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Bruises by Jannelle Lawrence

Somehow I always find myself back at the beginning,

Blaming me, and everyone for what you’ve caused me to do.
Running in circles that I know I’m running in,
Circles that disappear and when they reappear the cycle starts again.

When does this end?

When do I get to let you go and live?
When do I step from behind this mask that even I never knew I wore?
When does my heart heal?
When do you allow me to move forward?

Or do you love seeing me come back to you?

Love seeing me struggle to stay afloat while everyone pushes my head under,
Love hearing them say to fight you when the more I do the faster I get pulled deeper,
Love seeing me suffer from lack of peace,
Love to see my puffy eyes after nights of endless crying.

Back to you,
Back to pain,
Then you leave me with scars to remind me that you’re still here just hiding.

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