheumatoid arthritis Doses are expressed as hydroxy-
chloroquine of P. vivax, P. Malariae, Discoid and systemic chloroquine base equivalent
P. ovale malaria, and lupus erythematosus Prophylaxis for Children: 5 mg/kg
susceptible strains of The following weekly up to a maximum
P. falciparum malaria indications are adult dose
not approved in Prophylaxis for Adults: 310 mg
the United States weekly on the same day; begin
Forms of hypercalcemia 1–2 weeks prior to exposure
Porphyria cutanea and continue for 4 weeks after
tarda leaving the endemic area
Solar urticaria See Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention for current
recommendations for
treatment of acute attacks
Mefloquine Prophylaxis of P. None Prophylaxis (CDC) Children:
falciparum (including 62–250 mg weekly based on
chloroquine-resistant weight starting 1 week before
strains) and P. vivax travel and continuing for
malaria; treatment of 4 weeks after leaving the
P. falciparum and endemic area
P. vivax malaria Prophylaxis for Adults: 250 mg
weekly for 4 weeks then
250 mg every other week
starting 1 week before travel
and continuing for 4 weeks
after leaving the endemic area
Treatment for Adults: 1,250 mg
as a single dose taken with
food and at least 240-mL water
8-Aminoquinolines Primaquine Prophylaxis and treatment None Begin treatment during the last
of P. vivax 2 weeks or after stopping
therapy with chloroquine or
other antimalarial drug
Children: 0.5 mg/kg/day for
14 days
Adults: 26.3 mg daily for 14 days
Polycyclics Doxycycline Prophylaxis against P. Bacteria infections Prophylaxis: begin only 1–2 days
falciparum strains before travel and for 4 weeks
resistant to chloroquine after leaving the area; total
and sulfadoxine– use normally does not exceed
pyrimethamine 4 months
Children: 2 mg/kg/day up to
100 mg/day
Adults: 100 mg once daily
Halfantrine Treatment of P. falciparum None Adults: 500 mg every 6 hours for
and P. vivax 3 doses (1,500 mg) repeated
7 days later
Children: 250–375 mg based on
body weight; follow the same
schedule as adults
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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 247

Dosing Ranges for Treatment and

Class Generic Name Indications for Malaria Other Indications Prophylaxis of Malaria
Artemisinin family Artemisinin Appears effective against None Adults: 20 mg/kg on day 1
(usually used in all Plasmodium species followed by 10 mg/kg for next
combination including P. falciparum 6 days
with another and P. vivax
antimalarial) Artemether Similar profile as None Adults: 4 mg/kg for 3 days followed
artemisinin by 1.6 mg/kg for 3 days
Artesunate Similar profile as None Adults: 4 mg/kg for 3 days followed
artemisinin by 2 mg/kg for 2–4 days
Dihydro- Similar profile as None Adults: 4 mg/kg on day 1
artemisinin artemisinin followed by 2 mg/kg for 6 days
Artemotil Similar profile as None Adults: 150 mg/kg by IM injection
Fixed combinations Sulfadoxine and Prophylaxis and treatment None Each tablet contains 500-mg
pyrimethamine of chloroquine-resistant sulfadoxine and 25-mg
P. falciparum pyrimethamine
Prophylaxis: Begin 1–2 days prior
to departure and continue for
4–6 weeks after return
Children: 1⁄4–11⁄2 tablets
based on age and whether
administered once or twice
Adults: 1–2 tablets once or twice
Treatment for Children: 1⁄2–2
tablets based on age during
an attack
Treatment for Adults: 2–3 tablets
during an attack
Atovaquone and Prophylaxis and treatment None Adult Tablet: 250-mg atovaquone
proguanil of P. falciparum & 100-mg proguanil
resistant to other Pediatric Tablet: 62.5-mg
antimalarial drugs atovaquone & 25-mg proguanil
Prophylaxis: Begin 1–2 days prior
to departure and continue for
7 days after return
Children: 1–3 pediatric tablets as
a single daily dose based on
Adults: 1 adult tablet daily
Treatment: Take as a single dose
for 3 consecutive days
Children: 1–3 pediatric tablets as
a single daily dose based on
Adults: 4 tablets as a single daily
dose for 3 consecutive days
Artemether and Treatment of P. None Adult Tablet: 20-mg artemether
lumefantrine falciparum resistant to & 120-mg lumefantrine; 4-dose
other antimalarial drugs regimen over 48 hrs or 6-dose
regimen over 3 days
Pediatric Tablet: 10-mg
artemether & 60-mg
lumefantrine; 4-dose regimen
over 48 hrs or 6-dose regimen
over 3 days

Quinine and Quinidine. Quinine has been used for synthetic agents. The mechanism of action is discussed in
“fevers” in South America since the 1600s. The pure alka- the chloroquine section. The mechanism of resistance to qui-
loids, quinine, and cinchonine were isolated in 1820. The nine is poorly understood and varies with the susceptibility
stereoisomer, quinidine, is a more potent antimalarial, but it of the parasite to other aminoquinoline antimalarial drugs.
is also more toxic (less selectively toxic). Quinine is lethal Quinine is still indicated for malaria caused by P. falciparum
for all Plasmodium schizonts (site 2 in Fig. 7.1) and the resistant to other agents including chloroquine. Many times
gametocites (site 4) from P. vivax and P. malariae, but not it is administered in combination with pyrimethamine and
for P. falciparum. Today, quinine’s spectrum of activity is sulfadoxine, doxycycline, or mefloquine depending the spe-
considered too narrow for prophylactic use relative to the cific form of malaria and geographical location.
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248 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Figure 7.2 Cinchona alkaloids.

A toxic syndrome is referred to as cinchonism. Just as with quinine, both isomers are active and the 4-
Symptoms start with tinnitus, headache, nausea, and dis- aminoquinoline racemic mixtures are used. For the newest
turbed vision. If administration is not stopped, cinchonism drug in this series, mefloquine, only the R,S-isomer is mar-
can proceed to involvement of the gastrointestinal tract, keted. A significant difference from the commercial cin-
nervous and cardiovascular system, and the skin. chona alkaloids is replacing the 6⬘-methoxy on quinine
Quinine has also been used for nocturnal leg cramps, but witha 7-chloro substituent on three of the 4-aminoquino-
pharmacists must remember that the Food and Drug lines. Amodiaquine is no longer used in the United States,
Administration (FDA) ordered a stop to marketing quinine and sontoquine has fallen into disuse.
over the counter for this use because of a lack of proper
Chloroquine and Chloroquine Phosphate. Chloro-
studies proving its efficacy and possible adverse reactions.
quine can be considered the prototypical structure that suc-
The stereoisomer, quinidine, is a schizonticide, but its
ceeded quinine and came into use in the mid-1940s. The
primary indication is cardiac arrhythmias. It is a good exam-
phosphate salt is used in oral dosage forms (tablets), and the
ple where stereochemistry is important because it provides a
hydrochloride salt is administered parenterally. Until re-
significantly different pharmacological spectrum. Quinidine
cently, chloroquine has been the main antimalarial drug
is discussed further in Chapter 19.
used for both prophylaxis and treatment. Note that the list of
indications for many of the other drugs in this chapter in-
clude Plasmodium resistant to chloroquine. It is indicated
The 4-aminoquinolines (Fig. 7.3) are the closest of the anti- for P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale, and susceptible strains of
malarials that are based on the quinine structure. This group P. falciparum. Chloroquine belongs to the 4-aminoquinoline
is substituted at the same position 4 as quinine and have an series of which hundreds have been evaluated, but only
asymmetric carbon equivalent to quinine’s C-9 position. about three to four are still in use.
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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 249

Figure 7.3 4-Aminoquinolines.

Even though this drug has been used for many years, its In general, chloroquine and the other 4-aminoquinolines
mechanism of action is still not known. Its main site of ac- are not effective against exoerythocytic parasites. Note that
tion appears to be the parasite involving the erythrocyte’s each of the mechanisms require that the parasite be inside
lysosome. The following actions have been suggested the erythrocyte. Therefore, chloroquine does not prevent re-
based on experimental evidence. A very complex mecha- lapses of P. vivax or P. ovale malaria. The drug is also indi-
nism is based on ferriprotoporphyrin IX, which is released cated for the treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis.
by Plasmodium containing erythrocytes, acting as a chloro- Effective such as chloroquine has been, it is a poor ex-
quine receptor. The combination of ferriprotoporphyrin IX ample of selective toxicity. Adverse reactions include
and chloroquine causes lysis of the parasite’s and/or the retinopathy, hemolysis in patients with glucose-6-phosphate
erythrocyte’s membrane. Finally, there is evidence that dehydrogenase deficiency (same mutation that confers re-
chloroquine may interfere with Plasmodium’s ability to di- sistance against malaria), muscular weakness, exacerbation
gest the erythrocyte hemoglobin or the parasite’s nucleo- of psoriasis and porphyria, and impaired liver function.
protein synthesis. The mechanism is based on the drug en- Further examples of poor selective toxicity include off-label
tering the erythrocyte’s lysosome, which has an acid indications that include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic and
environment, where it becomes protonated. The protonated discoid lupus erythemaosis (possibly as a immunosuppres-
(positively charged) chloroquine is now trapped inside the sant), and various dermatological conditions.
lysosome because the pore that leads out of the lysosome is The increase in P. falciparum resistant to chloroquine is
also positively charged. This leaves chloroquine bound to considered to be one of the main reasons for the increase in
the patient’s hemoglobin preventing the parasite from pro- both the incidence and deaths from malaria. The key
cessing it properly.24 Plasmodium gene that confers resistance appears to be the
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250 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
pfcrt gene that codes for a transporter protein. The result of this class by having two trifluromethyl moieties at positions
the changes in the gene is that the pore through which 2⬘ and 8⬘ and no electronegative substituents at either
chloroquine might exit the lysosome is no longer positive positions 6⬘ (quinine) or 7⬘ (chloroquine). Mefloquine also
charged, allowing protonated chloroquine to exit the lyso- differs from chloroquine and its analogs by being a schi-
some.35 There are at least eight mutations that have been zonticide (site 2 in Fig. 7.1) acting before the parasite can
identified in the pfcrt gene, and it is postulated that resis- enter the erythrocyte. There is some evidence that it acts by
tance occurs because of an accumulation of these mutations. raising the pH in the parasite’s vesicles interfering with its
Chloroquine remains effective when there are fewer muta- ability to process heme. Mefloquine-resistant strains of
tions in the pfcrt gene. Once the critical number of mutations P. falciparum have appeared. Relapse can occur with acute
has occurred, the parasite spreads over a broad geographical P. vivax that has been treated with mefloquine because the
area rendering chloroquine ineffective.22–24 drug does not eliminate the hepatic phase of this species,
which can reinfect the liver.
Hydroxychloroquine. In most ways, hydroxychloro-
Mefloquine is teratogenic in rats, mice, and rabbits. There
quine parallels chloroquine. Structurally, it differs solely
is an FDA-required warning that this drug can cause exacer-
with a hydroxy moiety on one of the N-ethyl groups. Like
bate mental disorders and is contraindicated in patients with
chloroquine, it remains in the body for over a month, and
active depression, a recent history of depression, generalized
prophylactic dosing is once weekly. The other indications,
anxiety disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia, and other major
both FDA approved and off-label, are very similar.
psychiatric disorders or a history of convulsions.
Amodiaquine. Amodiaquine is no longer marketed
in the United States, but it is available in Africa. 8-Aminoquinolines
Mechanistically, it is very similar to chloroquine and does not The other major group of antimalarial drugs based on the
have any advantages over the other 4-aminoquinoline drugs. cinchona alkaloid quinoline moiety is the substituted 8-
When used for prophylaxis of malaria, it had a higher inci- aminoquinolines (Fig. 7.4). The first compound introduced
dence of hepatitis and agranulocytosis than that was chloro- in this series was pamaquine. During World War II, pen-
quine. There is evidence that the hydroquinone (phenol) taquine, isopentaquine, and primaquine became available.
amine system readily oxidizes to a quinone imine (Fig. 7.3) Only primaquine, after being used during the Korean war, is
either autoxidatively and/or metabolically, and this product in use today. All of the 8-aminoquinolines can cause he-
may contribute to amodiaquine’s toxicity. molytic anemia in erythrocytic glucose-6-phosphate dehy-
Mefloquine HCl. The newest of the 4-aminoquino- drogenase-deficient patients. As pointed out in the introduc-
lines, mefloquine, is marketed as the R,S-isomer. It was de- tion to this chapter, this is a common genetic trait found in
veloped in the 1960s as part of the U.S. Army’s Walter populations living in areas endemic in malaria and provides
Reed Institute for Medical Research antimalarial research some resistance to the parasite. Mechanism of action and
program. It differs significantly from the other agents in spectrum of activity will be found in the primaquine section.

Figure 7.4 8-Aminoquinolines.

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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 251

Very little variations are seen in the structure–activity re- Although structurally related to the cinchona alkaloids,
lationships in this series. The four agents in Figure 7.4 all the 8-aminoquinolines act by a different mechanism of ac-
have a 6-methoxy moiety same as quinine, but the sub- tion. Primaquine appears to disrupt the parasite’s mitochon-
stituents are on the quinoline are located at position 8 rather dria. The result is disruption of several processes including
than carbon-4 as found on the cinchona alkaloids. All agents maturation into the subsequent forms. An advantage is de-
in this series have a four to five carbon alkyl linkage or stroying exoerythrocytic forms before the parasite can infect
bridge between the two nitrogens. With the exception of erythrocytes. It is the latter step in the infectious process that
pentaquine, the other three 8-aminoquinolines have one makes malaria so debilitating.
asymmetric carbon. Although some differences may be seen
in the metabolism of each stereoisomer and type of adverse Polycyclic Antimalarial Drugs
response, there is little difference in antimalarial activity
based on the compounds stereochemistry. There are three antimalarial drugs that have, in common,
polycyclic ring systems (Fig.7.5). The first is the common
Primaquine. Primaquine is the only 8-aminoquinoline tetracycline antibiotic, doxycycline. The second is halo-
currently in use for the treatment of malaria. It is not used fantrine, and the third is the discontinued agent that was
for prophylaxis. Its spectrum of activity is one of the nar- used in the South Pacific, quinacrine.
rowest of the currently used antimalarial drugs being indi-
cated only for exoerythrocytic P. vivax malaria (site 2 in Doxycycline. Like the other tetracyclines, doxycycline
Fig. 7.1). To treat endoerythrocytic P. vivax, chloroquine (see Chapter 8) inhibits the pathogen’s protein synthesis
or a drug indicated for chloroquine-resistant P. vivax is by reversibly inhibiting the 30S ribosomal subunit.
used with primaquine. In addition to its approved indica- Bacteria and Plasmodium ribosomal subunits differ signif-
tion, it is also active against the exoerythrocytic stages of icantly from mammalian ribosomes such that this group of
P. ovale and primary exoerythrocytic stages of P. falcip- antibiotics do not readily bind to mammalian ribosomes
arum. Primaquine also inhibits the gameocyte stage (site 4 and, therefore, show good selective toxicity. Although
in Fig. 7.1) that eliminates the form required to infect the doxycycline is a good antibacterial, its use for malaria is
mosquito carrier. In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that limited to prophylaxis against strains of P. falciparumn re-
the stereochemistry at the asymmetric is not important for sistant to chloroquine and sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine.
antimalarial activity. There appears to be less toxicity with This use normally should not exceed 4 months. Because
the levorotatory isomer, but this is dose dependent and the tetracyclines chelate calcium, they can interfere with
may not be that important at the doses used to treat development of the permanent teeth in children. Therefore,
exoerythrocytic P. vivax malaria. their use in children definitely should be short term. Also,

Figure 7.5 Polycyclic antimalarial drugs.

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252 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Figure 7.6 Artemisinin and

artemisinin-derived compounds.

tetracycline photosensitivity must be kept in mind, partic- marketed in combination with the lipophilic artemesinin-
ularly because areas where malaria is endemic are also the derived artemether (Fig. 7.6).
areas with the greatest sunlight.
Quinacrine HCl. Qunacrine is no longer available in the
Halofantrine. Structurally, halofantrine differs from all United States. It can be considered one of the most toxic of
other antimalarial drugs. It is a good example of drug design the antimalarial drugs even though, at one time, it was com-
that incorporates bioisosteric principles as evidenced by the monly used. It acts at many sites within the cell including
trifluromethyl moiety. Halofantrine is a schizonticide (sites 1 intercalation of DNA strands, succinic dehydrogenase and
and 2 in Fig. 7.1) and has no affect on the sporozoite, game- mitochondrial electron transport, and cholinesterase. It may
tocyte, or hepatic stages. Both the parent compound and N- be tumorgenic and mutagenic and has been used as a scle-
desbutyl metabolite are equally active in vitro. Halfantrine’s rosing agent. Because it is an acridine dye, quinacrine can
specific mechanism of action against the parasite is not cause yellow discoloration of the skin and urine.
known. There is contradictory evidence that its mechanism
ranges from requiring heme to disrupting the mitochondria.
The artemisinin series (Fig. 7.6) are the newest of the anti-
There is a prominent warning that halfantrine can affect
malarial drugs and are structurally unique when compared
nerve conduction in cardiac tissue.
with the compounds previously and currently used. The
Lumefantrine. Lumefantrine was developed in China. Its parent compound, artemisinin, is a natural product ex-
mechanism of action is poorly understood. There is some evi- tracted from the dry leaves of Artemisia Annua (sweet
dence that it inhibits the formation of ␤-hematin by forming a wormwood). The plant has to be grown each year from
complex with hemin. Lumefantrine is very lipophilic and is seed because mature plants may lack the active drug. The
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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 253

Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine. This combination
(Fig. 7.7) uses a drug from the sulfonamide antibacterial
group and a pyrimidinediamine similar to trimethoprim (see
Chapter 8). The combination is considered to a schizonto-
cide (site 2 in Fig. 7.1). The sulfonamide, sulfadoxine, inter-
feres with the parasite’s ability to synthesize folic acid, and
the pyrimidinediamine, pyrimethamine, inhibits the reduc-
tion of folic acid to its active tetrahydrofolate coenzyme
form. Sulfonamides block the incorporation of p-aminoben-
zoic acid (PABA) forming dihydropteroic acid. Note the
structures of dihydrofolic acid and tetrahydrofolic acid and
how PABA is the central part of the folate structure (see
Chapter 28). Normally, sulfonamides exhibit excellent se-
lective toxicity because humans do not synthesize the vita-
min folic acid. Nevertheless, there are warnings of severe to
fatal occurrences of erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, and serum-sickness
syndromes attributed to the sulfadoxine.
Pyrimethamine, developed in the 1950s, inhibits the re-
duction of folic acid and dihydrofolic acid to the active
Figure 7.7 Sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine. tetrahydrofolate coenzyme form. Although the latter is re-
quired for many fundamental reactions involving pyrimi-
growing conditions are critical to maximize artemisinin dine biosynthesis, the focus in the parasite is regeneration
yield. Thus far, the best yields have been obtained from of N5,N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate from dihydrofolate.
plants grown in North Vietnam, Chongqing province in The synthesis of thymidine 5⬘-monophosphate from de-
China, and Tanzania.25 oxyuridine 5⬘-monophosphate is a universal reaction in
All of the structures in Figure 7.6 are active against the all cells forming DNA. There are enough differences in
Plasmodium genera that cause malaria. The key structure this enzyme and dihydrofolate reductase found in mam-
characteristic appears to be a “trioxane” consisting of the malian, bacterial, and Plasmodium cells that folate reduc-
endoperoxide and dioxepin oxygens. This is shown by the tase inhibitors can be developed that show reasonable se-
somewhat simpler series of 3-aryltrioxanes at the bottom of lective toxicity. In the case of the malaria parasite, the
Figure 7.6, which are active against the parasite. Note that intimate relationship between thymidylate synthase and
the stereochemistry at position 12 is not critical.26 Although
in the victim’s erythrocyte, the malaria parasite consumes
the hemoglobin consisting of ferrous (Fe⫹2) iron converting
it to toxic hematin containing ferric (Fe⫹3) and then reduced
to heme with its ferrous iron. The heme iron reacts with the
trioxane moiety releasing reactive oxygen and carbon radi-
cals and the highly reactive FeIV ⫽ O species. The latter is
postulated to be lethal to the parasite.27,28
With the reduction of artemisinin to dihydroartemisinin,
an asymmetic carbon forms and it is possible to form oil sol-
uble and water soluble prodrugs. Both stereoisomers are ac-
tive just as is seen in the simpler aryltrioxanes. The chem-
istry forming each of the artemisinin prodrugs results in the
predominance of one isomer. The ␤-isomer predominates
when producing the nonpolar methyl and ethyl ethers,
whereas the ␣-isomer is the predominate product when
forming the water-soluble hemisuccinate ester. The latter
can be administered as 10-mg rectal capsules for patents
who cannot take medication orally and parenteral treatment
is not available.

Fixed Combinations
Because resistance is a frequent problem in the prophylaxis
and treatment of malaria, combination therapies that use two
distinctly different mechanisms have been developed. One
combination inhibits folic acid biosynthesis and dihydrofo-
late reductase, and another combination acts on the para-
site’s mitochondria and its dihydrofolate reductase. Both
drugs in the third combination act on hematin, but by two
different mechanisms. Figure 7.8 Atovaquone and proguanil.
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254 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
dihydrofolate reductase is such that pyrimethamine in- (Fig. 7.9), primarily by CYP2C19. The polymorphic nature
hibits both enzymes. of this hepatic enzyme explains why certain subpopulations
This combination is indicated for prophylaxis and treat- do not respond to proguanil. These groups cannot convert
ment of chloroquine resistance P. falciparum and may be proguanil to the active cycloguanil.
used in combination with quinine. Although indicated only The basis for this combination is two distinct and
for P. falciparum, the combination is active against all the unrelated mechanisms of action against the parasite. Atova-
asexual erythocytic forms. It has no activity against the quone is a selective inhibitor of the Plasmodium’s mito-
sexual gametocyte form. The fixed combination contains chondrial electron transport system, and cycloguanil is a
500-mg sulfadoxine and 25-mg pyrimethamine. There is a dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor. Atovaquone’s chemistry
wide number of sulfonamides that could be used in combi- is based on its being a naphthoquinone and participating
nation with pyrimethamine. The usual approach is to use a in oxidation–reduction reactions as part of its quinone-
sulfonamide that has similar pharmacokinetic properties hydroquinone system. It is patterned after Coenzyme Q
with the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor. For this combi- found in the mitochondrial electron transport chains. The
nation, the peak plasma sulfadoxine occurs in 2.5 to drug selectively interferes with mitochondrial electron
6 hours and pyrimethamine 1.5 to 8 hours. Resistance has transport, particularly at the parasite’s cytochrome bc1 site.
developed with much of it involving mutations in either or This deprives the cell of needed ATP and could cause the
both of the genes coding for dihydrofolate reductase and cell to become anaerobic. Resistance to this drug comes
thymidylate synthase. from a mutation in the parasite’s cytochrome.
Cycloguanil (Proguanil) interferes with deoxythymidylate
Atovaquone and Proguanil HCl. Atovaquone and synthesis by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. Resistance
proguanil HCl (Fig. 7.8) are administered in combination in to proguanil/cycloguanil is attibuted to amino acid changes
the ratio of 2.5 atovaquone to 1 proguanil HCl measured near the dihydrofolate reductase binding site. Its elimination
in mg (not mmoles). Proguanil, developed in 1945, is an half-life (48–72 hour) is much shorter than the other anti-
early example of a prodrug. It is metabolized to cycloguanil malarial dihydrofolate reductase, pyrimethamine (mean

Figure 7.9 Conversion of proguanil to cycloguanil by CYP2C19.

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Chapter 7 Antimalarials 255

Artemether and Lumefantrine. These two antimalari-
als interfere with heme metabolism, thereby stopping devel-
opment of the parasite in the erythrocyte states. Artemether,
with its endoperoxide, acts oxidatively and lumefantrine may
form a complex with hemin.

Future Trends
The development of an effective vaccine has been one of the
most frustrating aspects in the prevention of malaria. There
is no question that the Plasmodium parasite invokes an im-
mune response. The problem seems to be identifying the
antigenic component or components that cause a strong im-
mune response. As already described, the RTS,S/AS01E
vaccine is the only one showing promise.


Figure 7.10 Fosmidomycin and a fosmidomycin
analog. Because of the general success of the artemisinin-based anti-
malarials, there have been several combinations evaluated. As
elimination half-life of 111 hours). The combination is ef- mentioned previously, the artemether and lumefantrine com-
fective against both erythrocytic and exoerythrocytic bination has been approved. Undergoing phase III studies is a
Plasmodium. This drug combination is indicated for malaria pyronaridine (Fig. 7.5) and artesunate (Fig. 7.6). Pyronaridine
resistant to chloroquine, halofantrine, mefloquine, and amodi- inhibits formation of hematin, possibly by a similar mecha-
aquine. Its main site is the sporozoite stage (site 1 in Fig. 7.1). nism to that of chloroquine.29

Figure 7.11 Nonmevalonate

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256 Wilson and Gisvold’s Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Figure 7.12 Possible glutathione reductase inhibitors.

NEW DRUG APPROACHES help follow the isomerization of the deoxy-xylulose interme-
diate to form the erythritol compound. The malaria parasite
Inhibition of the Nonmevalonate Pathway. Fosmido-
only has the nonmevalonate pathway, and initial studies show
mycin (Fig. 7.10) was isolated from a Streptomyces fermenta-
fosmidomycin to be relatively nontoxic in humans.30
tion broth in 1980. Its selective toxicity is based on inhibiting
Replacement of fosmidomycin’s N-aldehyde with an acetate
a biochemical pathway not found in humans and mammals in
produces a very active antimalarial agent that has been desig-
general. This is the nonmevalonate pathway to form iso-
nated as FR900098.31
prenoids. Mammals, including humans, form their iso-
prenoids solely by mevalonic acid pathway. Many microor- Inhibitors of Glutathione Reductase. The erythro-
ganisms have both pathways. Whereas the mevalonate cyte maintains a high oxygen environment and, therefore,
pathway starts with three molecules of acetyl Co forming 3- has an elaborate reductase system to hold heme iron in the
hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) fol- ferrous state. In contrast, the Plasmodium parasite lacks the
lowed by reduction to mevalonic acid by HMG-CoA reduc- antioxidant system to thrive in the erythrocyte’s high oxy-
tase (site of the statin drugs), the nonmevelonate pathway is gen environment and, therefore, has to rely on the erythro-
carbohydrate based (Fig. 7.11). Condensation of pyruvate and cyte’s reductase pathways. This has led to development of
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate by DOXP synthase produces the compounds (Fig. 7.12) that inhibit erythrocytic glutathione
five carbon 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP), which reductase using chloroquine has the starting point for trans-
undergoes a complex reduction and isomerization forming 2- port into the erythrocyte and naphthoquinone moiety to
C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate. The enzyme for this reac- inhibit glutathione reductase.32 These two molecules also
tion, DOXP reductoisomerase, is inhibited by fosmidomycin. are examples of the dual function approach in which the
The basic five-carbon isoprene unit, isopentenyl diphosphate molecule attacks the parasite by two different mechanisms
concludes the pathway. The atoms have been numbered to of action.


1. Why is malaria seen in agricultural areas where humans 4. Which two Plasmodium species are the preferable targets
live close to each other? for antimalarial drug therapy because they account for
nearly 90% of the cases?
2. What nondrug methods are used to prevent humans from
contracting malaria? 5. Name the cells where the parasite resides.

3. Why should it be possible to develop a vaccine against 6. Why is combination therapy becoming more common?

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