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Personal details

.Name: Hani Abdo Hassan Mohammed


.Phone: (+967773691054)

.Date of birth: 1993/2/1

.Address : Leadership St. Sana'a Yemen

.Gender: Male


2017_2021 .Bachelor degree of pharmaceutical Science_Al_Nasser University

Faculty of Pharmacy.

2011_2012 .High School Certificate Zaid Ben Haritha School.


Trained at Ibn Hayan pharmacy Al_Zubayri street in front of the republican hospital for 2 months

Trained at Al_haitham pharmacy Sana'a Shamlan for 2 months.

2021-11_2022-12 .Scientific representative to the Sadeq Al Barhi Foundation.

Training courses

English Language (Intermediate) Seeds institute

Curse in conversations Seeds institute

Curse in Executive secretarial and office Management _customer service _Marketing PMC

Curse in Diploma in business Administration for period of 60 hours from 24 24 oct.
Personal Skills

. Ability to market drugs

. Working with others in team spirit

. Ability to work well under pressure

. Ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently

. Responding proactively to new opportunities and challenges

. Good relation building skills

. Dealing with Office programs

Achievements and Awards

. Participation in activities and events, Faculty of pharmacy-AL-Nasser University

. Member of public Relation in the preparatory Committee for the Graduation Ceremony, Faculty of
pharmacy- AL-Nasser University


Arabic Native Speaker

English Very good and written

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