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Ajeng Pratama Aprianti

kp.istambul desa munjul rt 02 rw 05

kec cilaku kab cianjur kode 43285


21 Desember 2022
HRD Managaer
PT. Starlink Genertion
JL. Jababeka IV A SFB Blok T No. 6B Kawasan Industri
Jababeka Cikarang, Kec. Cikarang Utara, Kab. Bekasi, Jawa barat

Dear Mr/Ms HRD Manager

Through this application letter I intend to apply for a job, I see information
from the BKK SMKN 2 Cilaku Cianjur job fair about job vacancies for the position
of Technician at PT. Starlink Generation, I would like to join the company for the
I am Ajeng pratama graduated from SMK Negeri 2 Cilaku Cianjur.
Department of Computer Network Engineering. I for 3 years . I can make Straight
Cable, can master VoIP, and master Static Routing. I have experience of Field Work
Practice at Mandala Computer. During my street vendors I was able to master
network systems and installations and could also work hard and be disciplined at
I hope to be called for an interview so that I can explain in more detail about
my potential and abilities.
Thus this letter of request for work thank you for your attention, I look
forward to the good news from you.


Ajeng Pratama Aprianti

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