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1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020


● Amir is born

● Hassan is born

● Hassan has surgery to fix his cleft lip

● Amir and Hassan win the kite flying contest. Later that day Hassan gets raped.

● Amir's 13th birtbday is celebrated.. Later on Ali and Hassan leave

● Russians invade Afghanistan. Baba and Amir leave.

● Baba and Amir arrive in San Francsico.

● Amir graduates high school

● Baba and Amir start selling things at the Flea Market.. Also Amir meets Soraya

● Amir and Soraya get married

● Baba decides not to take his medicine, and that night he dies

● Amir gets his first novel published

● Sohrab is born.

● Hassan amd Farzana are killed by the Taliban.

● Amir finally stood up for Sohrab when the General called him a Hazara.

● Amir gains Sohrabs trust, then breaks his promise.

● Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan. Needs him to get Sohrab.

● Amir, Soraya, SOhrab, and General Taheri have dinner.

● That night Sohrab almost bleed to death in the tub. They both then return home.

● For the firat time Sohrab similes!!!

● Its New Years and Sohrab and Amir fly a kite together.

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