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and answer questions 1 to 5.

With the emergence of Facebook, currently there are many other social networks, each with their Own
reatures and purposes. Due to them, the way people communicate with each other has changed
Torever. This should positively impact the communication skills of users, (1)...... it allows
commurnication even for people far away from each other. However, there have been numerous
research studies proving the opposite.

Currently, numerous research studies prove that social media platforms negatively affect people's SOCial
skills. This is because of the extensive use of social media services which decreases the quality of
interpersonal communication. Due to the lack of interest people have for face-to-tace communication
even today, there are many people (especially millennials, and even younger) who prefer to solve work
or personal problems via social messaging systems. Even families prefer texting over face-to-face chat.
Difficulties in professional and personal relationships arise due to all this.

Substituting real litfe experiences with Facebook-format online updates is another problem. Studies
show that adults prefer to stay at home on weekends because they want to make posts on Facebook
about how much fun they are having, instead ot going out and acquiring real-life experiences. A sense of
inferiority can occur when people compare their real lives to the lives of their Facebook friends based on
the posts these friends make onlinemissing out on the tact that what they see is not necessarily true.

Although people may be assisted in establishing initial contact and uniting into groups under certain
interests (2)... to social media, it also causes a number of problems. In particular, nonverbal
Communication is gradually becoming one of the dominant torms of interpersonal interaction,
negatively affecting people's ability to deal with personal contact and meet the reactions and emotions
of other people in real life.

Which of the following is suitable to complete the sentence

Because of becaused thanks to due to since

Which of the following is suitable to complete the sentence

Since due to thanks because because of

What is the topic of the text

What is the direct effect of the extensive use of social media services

What is a disadvantage of social network

Jaka : Bob, how are you 1nave heard that due to a bad couah, vou have to skip school. Are you fine

Bob : Yeah,have completely recovered from the illness Thanks to the haze recently, I have skipped
important classes and lam working on catching up on those lessons. What a troublesome haze

Jaka : it is true tnat the haze has (6)........ numerous troubles to our daily activities, and is attecting our
body health as well

Bob : h wondered it tho0se irresponsible people know that air is essential for humans.

Jaka : Indeed. Air keeps us alive (7)...... .it provides us with oxygen that is essential for living. But at the
same time, it can be harmful

Bob: Exactly. But why did you say that air can be dangerous?

Jaka Because the increase in the emission ot substances that contaminate the air will eventually lead to
air pollution. And air pollution is hazardous for us.

Bob : can't agree more. I'm one of the victims of air pollution.

Which of the following is suitable to complete the sentence

Which of the following is suitable to complete sentence

But at the same time it can be harmful. The underlined word is opposite in meaning with

Why did Bob have a bad cough

What causes air pollution

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