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ISSN 0017-8748

Headache  doi: 10.1111/head.13645

© 2019 American Headache Society Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Review Article
Effects of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation on Headache
Intensity and Frequency of Headache Attacks in Patients With
Migraine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Yali Feng, BSc*; Bingbing Zhang, MSc*; Jiaqi Zhang, MSc; Ying Yin, PhD

Background.—Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS),
as well as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) electrically stimulate the brain and modify brain activity to suppress
pain. This method is emerging as a potential clinical intervention against migraine.
Objective.—To quantitatively review the efficacy of rTMS and tDCS in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in modifying
headache intensity and frequency of headache attacks in patients suffering from migraine.
Methods.—We searched 5 databases: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Scopus for articles from
January 2000 to September 2018. Any RCT regarding the efficacy on rTMS and tDCS on patients with migraine, was con-
sidered to be included. A random effects meta-analysis was performed to pool effect sizes of outcomes related to headache
intensity or frequency of headache attacks. The methodological quality of the included RCTs was assessed using the Physiotherapy
Evidence Database scale.
Results.—Nine RCTs with 276 participants in total (experimental group [EG]  =  149; control group [CG]  =  127) were
included in this review. Five included articles used rTMS (EG  =  81; CG  =  80), and 4 used tDCS (EG  =  68; CG  =  47).
Meta-analysis of excitatory primary motor cortex (M1) stimulation showed significant effects on reducing headache intensity
in patients with migraine (Hedges’ g  =  −0.94; 95% CI, −1.28 to −0.59; P  <  .001, I2  =  18.39%) with a large effect size.
Meta-analysis of excitatory M1 stimulation showed significant effects on reducing frequency of headache attacks in patients
with migraine, with a large effect size (Hedges’ g  =  −0.88; 95% CI, −1.38 to −0.38; P  =  .001, I2  =  57.15%). Excitatory
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex stimulation showed a significant effect on the headache intensity in patients with migraine (Hedges’
g  =  −1.14; 95% CI, −2.21 to −0.07; P  =  .04, I2  =  61.86%) with a large effect size. However, reductions of frequency of
headache attacks was not significant.
Limitations.—Potential differential effects of rTMS and tDCS, various sham methods, and potential overlapping headache
disorders among included subjects may affect the estimation of effect sizes.
Conclusion.—Excitatory NIBS of the M1 is likely to reduce headache intensity and the frequency of headache attacks in
patients with migraine.

Key words: non-invasive brain stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, transcranial direct current stimulation,
migraine, pain

Abbreviations: C
 I confidence interval, cTBS continuous theta burst stimulation, DLPFC dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, iTBS intermittent theta burst stimulation, LTD long-term
depression, LTP long-term potentiation, M1 primary motor cortex, NIBS non-invasive brain stimulation,

From the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,  The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing,
China (Y. Feng and Y. Yin); Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,  The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou, China (B. Zhang); Department of Biomedical Engineering,  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
(B. Zhang); Department of Rehabilitation Sciences,  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China (J. Zhang).

Address all correspondence to Y. Yin, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical
University, Chongqing, China, email:

Accepted for publication August 11, 2019.

Headache 1437

PEDro physiotherapy evidence database, PICOS population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, and
study design, RCTs randomized controlled trials, rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, sTMS
single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation, tDCS transcranial direct current stimulation

(Headache 2019;59:1436-1447)

INTRODUCTION (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD)-like brain plas-

Migraine is one of the most prevalent neurologi- ticity changes.8,9 The primary difference between these
cal disorders that has a significant effects on patient 2 methods is through the delivery mechanism; tDCS
quality of life.1 Migraine sufferers experience periodic delivers electric currents to the brain tissues through
headache attacks of varying degrees that are associated electrodes placed on the scalp,10 while rTMS uses
with other symptoms such as vomiting, photophobia, repeated magnetic pulses to induce electric currents
and sound sensitivity.2,3 Behavioral interventions and in brain tissue through electromagnetic conduction.
medications are the 2 most common management Two subtypes exist: anodal tDCS and high-frequency
strategies against migraine, but these strategies are rTMS facilitates cortical excitability, while on the con-
often limited in efficacy. Poor compliance of migraine trary, cathodal tDCS and low-frequency rTMS sup-
sufferers to behavioral interventions results in limited presses this cortical excitability.11
success, and medications come with significant and NIBS for the management of pain may be
apparent side effects that has a significant impact on effective in various parts of the cortex.12 For instance,
patient compliance and adherence.4,5 It is therefore motor cortex stimulation is widely used for analgesia; a
imperative that other alternative therapeutic strategies wealth of evidence has demonstrated that stimulation
for migraine are developed. of the primary motor cortex (M1) inhibits the activity
Neuromodulation by non-invasive brain stimu- of the thalamus, which is related to pain perception.13
lation (NIBS) has been proposed as a possible non- One other area that is commonly targeted in NIBS
pharmacological intervention for migraine in recent pain-alleviating strategies is the dorsolateral prefron-
years.6 Through a phase II randomized controlled tal cortex (DLPFC). It has been previously shown that
trial (RCT), single-pulse transcranial magnetic stim- activation of the DLPFC may inhibit the activity of
ulation (sTMS) has been identified as an efficacious the midbrain-medial thalamic pathway, which is con-
method in the acute treatment of migraine associated nected to pain release.14 In patients with migraine,
with aura. This has been approved by the U.S. Food functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies
and Drug Administration (commonly known as the have shown hypermetabolic activity within the visual
FDA) as a treatment for migraine. This technique is cortex during interictal periods of migraine;15-20 pho-
based on the scientific rationale that sTMS can block sphene thresholds of the visual cortex are also found
cortical spreading depression, also known as spread­ to be significantly lower in patients suffering migraines
ing depolarization, which is assumed to be the source compared to those who do not.17,20 These findings
of headache in migraine patients.7 Multiple sessions of indicate that the visual cortex is associated with hyperac-
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) tivity and may also be a possible target for pain allevi-
and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) ating strategies for patients with migraine.
have also been used widely in clinical settings as they However, a substantial number of clinical trials
are believed to induce long-lasted brain modulatory concerning the efficacy of NIBS in migraine have been
effects, for instance by inducing long-term potentiation published with conflicting results. While different brain
stimulation targets have been investigated in migraine
These authors contributed equally.
research including M1, DLPFC, and visual cortex,
Conflict of Interest: None
Funding: This work was supported by National Natural Science there lacks a focused review that quantitatively assesses
Foundation of China [grant number 81702221]. the effects of different NIBS protocols in the treatment
1438 October 2019

of migraine. The aim of this systematic review and Database (PEDro) scale, which provides a more
meta-analysis is to investigate the effects of NIBS- in complicated assessment for the quality of studies,
particular rTMS and tDCS- on reducing headache in contrast to Jadad scale.22 A comparison between
intensity, and the frequency of headache attacks in PEDro and Jadad scales was presented in our
patients with migraine. supplementary section. The PEDro scale includes 10
items, including random allocation, concealment of
METHODS allocation, baseline equivalence, blinding procedure
Literature Search.—A literature search was con­ (of subjects, therapists and assessors), adequate follow-
ducted for studies published from January 1, 2000 to up, intention-to-treat analysis, between-group statistical
September 30, 2018 of studies indexed in 5 electronic analysis, measurement of data variability, and point
databases which include PubMed, EMBASE, Web estimates. Two authors (YF and BZ) independently
of Science, Cochrane Library, and Scopus. The evaluated each article. Any scoring discrepancies were
keywords used for identifying TMS are transcranial resolved by a discussion with the third author (JZ).
magnetic stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic Data Extraction.—After identifying relevant stud­
stimu­lation, TMS, and rTMS. The keywords used ies, 2 authors (YF and BZ) independently extrac­
for identi­fying tDCS are transcranial direct current ted the following information from each article:
stimulation and tDCS. The keywords used for identi­ (1) the diagnostic criteria of participants; (2) the group
fying TBS include continuous theta burst stimu­ allocation of participants; (3) the stimulation proto­
lation, intermittent theta burst stimulation, cTBS, col; and (4) outcomes of interest and assessment time
and iTBS. The keywords used for identifying NIBS points. Any disagreement was settled by a discussion
include non-invasive brain stimulation and non-invasive with the third author (JZ).
brain  stimulation. The keywords used for identifying Data Analysis.—All statistical analyses were per­
migraine include migraine disorders, migrain*, formed using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Soft­
headache*, and hemicran*. The reporting in this review ware (version 3.0). The change scores were extracted
followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic in the estimation of effect sizes because of the potential
Review and Meta-Analysis.21 The protocol used in this baseline difference across groups. Hedges’ g was
review was not registered prior to analysis. calculated as the estimation of effect sizes in all meta-
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.—We followed the analyses, since headache intensity and frequency of
PICOS framework to organize the inclusion criteria. head­ache attacks were calculated in different ways across
Population (P): studies that recruited adult participants our included studies.23 A correction of bias to the
with migraine; Intervention (I): NIBS, including pooled variances used in Hedge’s g was applied
rTMS and tDCS; Comparison (C): sham stimulation because of the small sample size among the included
control or non-interventional control; Outcomes (O): studies. Authors were contacted by email in the case of
outcome related to headache intensity or frequency of missing or incomplete data. For graphically reported
headache attacks; and Study design (S): randomized data, a graph digitizer (GetData Graph Digitizer) was
controlled trials. used to extract the necessary data from the reported
Studies meeting any of the criteria were excluded: figures. A random effects model meta-analysis was
(1) they recruited subjects with other headache disor- performed because of the methodological heterogeneity
ders other than migraine; (2) they were published as across studies. Meta-analysis was performed based on
conference abstracts, dissertations, or in books; (3) different brain stimulation targets (M1 vs DLPFC
studies without sufficient data to estimate the effect vs visual cortex) and different properties of NIBS
size and the authors did not provide us with data upon (excitatory vs inhibitory).
our request; and (4) studies where the participants in Statistical heterogeneity was examined by the I2
control group were healthy people. statistic. Studies with an I2 of 25-50% were considered
Quality Assessment.—The quality of the included to have low heterogeneity, I2 of values of 50-75%, and
RCTs was assessed by the Physiotherapy Evidence >75% were considered indicative of moderate and high
Headache 1439





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Fig. 1.—Flow chart of study selection. [Color figure can be viewed at]

level of heterogeneity, respectively.23 The statistical titles and abstracts. Twenty-seven articles were
threshold was set at P < .05. Where significant results excluded because of the following reasons: 19 studies
were found, sensitivity analysis was performed. The were quasi-randomized or non-randomized studies, 3
first sensitivity analysis was performed by the leave- studies were only study protocols, 2 studies were found
one-out method. Subsequent sensitivity analyses were to have used real stimulation in both experimental and
performed based on the methodological quality. We control groups, and 3 studies were found to have
removed studies which were not subject-blinded, asses­ insufficiently reported data for meta-analysis. Further
sor blinded, or studies without an intention to treat enquiries to the authors for supplementary data were
analysis for missing cases in turn, to order to see the po- unsuccessful. Ultimately, 9 studies were included in
tential impact of them on the estimation of effect sizes. our review.
Subgroup analysis was performed by only analyzing Characteristics of Included Studies.—The charac­
the studies in which participants received medication teristics of included studies are described in Table 1.
against migraine during the intervention of NIBS. There are 5 articles, with a total of 161 participants
where the effects of rTMS on migraineurs were
RESULTS investigated.15,24-27 Four studies used high-frequency
Identification and Selection of Studies.—The details stimulation15,25-27 and 1 study used low-frequency
of study selection are shown in Figure 1. Our initial stimulation.24 Four articles with a total of 115 partici­
search yielded 3123 results. After the removal pants explored the effects of tDCS on migraineurs,28-31
of duplicated recordings, 1858 citations were iden­ of which 3 studies used anodal tDCS28,29,31 and 1 study
tified and 36 citations remained after reading used cathodal tDCS.30 Three studies targeted the
Table 1.—Characteristics of Included Studies

Group Active Feature of Brain Frequency Type of Assessment

Study Participants Allocation Stimulation Stimulator Target Intensity (Hz) Total Dose Control Time Points Main Outcome

Brighina et al15 Chronic migraine EG = 6 rTMS Figure -of- LDLPFC 90% RMT 20 12 sessions Coil rotation Pre Headache frequency
(IHS) CG = 5 eight coil 4800 pulses (vertical to 1-m Headache index
Teepker et al24 Migraine (IHS) EG = 14 rTMS Round coil Vertex 100% RMT 1 5 sessions Sham coil Pre Headache frequency
CG = 13 5000 pulses Post Pain intensity
Auvichayapat et Migraine EG = 20 Anodal tDCS 35 cm2 LM1 1 mA NA 20 sessions Sham tDCS Pre Headache frequency
al29 (ICHD-2) CG = 17 electrode 400 minutes Post Pain intensity
8-w FU VAS (0-10)
12-w FU
Dasilva et al28 Chronic migraine EG = 8 Anodal tDCS 35 cm2 M1 2 mA NA 10 sessions Sham tDCS Pre Pain intensity
(ICHD-2) CG = 5 electrode 200 minutes 30-d VAS (0-10)
60-d FU
Misra et al25 Migraine (IHS) EG = 47 rTMS Figure -of- LM1 70% RMT 10 3 sessions Sham coil Pre Headache frequency
CG = 48 eight coil 1800 pulses 1-w Pain intensity
2-w VAS (0-3)
Conforto et al27 Chronic migraine EG = 7 rTMS Figure -of- LDLPFC 110% RMT 10 23 sessions Coil rotation Pre Headache frequency
(ICHD-2) CG = 7 eight coil 36800 pulses (vertical to 4-w Pain intensity
vertex) Post (0-10)
Rocha et al30 Migraine EG = 10 Cathodal 35 cm2 V1 2 mA NA 12 sessions Sham tDCS Pre Headache frequency
(ICHD- 2) CG = 5 tDCS electrode 240 minutes 30-d Pain intensity
Post (1-3)
Rapinesi et al26 Chronic migraine EG = 7 dTMS H1 coil Bilateral 100% RMT 10 12 sessions / Pre Headache frequency
(ICHD-3) CG = 7 DLPFC 4320 pulses 2-w Pain intensity
4-w VAS (0-100)
Przeklasa- Migraine (IHS) EG = 30 Anodal tDCS 35 cm2 M1 2 mA NA 10 sessions / Pre Headache frequency
Muszynska CG = 20 electrode 200 minutes 30-d Pain intensity
et al31 Post NRS (0-10)

Sham tDCS was performed by adjusting ramp periods at the beginning and at the end of stimulation to mimic initial local effects of active tDCS.
CG = control group; d = day; DLPFC = dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; dTMS = deep transcranial magnetic stimulation; EG = experimental group; FU = fellow-up; ICHD-2 =
International Classification of Headaches Disorders 2nd vision; ICHD-3 = International Classification of Headaches Disorders 3rd vision; HIS = International Headache Society;
LDLPFC = left dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; LM1 = left primary motor cortex; M1 = primary motor cortex; m = month; NA = not available; NRS = numerical rating scale;
RMT = resting motor threshold; rTMS = repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; tDCS = transcranial direct current stimulation; TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation;
V1 = visual cortex; VAS = visual analogue scale; w = week.
October 2019
Headache 1441

Table 2.—Quality Assessment of Included Studies by PEDro Scale

Study Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item 10 Total Scores

Brighina et al15 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Teepker et al24 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6
Auvichayapat et al29 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Dasilva et al28 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 7
Misra et al25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 9
Conforto et al27 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 7
Rocha et al30 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 6
Rapinesi et al26 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 6
Przeklasa-Muszynska et al31 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 6

Item 1: random allocation; item 2: concealment of allocation; item 3: baseline equivalence; item 4: blinding procedure (subjects); item
5: blinding procedure (therapists); item 6: blinding procedure (assessors); item 7: adequate follow-up; item 8: intention to treat analysis;
item 9: between-group statistical analysis item 10: measurement of data variability and point estimates.

Table 3.—The Results of Meta-Analysis and Sensitivity Analyses

Number of Pooled Effect Size

Analyzed Units (Hedges’ g) 95% CI P

Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of M1 5 −0.935 −1.280 to −0.590 P < .001

(Headache intensity)
Subject-blinded studies 3 −0.735 −1.068 to −0.403 P < .001
Assessor-blinded studies 2 −0.764 −1.114 to −0.414 P < .001
Studies without drop out cases or with intention 4 −1.110 −1.527 to −0.693 P < .001
to treat analysis of drop out cases
Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of M1 4 −0.879 −1.381 to −0.377 P = .001
(Frequency of headache attack)
Subject-blinded studies 2 −1.261 −1.631 to −0.891 P < .001
Assessor-blinded studies 2 −1.261 −1.631 to −0.891 P < .001
Studies without drop out cases or with intention 3 −0.683 −1.266 to −0.099 P = .022
to treat analysis of drop out cases
Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of DLPFC 3 −1.139 −2.207 to −0.071 P = .037
(Headache intensity)
Subject-blinded studies 2 −0.795 −2.091 to 0.501 P = .229
Assessor-blinded studies 2 −0.795 −2.091 to 0.501 P = .229
Studies without drop out cases or with intention 2 −1.701 −2.569 to −0.833 P < .001
to treat analysis of drop out cases

DLPFC,15,26,27 4 studies targeted the M1,25,28,29,31 with 1 to 9. All studies had a PEDro score  ≥  6, indicating a
study targeting the visual cortex,30 and another 1 study high methodological quality. However, we noted that
targeting the cranial vertex.24 All studies used multi- 2 studies did not apply subject blinding using a sham
session NIBS approach. The mean number of stimulation stimulation control.26,31
sessions was 11.89, ranging from 3 sessions to 23 sessions. Results of Meta-Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis.—
Methodological Quality of Included Studies.—The The results of meta-analysis and subsequent sensitivity
results of the methodological quality assessment analysis are summarized in Table 3.
by PEDro are summarized in Table 2. The mean Excitatory NIBS of M1.—A total of 4 studies investi­
score of included studies was 7.00, ranging from 6 gated the effects of excitatory stimulation of the
1442 October 2019

Fig. 2.—Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of M1 (headache intensity).

Fig. 3.—Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of M1 (frequency of headache attack).

M1.25,28,29,31 Meta-analysis based on these 4 studies Subgroup analysis was performed to investigate
showed a statistically significant effect on reducing pain whether concurrent medicine use influences the effect
intensity with a large effect size (Hedges’ g  =  −0.94; of NIBS. By removing the studies in which partici-
95% confident interval [CI], −1.28 to −0.59; P < .001, pants did not receive any medicine for pain,28,29 meta-
Fig. 2) with a low level of heterogeneity (I2 = 18.39%). analysis showed significant effects on reducing the
The overall pain reducing effect remained statistically headache intensity (Hedges’ g = −1.10; 95% CI, −1.69 to
significant in leave-one-out sensitivity analysis (Hedges’ −0.51; P < .001) and the frequency of headache attack
g from −1.11 to −0.83). The estimated effect size (Hedges’ g = −0.74; 95% CI, −1.43 to −0.06; P = .033),
remained statistically significant in our subsequent which were similar to our primary meta-analysis.
sensitivity analyses that took into consideration the Excitatory NIBS of DLPFC.—When investi­gating
methodological quality, with a range from −1.110 to the effects of excitatory stimulation of DLPFC, 3
−0.735. Meta-analysis based on 3 studies25,29,31 showed studies were identified.15,26,27 Meta-analysis based
a significant effect on reducing the frequency of on these studies showed a statistically significant
headache attacks with a large effect size (Hedges’ effect with a large effect size on headache intensity
g  =  −0.88; 95% CI, −1.38 to −0.38; P  =  .001, Fig. 3) (Hedges’ g = −1.14; 95% CI, −2.21 to −0.07; P = .04,
with a moderate level of heterogeneity (I2  =  57.15%), Fig. 4) with a moderate level of heterogeneity
which remained statistically significant in leave-one-out (I2  =  61.86%), but the results were not statistically
sensitivity analysis (Hedges’ g from −1.09 to −0.68). significant in leave-one-out sensitivity analysis
The estimated effect size also remained statistically when excluding either Brighina et al15 or Rapinesi
significant in our subsequent sensitivity analyses that et al.26 When the analysis was restricted to subject-
took into consideration the methodological quality, blinded or assessor-blinded studies, the results from
with a range from −1.261 to −0.683. meta-analysis were not statistically significant, with a
Headache 1443

Fig. 4.—Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of DLPFC (headache intensity).

Fig. 5.—Meta-analysis: Excitatory stimulation of DLPFC (frequency of headache attack).

moderate effect size (Hedges’ g = −0.795). Moreover, of headache attacks and headache intensity in
a statistically non-significant effect was noted on the patients with migraine. This significant effect result
frequency of headache attacks (Hedges’ g  =  −0.64; was robust to leave-one-out sensitivity analysis as well
95% CI, −2.77 to 1.49; P  =  .56, Fig. 5), with a high as sensitivity analyses which take into consideration
level of heterogeneity (I2  =  89.54%), although the methodological quality. Similarly, excitatory NIBS
magnitude of effect size was considered moderate. of the DLPFC significantly reduced headache inten-
Inhibitory NIBS Protocols.—One study applied low- sity in patients with migraine. However, it did not sig-
frequency rTMS to the cranial vertex,24 which yielded nificantly reduce the frequency of headache attacks
a statistically non-significant effect on headache in patients with migraine based on the results of our
intensity (Hedges’ g  =  0.10; 95% CI, −0.63 to 0.83; meta-analysis. Inhibitory NIBS applied to either the
P = .79) as well as the frequency of headache attacks vertex or the visual cortex did not significantly change
(Hedges’ g = −0.25; 95% CI, −1.00 to 0.48; P = .50). the headache intensity and the frequency of headache
The magnitude of effect size was considered small. attacks in patients with migraine when compared to
Another study applied cathodal tDCS to the visual sham stimulation.
cortex30 and statistically non-significant significant The efficacy of NIBS on pain management in pa-
results were found in headache intensity (Hedges’ tients with migraine is still controversial based on prior
g = −0.55; 95% CI, −1.58 to 0.48; P = .30) and in the meta-analytic reviews. Shirahige et al32 reviewed 8 studies
frequency of headache attacks (Hedges’ g = 0.35; 95% and came to the conclusion that tDCS, rather than TMS,
CI, −0.67 to 1.36; P = .51). was likely to reduce the headache intensity and the fre-
quency of migraine attacks. However, in another review
DISCUSSION published in 2017, Lan et al33 found that single-pulse
Our review demonstrates that applying excitatory TMS and rTMS were able to reduce the frequency of
NIBS on the M1 significantly reduced the frequency headache attacks, based on a meta-analysis of 5 studies.
1444 October 2019

We found that both of these meta-analytic studies do of effect size became statistically insignificant when
not systematically investigate the efficacy of different removing this study. In agreement with this, Conforto
NIBS protocols based on the stimulation properties (ie, et al27 compared the DLPFC active and sham stimu-
excitatory or inhibitory) or the brain targets (ie, M1, lation and found a superior effect favoring the sham
DLPFC, or visual cortex). This is contrary to the prac- stimulation to the active stimulation in frequency of
tical design of NIBS protocols for clinical applications headache attacks, which suggests a placebo effect
which use these as the main factors for consideration. of rTMS on reducing pain intensity in migraineurs,
Our review separates the studies into subgroups, and which contributes to significant heterogeneity in our
through this, we found that excitatory M1 stimulation meta-analysis. As an appropriate blinding method is
provides migraineurs with some benefits. The result is important in controlling the placebo effect of NIBS,
in line with 2 other studies in which a favorable effect of it is necessary to employ a single-blinded or double-
M1 stimulation on reducing migraine intensity and fre- blinded design for future studies on NIBS.
quency was found. The 2 studies were not included in our The differential effects of M1 and DLPFC stimu-
meta-analysis because they did not report enough data lation have not been fully confirmed. Andrade et al43
for the estimation of effect sizes.34,35 Inhibitory rTMS directly compared the effects of tDCS to the M1 with
via a circular coil to the vertex – which is assumed to that to the DLPFC, with a reported improved effect
suppress the excitability of bilateral motor cortices – associated with DLPFC stimulation. We cannot
was not superior to sham stimulation in the reduction include in our review due to insufficient reported data
of headache intensity and frequency of headache at- for our meta-analysis. Interestingly, they found that
tack, according to one study24 included in our analysis. DLPFC stimulation produced a superior effect as com-
Motor cortex excitability in patients with migraine is still pared to stimulation of the M1, although it must be
controversial, with some studies reporting hyperactive noted that the sample size of this study was limited.
interictal cortical excitability of motor cortex, whereas These studies suggest that the differential effects of M1
others find hypoactive cortical excitability instead.36-38 and DLPFC stimulation are of significant interest and
However, the analgesic effect of motor cortex stimu- hence should be further investigated.
lation is likely to be associated with circuit inhibition Some neurophysiological studies have found that
within the somatosensory cortices,39 the recruitment of the visual cortex is hyperactive during the interictal pe-
cortico-thalamic pathway40 and the facilitation of the riods of migraine, and hence suppressing the excitability
top-down pain inhibitory pathway.41 Cortical excitabil- of the visual cortex may contribute to the reduction of
ity, measured using motor evoked potentials alone, does migraine pain. One of these studies, performed by
not reflect changes in functional connectivity in patients Rocha et al30 which we have included, showed an insig-
with migraine, and these changes in connectivity are still nificant trend supporting the positive effect of inhibitory
yet unexplored. visual cortex stimulation on migraine pain. A similar
By performing meta-analyses on studies that stim- study by Antal et al,44 which was excluded from our
ulate the DLPFC region, we found a significant effect review because of its study design, also supported the
on reducing pain intensity but not the frequency of positive effect of inhibitory visual cortex stimulation on
headache attacks in patients with migraine. Among the migraine pain. In line with the limited number of studies
3 studies in the meta-analysis, we found that deep TMS available, we were not able to draw a conclusion with
yielded the strongest effect on reducing pain intensity regards to the effects of inhibitory visual cortex stimu-
with a large effect size (Hedges’s = −1.87). Deep TMS is lation on headache in patients suffering from migraine.
a new form of rTMS therapy that uses a H-shape coil,
which is assumed to be able to reach deeper and wider LIMITATIONS
brain regions.42 However, because this study excluded Our review is not free from limitations. First, our
subject- and assessor-blinding methods, the effect size meta-analysis was performed based on a limited num-
may be overestimated. In our sensitivity analysis to as- ber of articles and the estimation of effect size may
sess the methodological quality, the overall estimation not be properly powered. Two studies with relatively
Headache 1445

larger sample sizes 25,31 contribute to the majority of the 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global
patients and may have undue influence on the estima- Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol.
tion of effect sizes. Hence, our conclusions should be 2018;17:954-976.
interpreted with caution. More studies will be needed 2. Charles A. Migraine. N Engl J Med. 2017;377:553-561.
to confirm our present findings. Second, we were 3. Dodick DW. Migraine. Lancet. 2018;391:1315-1330.
4. Diener HC, Charles A, Goadsby PJ, Holle D. New
unable to investigate potential differences in effect
therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treat-
between rTMS and tDCS due to the limited number
ment of migraine. Lancet Neurol. 2015;14:1010-1022.
of studies that have been included. Last, although in-
5. Grimsrud KW, Halker Singh RB. Emerging treat-
cluded studies only considered migraine patients, we ments in episodic migraine. Curr Pain Headache Rep.
cannot exclude potential overlapping headache disor- 2018;22:61.
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