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296 A World Made of Gears - 3

A huge steel arm approaching forward. It feels overwhelmingly heavy. The frightened
body trembles uncontrollably.

'Leave the saw blade, or hold it and take it. It's easy. How will you respond?'

If I let go of the saw blade it will slap me in the head, and if I hold on to it,
the steel arm will crush me. There is no right answer to the easy choice that the
opponent forced.

I chose another option.

I put my finger inside the saw blade. Sharp on the outside but dull on the inside.
He grabbed it carefully so as not to be cut, and stole Maximilian's original magic
and used it.

Unique Magic, Gear Maiden.

A world made of cogs. If you touch one, all the cogs in the series will move at the
same time. There are no 'imperfect' concepts such as power, friction, or tooth

In the world of cogs, there are only two.

turns, doesn't turn

Maximilian took the time to pay attention to his arm and turned the saw blade in
the opposite direction. my body swoops up Arms tremble from excessive pressure. The
blade is not standing, but the feeling of being squeezed by the fingers is clear.

Fortunately, thanks to the weak energy, I am not sick. Thanks, drug. I wish you all
the best in the future.

'Skillful. But that ability is originally mine.'

Maximilian wasn't the only one watching. As soon as he looks at me through the
monocle, the saw blade stops. As I climbed up, my body followed the inertia and
floated in the air.

A dizzy feeling as if gravity had disappeared. But getting here is enough. He took
out two cards from his pocket.

Diamonds 2 and 8. Versatile hooks and everything slender.

Attach the wire to the hook, and throw it towards the steel beetle. He pulled the
hook on the cog wheel vigorously. I don't have superhuman strength, but it's enough
to control the direction I fall.

The body draws a descending parabola to reach the side of the steel beetle. Before
colliding, I reached out and stepped on the cog wheels. As soon as the foot touches
it, Maximilian's unique magic moves the cog wheel. Only the cogs I stepped on would
turn upwards.

The cogwheel did its job well in its place. A cog wheel that looks like a giant
waterwheel carries my weight and spins. It feels like my feet are tossing my body.
I jumped up in stride while balancing. After all the tricks, I reached the steel
beetle's back.
I heard Maximilian's voice behind me.

“You are good at linking. Even if you turn the gears, it's a difficult skill to
follow. Isn't it just stealing unique magic?"

Immediately after I heard the voice, a huge hand slammed my side down. My feet
shake in shock. I quickly retreated and saw a hand made of iron and cogs scratching
a steel beetle. The sparks bounce off and the irregularities and irregularities
mesh with each other. After some friction, the steel hand became one with the steel

Maximilian grabbed his arm and jumped up at once. I caught up with the height I had
been struggling to climb up in just one second. to the point of being absurd.

“Anyway, you’re not the only one who can’t, what?”

“I’ve been living with cog wheels all my life. By comparison, you first used this
ability a while ago. Is that the ability of a human king?”

Maybe it's because of mind-reading, but let's not say it. I nodded.

“Man is an animal that uses tools.”

“The king of men is the skillful use of all tools. Isn't it just a story limited to
tools? Alchemy and Qigong. All of them are very good.”

His gaze turned to my card. As an alchemist, I understood the essence of alchemy

contained in my card at once.

“But compared to the skill level, the work is disappointing. It had no function,
only the shape of alchemy steel. Is that all?”

Sheesh. Are you saying you know how much magic power it takes to grant a function
through alchemy? Oh, you must know. You must be the strongest alchemist in the

If you add your magic power, I will make it even better. Groaning inwardly, I
opened another card and asked.

“Can you show me something else?”

“You have to show it. If you want to stay alive.”

I'll do it if you want Now, let's start the magic show again... .

Trying to do it, Maximilien stretched out his arms without warning. A huge iron
hand following his orders is about to grab me. If caught there, it will look like
minced meat put in a grinder.

But where I set my feet was on a steel beetle. All feet are cog wheels. As before,
turn the footrest so that your body moves... .

I tried to do it, but the cog wheel doesn't move. The body that could not keep up
with the accident staggered.

'You can't run away the same way. Like you, I can stop the cogs you move.'

It is very quick to understand the situation and respond to it. Even if it rots, it
is fertile. Although I have overwhelming power, I gradually reduce my options and
pressure them.

In the blink of an eye, iron grips covered his vision. Severely injured. If caught,
there is no future. I have to avoid it, but I am staggering right now, having lost
control of the footrest.

When the plan goes awry, I panic and make a decision late. When fighting a strong
man, even that brief break is fatal. Missing the only chance to overcome the
crisis, a hand of steel swept over my body... .

'Is this all?'

I think now is this opportunity.

Inducing vigilance, the view is now obscured. She stretched out her hand as if

Hundreds of cogs in front of you. Most of them are added simply to increase
destructive power, but there are also important cogs that make up the basic
skeleton. If you don't know, you can't tell them apart, but thanks to reading the
designer's thoughts, I know exactly.

I caught the target and took out a card.

1 diamond, pickpocket skewer. Take it in reverse water and insert it at an angle.

It enters aiming at the cogwheel gap, then bends like a fishing rod under the
pressure of the steel arm and bounces off. There was blood on his hands, but thanks
to that, one cog was missing. Skeletons are visible beyond the skin.

It's like pickpocketing. You have to peel it off and get your hands on the things
that matter most. Without a second thought, I reached into it.

Maximilien can turn the cogs as much as he wants, but if that's all he's doing,
he's just idling. In order to wield force properly, you need a center of gravity
that will serve as a fulcrum.

Naturally, the fulcrum is his body, and for that, Maximilian drove gears into every
corner of his body.

In other words, that steel arm was connected to his body.

In other words, I can break his body through the cogs connected to him.

reach out

The cog wheel overflows. A wave of steel sweeps over my body. Rotation can be
stopped, but it cannot even eliminate inertia. The speedy steel pounded my body

A little later, my whole body will be crushed. before that.

My fingertips touched the skeleton.

A hand made of steel that mimics a human body. From the distal end to the center of
the skeletal frame, his ability is directed against it. The moving cog wheels stop
one by one. Fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders… All devices running in the joint
were stopped one after another. And the steel arm he made ended there.

But the cogs don't end there.

Maximilien shoved the flesh to attach the prosthetic arm, and put steel in his
shoulder. On the surface of the abutment, there is a cog wheel to control the
prosthetic hand. From there, he captures the network of cogs that stretched all
over Maximilian's body, which started anew.


Even as my body was crushed by the steel, I clasped my hands tightly.

Unique Magic, Gear Maiden.

'What's going on? feeling... ?!'

By the time I realized it, it was already too late.

The subject is all the cogs connected to me. I command all of them, including those
in Maximilian's body. A command as powerful as it is easy to understand.

turn in reverse until it breaks.


The steel arm exploded.

The parts that made up the arm rotated randomly in different directions.
Misalignment, torsion, dysfunction and runaway. The steel arm, which had all kinds
of problems that could have occurred in the machinery, split into pieces and
bounced in all directions.

The steel arm that was about to attack me broke into thousands of cogs and crashed.
Although they are small in size, they are all alchemy steels of level 3 or higher.
The high-density metal rips through the skin and hits the head. Some cogs even rode
over my body.

The shock shook her body backwards. My back hurts when I hit the floor, and my arms
are crushed all over. I'm sure the drug I took earlier is still there. It seems
that my body feels a crisis and shouts an emergency.


'Cause I'm still alive

At the last moment, the explosion of the steel arm was huge. The shock was
dispersed here and there as the bonding strength weakened. Thanks to this, the
crisis of pressure death was reduced to a throbbing pain in the whole body. A very
positive result.

the problem is.

“Yeah, that’s right! Now I know!”

Maximilian is still alive.


No, it was half successful. Maximilian's prosthetic arm had disappeared, and his
left body exposed was dyed bright red. The cog wheels inside the body run out of
control, and the bleeding that occurs is visible from the outside of the skin.
But he didn't die.

Maximilien saw exactly what I was trying to do and responded quickly. He barely
saved his life, thanks to his cogs breaking the bond before grinding his body.
That's a reflexive response. What a monster.

he opened his mouth Seeing vivid blood gushing out of his mouth, he looked as if he
was still alive.

“You can only control cogs that touch your body. right?!"

… Even in the midst of near death, he recognized my weakness.

The old saying that power needs a center applies to me as well. My body must
'contact' with his own magic to steal his powers, or I can't use them.

I don't want to tell you that, so let's take a look.


“Are you trying to deceive the obvious? If only you could control cogs that don't
touch your body! My limbs must have already strangled me! Just like you tried a
while ago!”

Shit, you're so quick More than anything else, it is difficult to make decisions in
that brief moment and react boldly.

“Isn’t that why you climbed the steel beetle? If you step out, the steel beetle
with the wide-open streets will only obey my orders! Pretending to run away, the
battlefield was moved here on purpose! Am I right?”

Now I have to admit He gently nodded his head.

“It’s not just that you’ve grown up with strength. Unlike Historia.”

"haha! That's what I'm going to say. The King of Humans, although he said he lost
most of his power, he is an absolute formidable opponent! I feel like I'm fighting

“I feel the same way. If you limit yourself to the concept of cogs, you are better
than anyone else.”

He said it with his sincerity.

He is growing every moment. If it is limited to the concept of a cog wheel, it is

Maximilian who has reached the pole of a human being. I thought that there was
nowhere else to go, but even now, it develops even more.

“In a world made of cogs, you are the pinnacle of human beings. Every step you take
is a step no one has ever taken. As you open up new horizons, it will soon become
an area conquered by humans. Only in the field of 'cogs'.”

That's the greatest compliment I can give. It was also sincere without

Maximilien, who listened for a moment with a blank expression on his face, burst
into laughter.
"Ha ha ha ha ha! Impressive! I've never needed anyone's approval, but I'm more than
happy with any compliment I've ever heard in my life! Indeed, this is the king of

“Well, I too have been kicked out of the human representative, so I don’t have any
public confidence.”

“Can’t we get our strength back?”

“Ahaha. Because I don't like it. Even so, I don't do it with you. How do I know
what you will do to my body?”

Even if it is a wish, my wish to control my body will not be granted. The most
basic instinct of living things. The homeostasis to protect myself is still there.

The king of humans is a beast before he is a king.

“And I have more to tell you… I will tell you this right before I kill you.”

“There will be no chance of that. I have grasped your abilities. Stop trying to
stop them from approaching.”

Maximilien raised the prosthetic arm of his left arm in an uncomfortable position.
tickle, tickle. A prosthetic arm in the shape of an arm was reassembled, and a long
groove was dug from the elbow to the back of the hand. With the tip open, he took
on the exact shape of a bowgun.

No, it was the Bowgun itself.

A cog wheel the size of a fingernail rolled in on its own and settled into the
groove. The small cog wheel idled, hanging from the groove at the command of
Maximilien. Wiiying, the sound of the wind is so loud that it is hard to believe
that it was made by tiny cogs. If I accelerate it along the groove, the cog will
fly at me with a speed comparable to that of a bolt.

Maximilien pointed his hastily bowgun at me.

“Can I use the anti-tank qigong? Well, it doesn't matter. There are enough bullets,
so stop shooting until you run out. Now, if you have anything left to say, tell

At first, I couldn't use it because I lacked energy. Threatening people by pointing

a gun at them? It's a really good way to talk.

I grumbled and folded the cards. Ten clover per diamond. I made a deck with a total
of eleven cards and shuffled them lightly.

"No. A magician's trick is not to reveal even if a sword is in his throat. That's
why I don't say it unless I'm a heavy-mouthed person. Like Lieutenant Colonel Evon,
for example.”

Maximilian also remembered General Ebon, the lord of all things. he asked

“Lieutenant Colonel Ebon. It's a name I miss. I heard he was in the abyss... .”

Then he blurted out. Maximilien recalled the information and immediately looked at
me with subdued eyes.

“The person you spoke of with a heavy mouth is going to die soon. Did you kill

“I didn’t kill him, he was there at the time. If you want to hear my eulogy, please
die by my hand. I will listen to you until I die.”

“… Conversely, if I torture you to the point of death, I can hear you.”

“It’s a good attitude. Try it.”

Saying so, I grabbed the top card with both hands and pulled it out.

Diamond Queen. Queen of Thousands.

It was as if an unrealistically small folded blanket was unfolding. I wrapped the

Queen of Thousands as a cloak. A warm feeling surrounds me.

Queen of Thousands. The finest fabrics that are a little warmer, a little tougher,
and cover a little better. However, that's not all. If that's all, there's no
reason to praise her as the Queen of Thousands.

The true power of the Queen of Thousands is the power to confine magic. Even if
it's light, if it's made of magical power, it's completely locked in. She is enough
to bring pitch-black darkness to vampires who hate light.

I declared with my collar closed.

“I will try my best to resist.”

EP.297 A World Made of Gears - 4

Drooling. The bullet teeth rotated violently and scratched the groove one after
another. It accelerates in an instant along the groove uniformly and flies in front
of my nose in the blink of an eye.

However, from what you can see, it's not as fast as Historia's groundbreaking bomb.
However, if it is hit by a heavy gear, the amount of impact will be enormous.


But my ability is mind reading. He knew where he was aiming and avoided it one step
earlier. Where my shoulder used to be, the cogs whirled past.

If it was Historia, it would hit immediately after firing, so you could never avoid
it... . If you're against Maximilian, who isn't even a professional firing weapon,
this is it.

'One is avoiding. It's a good skill... Then how about a hundred?'


Hundreds and hundreds of cogs climbed up Maximilian's whole body. The spectacle
looks like a worm covering the body. The cogs, which went up to the shoulder,
descended along the ridge of the body. The cogs, which arrived at the wrist in line
with Oh, were loaded into the bowgun one after another and accelerated along the
groove as before.


Now there is nothing to aim for. I intend to scatter the cogs by swinging my arms.
There was no psychological warfare, and indiscriminate shooting relied on his own
power. If that's the case, I can't even use mind-reading.

chit. If you're a tech job, you'll have to fight a fierce psychological warfare and
a trump card like this! Instead of fighting an unwinnable fight, I called my
faithful punching bag.



The King of Dogs answered my call.

Aji, who had climbed on a steel beetle, ran towards me without even having time to
catch a breath. Aji's head, who arrived in front of me, moves quickly. It
disappears like a flying gear is sucked into Aji's mouth.

Every time Aji mumbled his cheeks, there was a squeaking sound. Sparks flew from
the gaps in her teeth. Each cog that Maximilien uses is an alchemy steel of at
least level 4, but in front of Aji's teeth, it's just a bit of hard chewing gum.

No matter how many shots were fired, Maximilian had two hands. Aji picked out the
ones flying towards me like a ghost and chewed them.

The riot is over. Aji, who had spit out the last gear, raised his tail and cried
out for a long time.


king of dogs. Man's old friend still sided with me. Even if I can't bite
Maximilian, I'll at least keep me from dying.

How are you? This is the power of a human king... .

“The half that can’t even reveal this.”

Maximilien, who muttered a little, spread his hands.

Doo doo doo doo doo. My feet tremble The steel beetle vibrates violently. Aji was
terrified by the sudden earthquake.

“Wow! Wow! Earth, move! earthquake!"

“It's not an earthquake! The steel beetle is shaking!”

"bruise? Beetles?”

"no. It's an earthquake!"

Having roughly answered Aji's question, I found the source of the shaking. The
steel beetle did not move.

For me, who lacks the magnitude of pure power, a gigantic mass weapon is more
difficult than anything else. I haven't tried it so far because Maximilien is
negligent, but if a steel beetle rushes towards me, I must feel a huge threat to my

So I rode on the steel beetle and restrained Maximilian from moving.

“Obviously we are blocking it, but how… ?”

That was answered kindly by Maximilian.

“The steel beetle has a number of spare cogs in stock in case of emergencies. If
you don't reach there, it looks like you can't control it."

The only gears allowed for me are 'things that are in contact'.

If two cogs are meshed together, it is in fact no different than one large cog.
Because the principle of operation is the same. Therefore, I could control the
gears interlocking with each other, and I even attacked Maximilian using its

However, it does not reach the things that hang in disorder. Because it has nothing
to do with me now.

However, Maximilien, who is unconstrained by conditions like me, can command it

towards it. For example, like this.

“What kind of gears move like this!”

The identity of what caused the shaking was soon revealed.

Hundreds of thousands of cog wheels roll on the side of the steel beetle. It's not
about moving in tandem. It just 'turns' and rolls like a normal wheel. without any

A swarm of thousands of ants seems to be coming. Violence pushing numbers.

“Will the dog king be able to save you again?”

damn. If I touch it, I can stop the rotation, but it's not just one or two, and the
speed attached to it while rolling hits me as it is. We have to intercept before
they come.

I cried out as if I was grabbing straw.

“Ouch! Kick them all!”

“… Mmm.”

Aji put on the stupidest expression of the world. You're baffled by impossible
demands. A dog's intelligence won't come up with a way to overcome it.

Here, humans can only play an active role.

Take out the card. clover. A pattern containing one-time magic. This is the last
move that I cherish and cherish until the very end to protect my life.

Magic is irreversible. Unlike tools, magic once used cannot be recovered. If I use
clover, it causes permanent loss of my property. Even when I decided to write it,
my hands are shaking.

Still better than dying I'm not going to take it to the grave.

I swiped the card with magic. The magical power that had been sealed lit up in
response to my magic. He picked up the card with two fingers, radiating a bluish
magical light.

Military ritual magic is based on black magic that uses the body as a medium and
sacrifice. My body takes damage, but it is quick and easy to activate. With a
simple chanting, it consumes the magical power of the body to create useful

And there is the opposite concept of white magic. This is a classic magic that
draws a magic circle through an object imbued with magical powers and draws out

As a classic, the assortment is good, but it is difficult to use it in practice,

because it has to draw magic from something else, so it is slow to activate and
requires a high level of skill. In addition, items with magical powers are
expensive, so the word classic is just right in that it can only be enjoyed by
those who have enough money and time.

But there are people in the world who value their bodies more than money, and I am
one of them.

A card is tossed just before the light explodes. The thrown card is a clover 5. It
flies through the air and falls in the middle of a cog wheel. For a moment, the
card spins like a top on the spot as if against a cog wheel.

But a thin card is too fragile to fight against steel. Especially if the numbers
are different. The card, which was spinning round and round, was eventually buried
in a wave of steel... .

it is now I stretched out my finger and shouted the starter.

“Acus Ritter!”

What is contained in Clover 5 is a reinforced version of the condensed magic

favored by the military.

Collects water from the atmosphere in response to magic. Ordinary condensation

magic is nice to collect water for a feast, but mine is a special product, so it's
somewhat compulsory. To give a rough explanation of how forced it is, even water
vapor can crystallize right away.

After the flash of light, a white storm blew in. Magical power spreads in all
directions like a spider's web, and pulls the water it has caught. Ice crystals
made in an instant grabbed the rolling gears.

It contains magical powers that can be turned into ice statues as it is when used
on humans. It would be quite difficult since I restricted the movement of the gear

As I expected, Maximilian was pretty flustered.

"Magic?! no way… !”

… The direction was a little different.

'Only with that?'

The sound of gnawing ice was heard from all directions. Even though it was covered
in ice, the cogs that rotated on their own did not stop. The ice blocking the front
is scraped off and gnawed. The shattered pieces of ice glistened.

Before long, most of the cogs broke through the ice.

The time my magic gained was about 3 seconds. Even then, the cog wheels slipped on
the ice and rolled in vain.

Maximilien exclaimed, hiding his disappointment.

“Is that the number of secrets you hid? Just some magic? You must know that magic
cannot defeat unique magic!”

Who doesn't know how to use it? That's because I can only use that! I don't have a
unique mage! There's no way there's anything unique about the human king!

Tsu-eup, doesn’t the leftover skill work against Yuk Jangseong? I have to be
satisfied with the time I earned 3 seconds. In the meantime, I ran away. Leave the
back to Aji.

“Aji, leave the back to me!”

"bruise! Crap! bruise!"

I could hear painful cries from behind, but I don't know. He snatched the cogs like
a mouse and occasionally howled at the cogs shot by Maximilien, but I can't see
what's going on.

The most dangerous thing for me is the cogs that Maximilian shoots. Therefore,
getting out of the deadlock is the top priority. After reaching the edge, he threw
himself and hung on the side.

I was breathing a sigh of relief when I heard the sound of the gears turning. I
looked up and saw dozens of cogs chasing me along the edge.

Oh, you useless bastard! You missed a few!

“Shit! You are so persistent!”

The cogwheels were pouring down towards me. Leaving everything under my weight and
jumping towards me, even that alone is difficult for me. Not only is it painful,
but even if it falls from the shock, the steel beetle is again under Maximilian's

that should be stopped If Maximilien regains control of the Steel Beetle, even
Ajiro will not be able to respond.

I ran along the bumps on the side. Cogs are falling behind your back. He managed to
avoid it, but a few fell on their cloaks and tumbled backwards. A cog wheel rolls
over it, taking advantage of the break in its posture.

I quickly raised my hand and grabbed the cog wheel.

A gear that spins fast is like a commendation. If you hold it with your bare hands,
the force of the rotation will rip you apart. In fact, I wrapped up the cloak all

Before the cogs could tear me apart, Maximilien's own magic used to get rid of the
rotation. As soon as the cogwheels, which had been running wild while pulling the
cloak, touched their hands, they calmed down and wrapped around their hands.
However, even if the rotation is offset, the previous speed cannot be offset. I
felt a heavy shock in my arm. It feels like someone is grabbing a ball that has
been kicked with all their might.

“How can you control rotation at will, but not inertia? Are you saying that if you
follow the concept of a cog wheel, the rest doesn't matter? Something is
irrational, but... .”

It's irrational, so it's unique. Sheesh. Compared to the unique magic that
overwrites the world with one's own rules, mind-reading is really nothing. Who
doesn't give me a better ability... .

for a moment. it's a rule I could use this.

I fiddled with the gears. I thought I'd just throw it away, but if I do, it will
keep chasing after me. He grunted and grabbed the cog wheel and put it in a
suitable place on the wall. The cog wheel became so quiet. I fled, avoiding or
catching the cogs that fell one after the other.

After running for a while, Maximilien's thoughts came from above.

'King of dogs, this is definitely annoying. They don't try to attack me, but the
cogs are painstakingly crushing each one. If you touch it, you will be defeated by
the human king. If you don't make contact, the dog king will block you. It's

It's not just me who's picky. a little comforting

'If there is no steel beetle, you can't suppress the king of beasts, but the king
of humans is sealing the steel beetle... . Was the King of the Beasts so demanding?
Wait, the king of beasts?'

Maybe the only piece that can help you get out of this situation. Maximilian
remembered its existence belatedly.

The king of cats, the butterfly.

“The King of Cats!”

It's too late to realize, Maximilian.

I never forgot the butterfly from the beginning.

“Butterflies don’t come.”

Tock, tock.

The sound of gunshots was heard from the concrete floor. The iron hit the dry
ground, adding a slightly sagging beat.

Long braided black hair swayed backwards. With a languid and tired expression on
her face, she approaches with a strangely helpless gait.

Eyes that look tired and stressed. But at this moment, she will be very happy.


It was because he had a cigar of horseradish plant in his mouth. A special product
made from the leaves of the world tree, not an ordinary thing.

Historia, who exhaled a long smoke, muttered with a hazy expression.

“This is good… . Her arms don't hurt, and her head is cool. I feel like my energy
is coming back... .”

EP.298 A world made of cog wheels - 5

Historia, who exhaled deep smoke, spoke with a slightly hazy face.

“This is good… . Her arms don't hurt, and her head is cool. I feel like my energy
is coming back... .”

“Nah-. Are you okay-"

As if responding to her, the satisfied cry of a butterfly was heard. Maximilien

narrowed her brow as she noticed a butterfly wallowing with a stack of magic
candles in the narrow spot behind her.

How to get rid of drugs. take medicine in advance. It did succeed.

Although it bothers me that Historia smoked a bit too much. How much did she smoke
so her eyes were out of focus?

“That is an illusion. If your arm doesn't hurt, it's just that you don't feel any
pain, and the reason your head is cool is just because you're addicted to magic

Despite my point, Historia smiled and waved a magic candle.

“Because it’s true. Much better than when I first smoked it. Why?”

“The magic candle is just a girl’s match that reminds you of the best moments. If
you are happy when you light a fire, that means your condition is just as miserable
right now, so don’t worry.”

“It’s because of you. The fact that I smoke a magic candle, and the fact that I'm
in a miserable state right now. It all happened because of you.”


That's weird. Am I reading your thoughts now? The words that I had only said in my
heart so far are coming out of my mouth.

He seems to like my absurd expression quite a bit. Historia grinned and brought her
magic candle to her mouth. She drew the immoral smoke into her body, and she
exhaled deeply and let out a sweet sigh.

"ha… Would you like to smoke one too?”

“Don’t be generous with what I gave you. Please return the rest as soon as

"pooh. That's too much. Where's mine in the magic pot, yours? We smoke together.”

It's very uncomfortable to see him smiling. How many bars of your heart have you
blown away? It's scary how much drugs can change people.
While I was at a loss for words, Maximilian looked at Historia's magic candle and
was astonished.

“… Is that a world tree leaf? how do you have it No, who gave it to you?”

Historia answered with a smirk like an idiot.

"I don't know… . Why do smokers care? It’s just smoking.”

"No way! Among the kings of grass and trees, there is nothing that the lord of all
things does not have! If that is the case, by what path did the leaves of the world
tree escape? Impossible!”

“Then it seems that the warrant of all things has been handed over. Hey, did Huey
give it to you? kick. Huey, are you the master of all things?”

Still missing a screw in the head is the answer. Even Maximilien gave up on hearing
her answer and shook her head.

“In the end, it means that even the answer rests with the king of men. One more
reason to secure him.”

“It can’t be.”

Historia, who was happily smoking magic candles, suddenly had a smile on her lips.
She said that Historia had only changed her expression, and she felt the
temperature of the air had gone down by a few degrees.

Each time she murmured, the magic candle in her mouth shook up and down.

“That damn bastard is a damn bastard who got his job done and ran away
irresponsibly… . But it was the best time for me.”

Immediately after saying that, Historia immediately kicked the ground. No help was
needed. As she landed lightly over a steel beetle over six meters high, Historia
took a deep breath and stood up.

Maximilian said.

“It’s a feeling that can’t be repaid. He is the king of men. He is not obsessed
with any individual.”

“The king of men or anything, it doesn’t matter at all. it's my memory I won't let
the chief ruin it!"

… That's why people should always show their good side. look. Because I'm living
faithfully, the past relationships help me like I do now.

I feel like I'm getting a little too much help compared to what I've been doing. Do
I have to live up to it too? humanly.

He stopped what he was doing, got up and climbed back onto the steel beetle. I
walked slowly and stood as if supporting Historia. Aji, who had been chasing her
cogs, looked at me and thought for a moment before sitting next to me, giving her
strength to her shoulders.

The situation is markedly different from before. In the new composition, Maximilien
folded his fingers in embarrassment.
“That’s three. This is one... . It won't be easy even if we get rid of the dog

Historia's condition is not yet perfect, and I am only half of my strength.

Combining the two, it was barely one level.

But the odds are higher than at any other moment that has ever been. I raised my
head and said.

“You know it well. Last chance. I'll see you when you run away."

Maximilian thought seriously. He was a man who resembled a gear and moved with
logic and reason. He now seriously contemplated whether he would choose to fight a
dangerous fight here or step back safely.

'The king of men can destroy my body with the touch of a hand. He should never be
allowed to approach, but the problem is a musketeer capable of fighting. Without
the Steel Beetle, it's hard to get an edge. There are too many variables. It's
reasonable to step back now, or... .'

The judgment was clear. But in the end, one regret caught him. Maximilien opened
his mouth.

“You said I was normal.”

I happily nodded, but added a word to comfort him.

“Don’t be discouraged. Not only you, but all humans are normal. Except for very,
very few.”

“I know. In the beginning, humans themselves were just one of the ordinary beasts.
Until they make themselves special... .”

Maximilian looked down at his prosthetic arm, clenched and spread his fingers.
Although it cannot be seen from the outside, the cog wheels in the prosthetic hand
were intricately interlocking and mimicking human movements.

How many trials and errors did it take to move so naturally? Obviously, the
discovery would be the result of a brilliant talent blooming after countless
efforts in a suitable environment. In a nutshell, this is a very good technique.

But it's not 'special'. Because, to the last, what already exists is only
implemented with cog wheels.

It should be a good replacement. Maximilien knew better than anyone in the world
that cogs, no matter how sophisticated, were only a simplification of the
principles of the world.

“Maybe I already knew. I am an excellent person both objectively and subjectively,

and I have reached a level different from the criminal... Something isn't enough to
reach the demon. To make up for that lack, I have sought the king of men.”

“I have come to you. You know that I am the king of men. Now, be satisfied with the
audience and go back. There will be no shortage of side dishes to accompany the
people of the hometown over a beer.”

“But if I give up here, won’t I end there?”

Maximilien murmured, placing his hands on the back of the steel beetle. The moment
he pushed in a lot of magical power, his prosthetic hand resonated with the alchemy
steel and shone white. The fingertips where his magical power was concentrated
melted like lava.

He drew a picture by moving his melted fingers. A circle, a triangle, and a

straight line. A symbol that resembles a scale.

This is the beginning of alchemy, Yeongjin.

Maximilian muttered, injecting more magic into it.

“Humans can do anything. whatever madness it is.”

And after a while, his hands sank into the steel. there is a ripple It looks like
they are playing with their hands on the surface of the water.

alchemy. The human skill of manipulating matter and transforming it to the extent
possible. It has numerous limitations and restrictions, and regardless of the
status of an alchemist, the impossible is not treated as a mystery because it is
dead and never woken up. Compared to the complex and mysterious native magic, it is
a modest level.

But the essence of alchemy is not power. Alchemy is property. Just like collecting
and saving a few years of pennies to buy something that you would not normally
dream of, you can pour out the power you have accumulated through alchemy for a
moment to achieve a feat that would otherwise be impossible.

Right now, even just me, through alchemy, I am performing beyond my abilities.

What if Maximilian did that?

I immediately called out to Aji.

“Aji, run!”

"bruise? run? run!"

Aji tilted her head, but just as I said, she jumped in place. Thank you so much for
listening, but the problem is that it's not the way I want it to be.

“No, don’t run in place!”

"bruise? Another run?”

While Aji questioned, Maximilian poured out a tremendous amount of magical power
with both hands.

The steel beetle is the result of assembling stitches of alchemy steel that he
smelted by himself. It is a weapon in itself, but it is also a material for
alchemy. like my card!

“Combat Pension. Mercury Dialke.”

Maximilien's hand 'teared' the steel beetle.

It is not unique magic. I just alchemy the entire steel beetle with my own magical
power. The components were disassembled and split.

alchemy. It's a universal skill, so I can use it to my heart's content, so it's a

human ability that can't be taken away.

the ground shakes The steel beetle split apart as if it were molting. body floats
As I almost slipped, Historia quickly grabbed me by the collar and stopped me. I
was out of breath.

Thanks to Historia's response, I was safe, but Maximilien didn't aim at me in the
first place.

"bruise! Doggy, doggy, doggy!”

Aji, who jumped into the air, fell right into the crack. Aji, who fell inside the
steel beetle, raised his claws and struggled to get out.

“We are the lords of all things… .”

Maximilien, who muttered, vigorously put his hands together again. His palms
touched each other, and there was the sound of a cracking, metal clash.

Following his gestures, the cracked steel rushes in waves. The cracks in the steel
beetle were filled without Aji even escaping. A howl is heard as far away as from
beyond the wall.

Maximilien, who immediately quarantined Azi, raised his arms. Scorched steel sticks
to his prosthetic arm.

Now, there is no function or sophistication to be found. There is madness and

aggression. Maximilian exclaimed, pointing the ugly-shaped metal piece at us.

“The beast that became special by killing the king with my own hands! There is
nothing that cannot be done!”

EP.299 A World Made of Gears - 6

Even in such an unfavorable situation, Maximilien burns his heart out. I stuck my
tongue out at the sight of not even thinking of leaving.

what is that Is he the main character somewhere? Why are you burning it so

I want to applaud Maximilian's attitude to go beyond it without stopping even after

he's accomplished everything he wants to achieve. If life were a flame that would
one day be extinguished, there would be no color left in his place of burning
everything. Leaving the ashes of achromatic color on the ground, it will become the
wind and fly away to the sky. Kya, life is fleeting, but it will be brilliant. All,

However, when he remembers that his purpose is 'I', the hand that used to clap his
hands vaguely goes to the back of his head. No matter how good the majesty is, if
the fire tries to burn me, I have no choice but to run away. Or he trampled it out.

That's the reason why Maximilien has no choice but to kill him even though he likes
him. His wind will burn me.

Perhaps the king of evil, a strange being that I have never heard of.

I immediately responded.

“I have to fight! Leah. Remember the rule to lose if you allow touch?”
I asked him if he would remember because it was a story from a long time ago, but
Historia answered bluntly.

“Hey. The rule you forcefully introduced to earn points when you first battled with
me? don't remember Somebody made a nonsensical suggestion, so I told him to give it
a try, but he cowardly aimed only at the inside of his body, didn't he? 𝑀𝑒𝑒 At that
time, the drugs were so high that I really wanted to kill them.”

“It was worth worrying about memorizing even useless parts!”

While Historia was laughing out loud, her feet suddenly shook subtly. Maximilian
came out with her alchemy and she was trying to melt Historia's feet into a swamp
of brass. It was time for me to run away, noticing her.

thud. Historia's feet slammed the steel beetle down. Gon qigong, the energy
radiated under your feet spreads like an earthquake. The steel plate was slightly
crushed, and some of the cogs fell off in the impact.

In order to use alchemy, the target object must be grasped close to perfection. If
a transformation occurs in the middle of an attempt, alchemy will fail. This is the
reason why it is difficult to use alchemy in practice.

Due to Historia's footsteps, alchemy became null and void. Magical energy that has
lost its direction evaporates.

Historia, who instinctively stabbed the greatest weakness of alchemy, asked about
what she had done without much inspiration.

"why? Do that?”

“Not with you, but with the gakubyeong!”

Historia narrowed her eyes and asked.

“… Where do you want to touch an uncle like that?”

“I don’t really want to touch it, and that’s not my purpose in the first place! I
have some sort of number, so if I put my hand on it, I can neutralize him!”

“Hey, that’s a joke. know. Because I saw it before.”

It's because I sucked the drug, so the words don't go through my brain and just
come out. Maybe we should see the match sooner than before it gets worse.

“Okay, Leah? I'll assist you and look for gaps. please!"

"Request? Ummm, barefoot?”

“Because I know!”

I'm smiling with my eyes in the midst of a rush, is that okay?

Fortunately, my worries were in vain. Historia quickly approached Maximilian and

pushed him hard.

Bang, bang, bang. Whenever fists and arms collide, the sound of steel collides with
each other. Maximilien's hand is a prosthetic made of steel, but I don't know why
Historia's limbs make that sound.
Historia stretched out her arms and legs. Kwongak connected with qigong flows
naturally and flows like water. As she stepped forward, her gon qigong supported
her whole body, and when she extended her fist, the qi gong spurted out. The qigong
united with her body made her movements several times more agile and faster.

In comparison, Maximilian's movements were systematic like clock hands. When

Historia extends her fist, the cogs move at the correct speed and angle to block
it. Her arms and legs moved at a completely unexpected angle, striking out
Historia's attack. So, while concentrating on his defense, if he saw a gap, he
aimed at him and released the power he had accumulated all at once.

Without warning, his arms snapped apart and stretched about a meter. This is
possible because the elbow and shoulder are cogs, not joints. A surprise attack
that could not be understood without reading his thoughts aimed at Historia's body.

'As expected. It seemed to gather strength.'

But even if you're not a mind reader, you can do some psychological warfare. She
spun around her gun that Historia was holding in her hand. Grabbing her barrel, her
gun became a fine hammer. Historia tapped Maximillien's arm down with her handle.

cah ang.

The alchemy steel created by the military's strongest alchemist collided with the
military's strongest qigong steel. The result was a draw after a fierce battle.
When the force that overwhelms the weight collides, they bounce off in opposite

But Historia's gun isn't actually a hammer. It's just a barrel for shooting qigong,
and grabbing and wielding it is a secondary use.

The qigong flashed from the gun he was holding. A blue flame flashed through
Maximilian's monocle.


Maximilien's head is tilted back by nearly 90 degrees. His body was pushed back by
the bullets fired by the qigong.

But it didn't fall. Historia lowered her posture and looked at her.

'You're right. No, did you stop it?'

His monocle is broken and limp. There was a large bruise on his face. But he is
still alive.

Self-moving monocular glasses. It was an artifact to see the invisible, and it was
a protective gear he put his heart into creating to protect himself. The moment he
sensed that the muzzle was shining, he brought his monoclear glasses to the
bullet's trajectory.

'Is there not enough time to gather energy? I'm sorry. I thought he got it right.'

It's a pity for Historia. Anyway, in melee combat itself, Historia has the upper
hand. Maximillien, who had no chance of winning in the fight, slid backwards and
scraped the steel with his fingers. The pure white light was engraved deeply, and
the iron plate was cut and turned over as if it had been cut with scissors.
Countless cogs sticking together, appearing as cracks. Maximilien reached out his
hand towards them.

Maximilian's arm became a magnet. Thousands of cogs cling to him like a swarm of
bees just by touching his hand. The cogs clinging to his arm got out of my control,
and he spun around Maximilian's arm to find his place. Each cog wheel remembers its
position and moves to reassemble.

In an instant, Maximilien acquired a very large and functional mechanical arm. Her
fists are the size of Historia's torso.

'It's strange... . I think my arms are bigger than before. Do you see anything in

Idiot. That's right.

Tuk-bang, the mechanical arm stretched out and hit the front of Historia. It is
several times bigger and several times longer than before. It's not big enough to
hit with a gun handle. Historia crossed her arms and jumped behind her.

“… Ouch.”

It was when Historia staggered and was pushed backwards in a far-off shock.

it is now I quickly caught up in half a beat and shouted.

“Lea! 8 moves!”

Then Historia reacted reflexively.

Once upon a time, when I was in school. I had excellent writing skills and terrible
practical skills. It's my true ability. Anyway, the military will deprive you of
opportunities if you don't get good grades by the set standards.

So I teamed up with Historia to show off a match that was a few steps higher than
my ability.

Decide on an action in advance, and when you say the number, you have to move
accordingly. If you match the sum in advance, you can make even a third-rate
performance look like a master's match. This is because they do their best to move,
instead of spending their spare time suspicious or wary of each other.

like now.

Historia stepped back and turned to the right with her left foot as an axis. At the
same time, I also ran towards Historia's back. A move that is sure to come crashing
down soon. But for a moment, both twist and rub each other's backs. At the moment
of crossing, Historia pushes me with her shoulders and arms.

Thanks to this, my body bounced forward like a shooting star.

Much faster than before, but that doesn't matter. Like it or not, Maximilien has no
choice but to attach cogs to his arms because of his abilities. Alchemy is the art
of changing substances. It needs power to move, and Maximilien, who has already
been optimizing, has no other option than the cog wheel.

If so, the moment I touched it, it was a representation of the past. You can use
his unique magic to reverse it, go up the cogwheel and break the inside of his
'Things to be wary of than the director of Historia. The king of humans. His
abilities are unreasonable only with that fragment.'

I stretched out my hand. His fingertips were about to touch Maximilian's mechanical
arm. When touched, it is irreversibly and reliably crushed. Because my ability is
his ability.

'You will go up the gears and attack me. Destroy me with my own power, I can't even

Maximilian knew this all too well.

He used to face Historia, but through the monocle, he was looking at only me. Even
though I suddenly popped out from behind Historia's back, he continued to pay
attention to me.

'Then I'll cut it off before it reaches you. Don't let that power reach me.'

chit. I'm leaving.

I'll have to redo the board.

waggle window. Maximilien separated the mechanical arm and his prosthetic arm. The
cog wheels that could not get out of it so quickly that they could not get out made
a squeaking noise and scratched the inner wall. Without even regretting what was
made by consuming considerable magical power and cogwheels, he left behind with all
his power. She walked away from me even as she rolled her lands, without her face
or anything.

Cogs flew in front of my eyes. I immediately cried.


Historia quickly grabbed my cloak. My body stops tall in the air, and my raised
feet scratch the air. Her mechanical arm shattered right before my eyes, but I
avoided bumping it thanks to Historia's pull on me.


Better to bump into it? The cloak pulls the neck and shoulders, suffocating.

After coughing a few times, I straightened my posture and said.

“If we go on like this, it will be a war of exhaustion. Leah, how much energy do
you have left?”

“I don’t know… . If I do my best, I might be able to keep shooting.”

“Aren’t you strong enough?”

“Two feet.”

It means two feet are the end.

If it was perfect, the correct answer would be to continue the attrition battle.
Maximilien uses the sirloin of a steel beetle as a material to make a pair of
mechanical arms. There is also a 'trap' that I made while escaping earlier, so soon
all the gears he will use will disappear.
But now we are close to our limit. We have to make a decision on our side, which is

“What’s your ultimate move?”

“If you give it strength, you can barely manage it.”

“Never close… . I'll have to walk on it. Okay, this time I'll try to make a gap."

A commitment to brute force that has nothing to do with action. There is only the
will to do something, without the power being given a choice.

This is normal. All animals live like this. Run and die, fight and die. Or they eat
it wrong and get sick and die.

I don't want to, but I still want to protect myself. I pulled a card out of my

EP.300 A World Made of Cogs - Closing

waved his arm In the clover deck I took out beforehand, I got 8 cards in my hand,
excluding the 1 I used when escaping from Amittengrad and the 5 I just threw. I
carefully selected the cards, scratching the edges with my fingers.

I'm proud of myself, but let's admit it. No matter what card I play, I can't do any
significant damage to Maximilien. Wouldn't it be better to put a whole bunch of
cards in his stomach and pop them? In fact, if he got to that point, he would have
already won.

ruler. Let's change our goals. I want him to have a moment's break. Even if it is a
very thin thread, there is a clear gap.

fire? no chin wind? If I make a fan with cog wheels and shoot it, I feel like I
will lose. Alchemy and decomposition? My opponent is an alchemist several times
better than me. Exploding the magic contained in the card won't work either. It is
not something that is hard for a professional to do in that field.

Then there is only one thing left. decision.

I gently pushed it with my finger and pulled out one sheet and another. At the same
time, he loosened the cloak that had been draped over his shoulders, and wrapped it
around his hands to hide his cards. To be a little less vigilant... .

'Is it a card? It must have had some magic. Magic isn't that dangerous, but you
have to block the approach anyway.'

Humans are learning creatures. Maximilian did not slow down his vigilance in the

Maximilien no longer insisted on cogs. He chose a sure way, albeit a bit crude.

Squeeze a handful of cog wheels and flatten them thinly. Abbreviated alchemy made
with the palm of your hand. Small cogs were sharpened and turned into spears.

With the opposite prosthetic arm, he stretched out his finger and scratched the
back of the steel beetle. Five fingers split the steel cover vertically like
bamboo. Maximilien processed the resulting long strands of steel into a spear.

'Until now, I purposely avoided cutting blades for fear of dying... Now, I will not
choose any means.'

The head of the Military Arms Development Bureau made every weapon he could reach.
Stars, blades, spears, leftover cogs, etc. And he shot me with all his might.

Throws a spear using a javelin made of cogs, and shoots a shuriken by flicking a
finger. Each one has power.

'If you were the king of men, you wouldn't die here. No, I can't help it even if I
die. Or I'll die!'

Blades flying after me. A sharp twinkle covers my vision. It's not something that
can be prevented or avoided.

Historia came running to help me. She intended to snatch the cloak and throw it
away. At least that's a reasonable way.

But not enough. Just before her Historia's finger reached me, I gave her
instructions to her.


The movement of swapping positions while passing each other, which we did before.

Historia acted reflexively. I put my thoughts aside and ran towards my back as I
had pre-determined. Her me too, twisted her body to clear her way so that she could
pass. The positions of me and her Historia were reversed as if her palms were
turned upside down.

In an instant, a road opened between Historia and Maximilian. At the same time,
steel weapons are pouring down on Historia.

Historia's thoughts follow later.

'If I change positions like this, I will have to take them all with my body to save
Huey. If you use anti-tank qigong, you can somehow block it, but then... .'

Not only will you lose the momentum you were running, but your energy to use the
bayonet will be consumed. The odds remaining, at least slightly, reach 0.

There is only one way to win.

Historia gathered her strength in the hand holding the gun. energy is in the gun.
Explosive mirrors swirled and gathered behind the improvised bullets.

Ignoring the defense, he collects all the energy that spreads throughout his body
and puts it into a gun. The condensed energy swells strangely... Reaching beyond
the edge The unrealizable image of a bullet slash is brought to reality.

It was just after turning the gear into a weapon and pouring it out, so
Maximilian's defense is weaker than ever. Historia, his natural warrior, found the

And I also noticed why I ordered the second move.

'Are you aiming for this, Huey? It's really too much.'

Without Qigong, Historia's body is nothing but a strong woman's body. A red-hot
shuriken, an iron spear that looked even more threatening because it was
improvised, and a cutlery made of iron plates. If it's right, there's no way you'll
be fine. No, he definitely dies.

But I did suggest using a bayonet sergeant. You said you'd use me as a bait.

Historia doesn't think deeply, but she's not stupid either. Historia whispered with
a faint smile.

“I’ll do it anyway, Huey. Instead, is this the last time?”

'… Probably, there will be no next time.'

no. Here's what's next.

What the hell are you looking at me for? I do not choose any means and methods, but
I have humanity. There's no reason to let you die here.

If you keep me alive, you won't be helping me forever.

One card I drew is clover 6. A simple compass spell. In the military training
season, the military gathers children to learn compass magic. This is because, in
order to read a map, you must at least know where the east, west, north, and south

And it's a pretty well-known fact, a compass is actually a magnet.

thanks it was done The magic of the apostles, which was very contrary to its
original purpose, which was remodeled by beating and pouring magical energy as it

“Compass Gauss!”

Released the contained magic.

The magical energy that erupted from Clover 6 reminded me of a whirlpool, but it
was different. It's hard to compare, but the shape of the beginning and the end was
similar to a vortex anyway. The magical energy that circulated and spread reached
the Queen of Thousands, amplified and spread even more intensely, reaching the

'Did you think that the magic of only increasing the scale would work for me? What
kind of thing?'

Maximilian thought.

'It doesn't work. All of the alchemy steels I have are level 4 or higher high-cost
alchemy substances. It has resistance to enchantments by default. Magic doesn't
work. Unless you're an alchemist stronger than me, or it makes sense!'

know. Magic is not omnipotent. It is just a force that accelerates changes that
already exist in the world, and even that often faces fierce resistance. You can't
beat Maximilien on this alone.

So I took out one more.

spade 10.

I put two cards on top of each other.


The iron, which was one body with the earth in the beginning, recalled the old
longing. It was a perfume that could only be remembered if it suddenly came to me
like a dream I had as a child, and it was a void with no promise that it would come
back if I forgot.

The iron struggled to catch the faint longing. It was as if he had left half of
himself somewhere in the world and was struggling to find the perfect one.

Then, 'it' appeared in the world like a gift.

I finally found it. I finally found it. I finally found it.

Any iron that found 'it' changed its target. Instead of flying to tear the skin of
a feeble beast, he twisted to quench his never-quenchable thirst.

To become one with 'it'.


The cutlery heading towards Historia begins to change direction at once. The speed
is faster, but it is not dangerous as long as it misses. Thanks to this, Historia's
vision was opened.

'… this won't be the last Really, I put people's minds up.'

Historia did not see what number I had written. He would not have understood if he
had seen it.

But the 'how' is not important. The important thing is that I solved the problem.
And now it's Historia's turn.

'Huey gave me strength, so I should have given it strength too. slightly… Not

Historia was perplexed. She said she was going to be like that, but she lacked her
energy more than she thought.

It is unavoidable. It's impossible to accurately judge under extreme conditions,

even while intoxicated with magic reeds. Even if you read through mind-reading, it
is of no use if Historia's judgment ability is broken.

'How do you collect... If you bring them all together and focus somehow.'

However, Historia's newly realized Li 離 and bayonet gunship cannot be established

with ordinary energy.

First Lee, the zero-pointer. The fourth bullet hits the target. Historia, who uses
a gun as her main weapon, has reached the end of her endless efforts to achieve her

The second Lee derived from that, the bayonet gun. The goal of 'filling' becomes a
line from a point. This is an image that Historia came up with while digging into
the difference between a cheoneng and a gun in the battle with the regressor.
However, in order to get the result, Historia had to swing her gun like a sword,
and she had to use several times more energy.

Historia got its inspiration here.

'Do I really need to be good? I'd rather focus on one point.'

for a moment. Then it has nothing to do with bullets. It's no different from a zero
point catcher, no, it's no different from just shooting a gun!

A man has been the bait at best and cleared all the obstacles, what a stupid idea!

'Does humans also awaken from the crisis of death? Good idea... . Let's try it
right now.'

What is the awakening, the effect of the stimulant! That's why I didn't believe in
weak humans!

But I can't move now. Thousands of knives were turning towards the 10 of the spade
I was holding. If you release your hand from the spade before turning completely,
Gaia ego is released and Historia is attacked.

Reluctantly, I was just watching, and I found Maximilien, who was covering his face
with a cloak.

what was that Was it the infinite interlocking cloak? It was a cloak that prevented
the returner's slash.

It is a cloak that actively defends against attacks with numerous cog wheels
interlocking with each other. It specializes in blocking space or wind attacks,
thanks to the interlocking disrupting space. Of course, it is specialized in that,
and it will block other things well.

Can Historia, who has been weakened by taking drugs, pierce it? This is also
information that is difficult to understand with a mind-reading method. Even if you
read your mind, you won't know until you wake up.


'The bayonet gun. sting.'

I mean, I guess you know.

Historia pulled the gun wide, then pulled the trigger and pushed it out. A posture
like pushing her sword or stabbing her with a spear.

At the same time, the drooping gunshots characteristic of bayonet guns are heard. A
blurry afterimage joined the muzzle and the cloak.


and blocked

Maximilien's cloak is hollowed out, and several broken and broken cogs splatter in
all directions. Perhaps because of the presence of live ammunition, it seemed to
inflict more damage than when fighting the regressor.

Still, it did not penetrate the cloak. A kind that interferes with the Lido space
of Historia. Even if live ammunition existed, it was disadvantageous in nature for
the cloak that disturbed the space with numerous interlocks.

Then yes. ' I found a strange fact.

The shooting never ends.

Barrage, no, continuous. One shot is fired in succession.

It wasn't that the bullets were longer or that dozens of shots were fired. The
cloak continued to be crushed and the gears broke until there was nothing more to
break. The cracks that start at the point gradually grow larger. The power that
followed continued to add power to the first shot hit.

As long as this is the case, it is neither a gun nor a sword. Eventually we reached
the window.

gun and spear. Which of the two is better? The answer to the long-standing question
of the great Changchang is revealed here.

With a slightly clichéd answer, the Manryu ogre species.

Soon, the cloak was pierced.


Maximilian's body was pierced by an invisible gunshot and flew through the air. The
cogs, which were his strength and life, were scattered like his blood.

EP.301 A world that cannot be made with cog wheels

Maximilian was from a foreign country. In a country where birth is a curse, if you
do not solve the problems that arise from time to time, you will be eliminated.

Fortunately, aside from the minor problem of missing arms, Maximilien's talent was
outstanding, and he wisely dealt with many of the problems he encountered in life.

In particular, he was rational when the established powers of the nations came
together to punish him. Two companies perished under his steel wheel after
awakening his own magic, and Maximilian left the country leisurely.

Despite overcoming the greatest crisis of his life, Maximilian was not satisfied.
He still had a very big problem.

A huge problem that even the god of gears doesn't seem to be able to solve.

The world Maximilian lives in is not perfect.

For him, the world was a broken work. It was a squeaky, shattered mass of noise
filled with cacophony, narrowly rolling.

Some have room for improvement. Inefficient structures need to be improved. Broken
machinery can be seen in the hand.

However, it could not be rewritten like a human.

Humans are unreasonable Blinded by greed, he rejects, like a cog wheel, superior
culture, and is jealous and envious. He sees the same things, understands them
differently, and even attacks for no apparent reason. like the nerds of the
Defective products with jagged teeth are the biggest problem in the world. Because
of them, 'qualified people' like Maximilien have to live with useless friction.

have to fix But how?

There is a problem, and there is a solution. But there is no means.

In order to realize the ideal, it is necessary to create a community equivalent to

a country or a city, but the wanderers who fled from the country did not have the
foundation to accomplish such a large-scale work.

It was around the time that Maximilian's troubles deepened.

Out of nowhere, the sky opened and an angel descended. Having said that he had been
watching him, the angel made an offer to Maximilian.

Wouldn't you like to build a country?

Maximilian did not believe in God. God didn't give him the hands to hold onto him.

But the angel in front of you is not God. It is just the weapon of Seonghwangcheong
that has been tainted by the world.

I don't believe in God, but I can believe in weapons. Maximilien took the angel's

Chen Tong was a monarch. He saw, evaluated, and gave orders in one sitting.

Young-gwe was the executioner. Closest to Tian Tong, she was Tian Tong's blade, and
she was a heartless gardener who thinned out the military as needed.

And the cadets were the designers.

Various military facilities, inventions, policies, etc. came out of his head. From
the self-designed wagon to the large-scale alchemy steel smelter, there is nothing
that he did not reach. Even the meta-conveyor belt, praised as a masterpiece of the
military, was made at Maximilian's suggestion.

The original plan was not to encircle the army with tens of millions of cog wheels,
but to encircle the military, and if you ask if that is realistic, you will have to
tilt your head, but anyway, the achievement should be highly appreciated.

Of the three six generals from the outside, it was Maximilian who did the most
work, none other. It wasn't a matter of diligence, it was because Maximilien
genuinely enjoyed his job. For him, the military state was the largest and most
elaborate toy, as well as a testing ground for his ideals. Maximilien took
advantage of the period of chaos peculiar to the newly founded country, and even
carried out somewhat radical actions.

Hatred for the kingdom, hope that blossomed from a land burned with hatred, an
outstanding leader named Gunung and the three men he brought with him. In the midst
of a miracle-like performance, the military revived greatly. Some were abandoned,
but there were plenty of cogs to put back on. It didn't matter much to Maximilian.

Obviously, Maximilien succeeded.

But it was essentially a failure.

I tried to use a human as a part, but the part doesn't move as intended. It tried
to pop out like a spring when pressed forcibly, and even though it was informed
that it would be discarded if it was released, it did all kinds of eccentricities.
No matter how painstakingly polished it was, defective products hid the jagged
blades and hid in the machine, causing a fatal malfunction.

Maximilian could not bear the loss. As long as there are such losses, the ideal
machine he desires cannot be made.

Unless you fix the 'human'.

“Congratulations, Maximilian. You did a great job finding me. You are thinking of
making a land where you can step into the abyss and putting the king of dogs in it.
I'm completely hooked."

Whoops. Finally, this person sees the main lamp. It took a long time.

The expression is a bit strange, but Maximilian was 'stuck' by Historia's bullets
and fell out. Literally on the verge of death.

But he's still alive, and he's a powerful man who can kill me with just the lift of
a finger.

I've got to go quickly and kill him. Historia collapsed from exhaustion. there's no
one else to do but me

I looked down at the ground from the edge of the steel beetle. The height of the
steel beetle is 4 m. It seemed too dangerous to just jump down below the shards of
shattered concrete.

If you are in perfect condition, you will be able to land nicely by mobilizing all
items and falling methods. But now, I was also a bum.

'Earth' is the largest magnet. By utilizing it, the magnetism of Clover 6 was
maximized. It was strong enough to break the trajectory of the flying steel, but
there was one problem.

You can magnetize steel to attract it, but you cannot repel it.

In other words, all those blades flew towards the card I was holding. Even though I
wrapped my arms tightly in the queen of cloth, dozens of cutlery brushed past my
arm, and it became a rag along with the queen of cloth.

Fortunately, the placenta deviated in a circular arc, so it's a pity. If something

like a spear was a direct hit, she would have had to ask Maximillien to make one of
her prosthetic arms.

I guess I won't be able to use my left hand for a while. After she tying the queen
of cloth tightly to the hemostasis, I carefully stepped down like her stairway,
carefully watching her cogs.

“So I’m even more sorry. Your wishes are strong and interesting, but unfortunately
I cannot make your wishes come true. I am the king of humans. The spokesperson for
all human beings... Even if it was, I have no power and can't represent it now. Now
all I have left is to listen to the wishes of the person in front of me.”

Maximilian blinked. His condition was dire.

There is a large hole in the chest. Blood-soaked cogs, carefully stuffed inside the
skin, reflected an abominable figure. The cogwheels were spinning non-stop in the
midst of this, most of them were horribly broken, and some were dented and digging
up his flesh every time it turned.

“On the other hand, are your wishes for all humans? But since I can't convince all
humans, I'm trying to convince a single being, the king of humans. So did you need

No matter how much you command, the muscles don't move. Instead, only the gears
that spread across his body followed his will. click. His prosthetic force forced
his broken body to stand up. I don't care if the muscles scream and the blood
strays out of its trajectory, blatantly.

“You seem more like a human king than my incompetent me. Would you like to become a
king instead of me?”

Maximilien opened his mouth. He first poured out a puddle of foamy blood, and then
said hard.

“… If I can give it to you, I will take it sweetly.”

"haha. just joke. You're not a king. Aside from not giving, what you want to be is
a god, not a king. A god who wants to change the human species at will.”

“It’s a deception… . What you wrote a while ago... Obviously the power of the
devil. You are the one, cool. It is not God.”

"no. This is the indigenous magic of Earth Mother Protestantism. I told you. I can
steal other people's unique magic and use them."

“It will be… It is not God.”

“Because it’s not.”

He waved his arms, curled up in a cloth, up and down. Blood oozes from the violent
movement. Considering the injury, it was something that should never have been
done, but what about it? Maximilien in front of him was forced to stand up despite
that. I also need to show some sincerity.

“Some unique magic touches the gods. We give a name that we fear to a god that has
never existed before, and bind it to reality. The named god watches over the world,
and man enjoys its grace. That's why it's called a unique mage and a demon at the
same time. It is truly God. It causes irreversible change in all humans.”

the bottom of the abyss. In a land that neither light nor logic could reach, I
discovered the memories of the great masters sealed by Seong Hwang-cheong.

Prior to Daejongsa, the god Mother was only a branch of folk beliefs, but after
Daejongsa, it became a god who listened to human calls. Because Seonghwangcheong
sealed this secret, earth magic could only be used by the gods, but it was still a
human skill. With the presence of earth technology, human life has changed.

"That's why you're ordinary. Maximilian. Your cogs cannot change a human being.”

But what about the cogs?

It's definitely useful. Depending on the design, several times the force or several
times the precision of movement. You can turn force into rotation and vice versa.
useful. That's it.

“Your prosthetic arm replaces a human arm, and the steel beetle is named after a
worm. Shooting a spear with a javelin or pulling a bow with a hoist. All the
functions that humans found first. imitate. That is the essence of your abilities.”

I stabbed his sore spot without mercy.

“Your ability to assemble small cogs and make something huge is outstanding. It's
admirable. But the cogs aren't your creation. that was originally The principle of
the cog wheel is not new. It’s just what you do best.”

He is a giant standing on the shoulders of giants. He is big, strong, and he will

see farther than anyone.

But it never touches God. He knows this fact better than anyone.

Even if both of you know the truth, there are times when you have to be honest with
yourself. Now was the time.

“You are a giant, you cannot be a god. I know the subject, beast.”

EP.302 Gears in my head

Maximilian took a deep breath. With his mind, he chewed on my words, and with his
body he ruled over a broken body. The cogs in his messed up body are slowly being
put back together.

The joint creaks and resumes operation. Insufficient blood collects in the head.
The misty reason flickers to regain the light.

'Did I try to become a god?'

Maximilien snorted, and the shock gave him a headache. Now he was getting hit by
the wind in his nose.

Even in such a miserable condition, his thoughts did not stop. right, right. The
cog in the middle of Maximilian's head turned slowly.

'I never believed in God. Ever since I was born without arms, I never leaned on
something I couldn't see for a moment. It was the prosthetic arm that supported me,
and it was alchemy that guided me. God never looked at me. It was only me.'

No matter how fatal a crisis comes, his brain moves. It is not a matter of will, it
is a matter of function.

Because Maximilien had a cog in his head.

Contrary to the name, the little mechanism he named the thought cog does not
replace thoughts. To put it bluntly, it's more like whipping your brain.

Forcibly pouring blood into his head and crushing his brain. Block the parts that
complain of fatigue, and connect emotions and reason whenever necessary.

Thus, even when tired, hungry, or in pain, his brain does not become dull. Neither
fear nor anger nor confusion can hinder thinking. Even when the king of the beasts
roars, his body moves, ignoring even the power of the princess. Do it if necessary.
Even if it is close to taboo.
Maximilian qualified with it.

The right to move only by one's own will, regardless of fate or limitations.

'… Wrong, King of Humans. I don't have to be a god.'

“Because I am already the god of my life!”

Maximilian did what he earned. At his will, he stretched out his prosthetic arm
with his hideous skeleton.

“I was just trying to give you a chance! To the other unqualified! A chance to
become your own master!”

Even if your body is full, if you have the will, you can use your own magic.
Maximilien concentrated his mind, and the cogs that had stopped turned all at once.

The steel beetle broke the long silence and twisted itself. I've been suppressing
it up until now, but no one can stop the Steel Beetle until I step out. Even the
King of Dogs creaked to use the power that the giant weapon that overwhelms them
with power... .

That was it.

“It’s nice to hear the word “qualification”, but isn’t it too self-serving? To
recap, you were trying to drive cogs into someone else's body, right?"

I shrugged.

The steel beetle's stretching stopped at a creak. If the mechanical device had
symptoms of general paralysis, it would be just like that. The steel beetle
convulsed painfully without being able to use its enormous power.

Maximilien tried to move the steel beetle over and over again, but failed as many
times as he tried. This is because the exoskeleton surrounding the steel beetle has
not moved at all.

“I just had a mediocre reaction to him. What kind of man would stand still when he
said he was going to put cogs in his body? I will desperately resist. It's not just
out of fear.”

Maximilian pointed to the steel beetle so he could see. Between the gigantic cogs
that make up the exoskeleton were tiny cogs.

Two gears meshing together work fine. If so, what if you insert one more so that it
comes into contact with the two well-running cogs at the same time? What if the
three interlock with each other?

no return at all

If one cog turns clockwise, the meshing cog must turn counterclockwise. That is the
basic principle of the cog wheel. However, if there is another cog that meshes with
both of them, the cog must turn clockwise and counterclockwise.

It's a contradiction.

“Look at the steel beetle. When an odd number of teeth form a loop, it stops like
that. Even with such a simple number, the cog wheel is useless. You can write it,
no one else can. No, I don’t.”
“Ugh… !”

“I give up now. There is nothing left for you.”

Until a while ago, there was even a cog wheel to throw. He also had the power to
use alchemy. He also had protective gear to protect his body.

Until he met Historia's Bayonet Swordsmanship. Now he is nothing more than a living
corpse with a prosthetic arm.

I walked towards him, who had lost his means of resistance. There are a few cogs
that have fallen around, but this is not a threat at all. Even the cog wheels must
eventually be threaded to become a treasure.

He has no means to stop me. If he is a normal human, he can crush him with just his
prosthetic arm, but he is my opponent. If my hand even touches his body, I will use
his unique magic to turn all the cogs in his body upside down. including thought

Maximilien lowered his head as if he had given up on everything and hesitated.

Now just two steps. The distance between Maximilien and me is only that. Two steps
away from his death, Maximilien grabbed his right arm with his left arm. The
prosthetic arm vibrates violently. He appeared to be trembling with fear.

"no! I do not stop!”

It can't be. The vibration of the prosthetic hand was a death sentence just before
it was cut off. Quad Duck. The joint between the right arm and the shoulder was
loosened, and the left arm pulled out the right arm, which had been a lifelong
rival, from the body.

Maximilian, who held even his own arm as a weapon, shouted and swung fiercely.

'If it's not enough, fill it up. If it's broken, you can fix it. If it's bad, you
can improve it. If it's impossible, make it possible! I don't stop!'

Who would think he would pull out his arm and wield it? It is a surprise kick that
digs into the gaps of consciousness. No matter how much he was injured, Maximilian
was a strong man who reached the height of six. The speed at which he swings his
own arm as an axis is incredible. The cogs on the prosthetic arm crashed hard as if
they were about to bite me.

But I am a mind reader. If it is a carefully calculated movement, read more


Instead of avoiding the swinging left arm, he stretched out his hand. Compared to
his prosthetic arm, my hand exploded slowly enough to let out a sigh, but the speed
is relative anyway. My fingers touch first before it hits my face. The prosthetic
arm and the hand crossed, and a cog wheel caught on the tip of my fingernail.

The tiresome battle ended there. Maximilian's body stood still as if stuffed in the

Because of inertia, my prosthetic arm touched my cheek, but that's it. I muttered
as I felt the cold touch on my cheeks.

“… I turned everything upside down and tried to break it, but in the meantime, the
gears stopped working.”

Just as I could stop the cogs from spinning, so he can do the same. Maximilien
stopped all movements the moment he sensed that the gears in his body were

It's the best possible response. That doesn't change the situation though.

“Anyway, you wouldn’t be able to move if you had cogs all over your body. I only
get a few seconds of time before I die.”

just as expected. Power drains from his body. He stops the cogs and his body can't
stand it.

I have no intention of ignoring No, rather, I want to applaud you for squeezing out
all the numbers until the end. However, if I let go of this hand, it will move
again, so I clapped with my mouth instead.

“Clap clap. You are so great. Not to deceive or ridicule, but from the heart. You
were such a wonderful and candid person until the very end.”

When I think about it objectively, it makes no sense for me to lose.

In addition to wearing a prosthetic arm, Maximilien filled the inside of his body
with cogs to strengthen his body. Thanks to this, he was incredibly strong, and he
was able to move on a par with a general who had learned qigong. Perhaps it was
cumbersome to explain that part, but it seems that he is a qigong master who has
mastered the guild and control, and his ability to control the cogwheel is covered
with li (離).

Anyway, thanks to that, I started with a cowardly favorable condition of winning

with just one hand. Strong allies called Aji and Historia were a bonus.

No matter how weak I was and the strength of that side over there, this battleboard
was completely overturned due to being unable to lean. It was all because of
Maximilian's skill that brought such an unfavorable fight to this point.

“It’s just that the direction has gone too far. Those who have attained the Demon
God naturally change other humans, and do not fight against them. On the other
hand, you tried to fight against all other humans. Until you have a proxy battle
with me.”

While holding the prosthetic arm in one hand, he took out a card with the other
hand. Diamond 1, all-purpose skewer. It is converted into alchemy with the
remaining magical power. A familiar feeling filled his palms.

I grabbed the skewer in reverse and lifted it up to Maximilian's head. Maximillien

Egann, who had almost stopped even thinking, his red, bloodshot eyes unconsciously
followed the tip of his skewer. In the midst of this, life instinctively guards
against death.

“Goodbye, Maximilian. I will only affirm your wishes. I will remember the dream
that could not come true. Even if I can't make my wish come true, I'll write that
wish on the side of the ossuary and keep it. The king of men acknowledges you.
Maximilien, you were not a god, but you were a warrior without cowardice.”

After a brief condolences for him, I moved my hand. The skewer digs into the
The sensation of digging into something hard on the chin was transmitted... .

I tilted my head. It was because the skewer, which he would have swung at his head,
was stabbing something else.

The tree was growing.

Suddenly, a tree sprouted through the concrete floor and blocked my skewer. Gently
shake the branches.

The situation is so quiet right now that it feels like there was a tree there from
the beginning and I was wielding a skewer without noticing it.

It can't be.

this is a military It is the headquarters of the military that covered the floor
with concrete and cut down any wood that was useless as firewood in the early
evening. With concrete instead of soil and bricks instead of wood, there can be no
trees on this land.

Even if there is, it is rare to find a species that can grow through such thick
concrete. Even that kind of thing can't grow to the height of a human in a matter
of seconds!

It is clearly an artificial phenomenon. Someone made a tree grow to protect

Maximilien. Second to see if it is possible!

But who?

"I'm sorry, my king."

The answer came from the ground.

At first it was a sprout. Next was the cemetery. In a matter of seconds, what had
been a sprout had grown into a large, beautiful tree that stood tall in front of

It was the most static explosion in the world. Natural explosives with green smoke
and brown flames enveloped me in the blink of an eye.

EP.303 Let's Protect Nature

didn't get hurt Instead of stabbing me, the branch hugged me softly. It was
benevolent, yet so determined that he did not even dare to protest.

rustling of leaves. The sound of branches hitting. A single stream of wind blows
through the trees. The chaotic melody of a busy yet beautiful tree fills my ears.

“Maximilian, this bet is your win. I believed that the Lord would not come until
everyone called out to me, but I chose the opposite way and finally found him.”

In the meantime, a cracking sound was heard. When I looked at the place where the
sound was coming from, the knot hole, which I did not know when it was formed, was
gradually getting bigger. A dry voice came from inside the trees, from the dark,
deep darkness.

“He himself came before us. Belief, I am so impressed that I do not know where to
put my body.”
And a hand reached out from the knot hole.

A long hand grabbed the knot hole and spread it out to both sides. Inside the knot
hole that was split like a gate, a human squirmed through the hole.

It is said that the spirit of the tree lives inside the knot hole. The one-
dimensional thinking that there is a hole and there is something living there would
be turned into a folktale and passed down, but now that legend is a reality.

If there was a spirit in the world, it would look just like her. A neutral
appearance that is hard to even guess the gender. Her green hair, falling down to
the ground, was covered with vine-like small leaves. Coatings made of silk were
tied and fixed with vines. Still, her arms were wide enough that she could see her
elbows through her sleeves.

It's already unique enough, but the most distinctive feature is the horns hanging
from its head. It resembles that of a deer, but not the horns of an animal. It's
just a branch from the temple.

I murmured.

“… Druid?”

Although there are not many druids, one of the most famous and powerful among them.
A watcher of history who has watched all history from ancient times to the present.

agent of nature. The most beautiful beast.

… And, as I didn't know, the head of the lord of all things.

“It’s your confidence Navi. The undead beast meets the king of men.”

The primordial druid, Navida.

After she adjusted the hem of her dress, she knelt in front of me and bowed her
head. Beans, and softly pounded her head.

uh, um.

It's just embarrassing. If someone jumped out of a tree and bowed down to me,
anyone would feel the same way.

And above all else, the opponent is beyond superhuman… The problem was that he was
a strong man with absolute power. Like a leader, Maximilien was treated like

That's weird. I thought Maximilien had called for support. He'll be here in a
matter of hours and he'll get here from other countries. What, where are all our
people? Why don't you join soon?

No, is it better not to join?

You'll lose if you join anyway.

The spine is cool. Nevida is a strong force that cannot be resisted. With pure
personal power that can destroy the country alone... A being stronger than Tyr.

And the bigger problem is, I have a clear purpose for what to do with me. I hid the
skewer behind my back and said with a smile.
“Oh, nice to see you. The king of this generation is called Hughes. Please raise
your head first.”

At my words, Navida suddenly raised her head. The oak-colored eyes were filled with
infinite emotions towards me. Envy, anticipation, longing, and… craving.

If you don't have any emotions at all, you can build from the ground up. Just like
he had a relationship with Tyr.

However, if the opponent has such a clear view of the 'King of Humans', it is
impossible to persuade him. I looked into my eyes and was convinced of it.

Fortunately, that monster is the most worshiping of the human king among all the
primates that seek the human king. A little while ago, didn't you hit your forehead
to say hello to me? It won't kill or harm me.

Hmm. Would you like to pierce one more time? I calmly commanded.

“I have something to do with Mr. Maximilian, but can you spare me for a moment?”

Then Navida hit her head again on the floor. While I was startled, Nevida put her
face on her floor and made her cry.

“I am sorry. The ungrateful conviction has lost the bet with him, and must pay the
price for him. Please contact me.”

You mean don't kill it? But am I the king of men? Wherever, he said solemnly,
hoping that the king's authority would be included.

“No, because I am the real king of humans. You don't believe it, do you?"

“You are the only one, how dare you doubt your convictions?”

“The king of men orders it. Do you want me to hide?”

“I’m sorry.”

Nevida just said sorry and banged her head again. He just doesn't seem to want to
listen to me.

what. Did you leave me like this and exalt me as Im or the King of Humans? If
you're not going to listen, why are you being polite and treating yourself like a

Can not help it. I secretly grabbed her skewer again while Navida was banging her
head. Maximilien is dying, but his cog is dying, but his opponent is an ancient
druid who is good at medicine and medicine. If you take it like this, you might be
able to save it.

only one room. It's about to die anyway. You only need to hit the last blow.

“I won’t say much. Last one. Stay away.”

“I’m sorry.”

I counted inwardly, smashing the ground just as Navida banged on the head. Tak,
beans. The sound overlapped and my body jumped over Nevida's head. Aimed at his
skewer, he ran towards Maximilien. He stretched out his hand towards him as he fell
dead... .

I ran, but I didn't fall

Branches and vines hold me. A tree that has grown out of nowhere. It was so static,
I didn't even know it was growing until I was born. When I noticed, my body hung in
the air as if caught in a spider's web.

… I read 'Think'. I can't avoid it.

I didn't control the tree. Maximilien was 'protected'. However, the tree
arbitrarily supported that will, and hung me up to isolate Maximilian and me.

It is completely different from Maximilian. He designed the machinery with cog

wheels and moved them one by one. All actions were conscious.

On the other hand, Navida has a will. But the trees know and follow her will. So
even if you read your thoughts, you don't know what the outcome will be.

Does the tree do it on its own? what is this... !

Then, Nevida said with her head bowed.

“If Im was perfect, he would not have allowed even the slightest rebellion of his
convictions. one. The scabbard tied up by the wicked woman is still alive. I still
lament the long way to go.”

Navida took a deep breath. She exhaled her breath for so long that she was worried
that she might die of lack of breathing.

Meanwhile, the spot where she hit her head caught my eye. Instead of blood, soft
green buds sprouted profusely like a pillow.

… Look at the shortcut. If that's the case, why did you shave your head? Is it a
political act to show off?

“I have not found God. The king of men must not be sought, for he will truly come
only if he hopes for it. However, Maximilian. he's been challenged he did it He is
the age he accomplished. I will honor him, and I will help him.”

My body moved with Nevida. No, to be precise, the tree hanging from me slowly moved
to the side. The tree opened its knots and pulled the vines as if they were going
to eat me.

what. If it stays like this, I'll go inside. I tried to struggle, but every time I
did, my body was almost buried in a vine.

It's dangerous like this. Navida had no intention of taking me with him. But
Maximilien will try this and that with me, and now Navida will help Maximilian!

The king of sin and what he might die before that!

"Wait. I'm not going to kill Maximilien, so can you please let this go?"

“God knows. Im, come here.”

“Listen to me!”

“I’m sorry.”
shit. What kind of psychopaths are there! I cried desperately.

“Someone save me!”

That was then. Navida noticed something and smiled a little. A shooting star shines
in her eyes. Something fell with the wind blowing from far away, giving off an
unburned magical light.

1 second to fall. Nevida grabbed a branch against him. A sharp blade aimed at
Nevida approached with a familiar voice.


the sky is split

The hem of my clothes fluttered in front of me, and a welcome back image fell like
a thunderbolt in front of me. Branched branches and leaves fall half a beat late in
a fragmented background. Thanks to all the vines and vines, my body regained its

While falling, I definitely saw it.

The spectacle of small branches rising against the falling cherry blossoms in the

It is the sword of the sky, the heavenly cherry. A blade forged with compressed
space splits even rocks. It's normal to have to cut off the arm that holds such an
ordinary tree branch. Even Navida's body is worth splitting like firewood.

But the branches are not cut.

Rather than splitting, new branches and leaves are growing on the part that touches
the cherry tree. It looks like it eats and grows a thousand cherry.

Even though the blow returned in vain, the returner snorted calmly.

"huh! I've been blocked! Then, how about this?”

proud face. An overwhelming belief in one's own strength. And the power that
underpins it.

The regressor swung his handful with a defiant smile. A quick and light sword
strike targets Nevida. But she didn't avoid Navida either. The twigs and leaves
extending from the branches automatically block her sword attack.

“It’s pretty good!”

The returner shouted confidently and turned back somersaults. Nebida took a step
back in line with her and swept the ground with her feet. The leaves lying on the
floor slowly rise up in the breeze. Her leaves seemed to protect her with her
mystical powers.

said Navida.

“… You said that there is a child who destroys the 'root' as a memento of the demon
god. You are what Maximilien said.”

"under! That's me. So what are you going to do?”

Oh, also a returnee. It's amazing how he doesn't hesitate even against the Primal
Druids. Is this the true face of a returnee who does not spare his life? .

'Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! It's a big deal, it's a big deal! Why, why is he already here?
There's still a long way to go before you appear! no. I can't win!'

No. this is the real face

I nodded my head as I read my thoughts.

EP.304 Nature will reject you

'Navi. that crazy bitch! Why are you here when you should be sowing seeds
elsewhere? Your appearance is still far away!'

Contrary to screaming inwardly, the returner, who had put a lot of force on his
shoulders, answered blatantly.

“I thought there would be a druid in the writ of all things, but it was bigger than
I imagined. He didn't even transform, but I can only think of one druid with horns
on his head. right?"

pretending not to know Pretend not to be the first today. The returner said that as
if he was thinking about the Absolute in front of him. That returnee, the bluff is

Even though his identity was revealed, Navida had no other thoughts. Navida was
rather interested in the identity of the regressor.

“While the abyss was torn down and the demons were obtained, the seeds and roots
planted in the military were burned all at once… When I heard the news, I thought
she was a prostitute who had made up her mind.”

"What? prostitute?”

“I’m not like a prostitute. Apologize for my mistake for mistakenly mistaken for a

'Oh, right. Did that crazy bitch call her saint a prostitute? She abruptly calls me
a prostitute and tackles me several times every time I try to get a relic of the
demon... . Without the mask... .'

The regressor barely resisted the desire to touch his face. He took the fear
flowing from the depths of his heart as his food, and stepped forward even more

“Even if I apologize, I won’t pay attention. Like this villain!”

“However, two demons or more… It's creepy... . Even the dirtiest prostitute
wouldn't be able to monopolize such power... .”

“A lot of small talk!”

'How is it, isn't it weird? Isn't it strange? Is it sudden? Then should I be

careful? I don't know how sharp thorns I have!'

The pretentiousness is similar to or greater than mine. I read other people's

thoughts and encourage misunderstandings by not offending my heart, but regressors
bet their lives in a very unfavorable situation and stretch out with a natural

It's not arrogance, it's not coincidence. It is a survival method that a person who
has an escape route only found after dying several times. The returner gave him a
lot of strength as if he was about to run away. As if to purify, he held out Cheon-
ae and Ji-zan in front of him.

“Raise your sword. Because I don't want to fight with bare hands!"

'Come on, look! It's Cheon Aeng and Jizan. Even if it's only a thousand cherry
trees, how about this? It's Jizan! If you have Jizan, is it hard to ignore you too?
should i be nervous? You can't even take out that damn tree branch, can you?'

… In the meantime, do you feel like a hogu who has bluffed for nothing?

Well, even if it was bluffing, the hand the regressor showed was intimidating
enough. As if responding to the feelings of the regressor, Cheon Aeng shudders.
Jizan was still, but her weight continued to increase. The returner with the two
demons in his hands certainly looked like the absolute ruler of the century.

… However, the opponent… .

“Even if a bird’s eyes are good, its depth is shallow. A song is beautiful, but it
will be as light as a feather.”

Navida hums to the rhyme. It's a druid song. The sound of nature, which has existed
since long ago, will relax your body.

However, the returnee was even more nervous. The hands holding the Cheonen and
Jizan were full of strength.

'Cheet! come! Calm down, Shay! If you miss... die!'

Navida stretched out her left hand. I don't know when it's been there, but a small
branch pierced the floor and stood in a good position to hold in his hand. Nevida
grabbed a branch and, using it as a staff, walked to the returner.

One step, two steps. Recognizing the existence of the two demons, he reached three
steps without showing any signs of fear.


At the same time, the returner slashed his double swords.

An attack that started almost at the same time as the movement. Two dark and light
lines fall in front of Navida's nose. One cuts the wind, the other crushes the

Against the two demons who boasted an overwhelming presence, Nevida lifted the
branch she was holding at an angle.

A cherry tree fell on the branch of a tree branch. The leaves are torn without even
touching them. The root side blocks the trajectory of Jizan, but the thickness and
weight are incomparable.

It is a reckless attempt to block storms and earthquakes with straw.

“- A small world tree. bloom.”

The trees that make up the forest cannot overcome even storms, and their deep roots
catch up on the ground.

An ordinary looking wooden cane. Roots and branches slipped out of a twig without a
distinctive feature, even if it had just been picked up from the mountain behind. A
vine full of fine roots grabs Jizan, and the sprouted leaves embrace the cherries.

No crash sound The leaves that have suddenly bloomed embrace the space, and the
long roots grab the ground. Because of that, Cheon Aeng and Jizan were placed in a
state of confrontation with a branch for a while.

“The Earth Mother and the Sky God… . grow up. It's full in minutes. A power too
presumptuous for one man to handle.”

Seeds spread behind Nevida's feet and sprouts sprout. Her echo echoed through the
trees that had grown to her waist. The presence of Nevida, which she had only felt
softly, is gradually filling her space.

When the two swords were caught on a tree, the returner clenched his teeth.


To swing, you must first move backwards. The returner has recovered Jizan. The
inertia-free sword ripped off its roots with its weight and widened the gap. The
returner tried to step back for a moment.

At that time, the returnee felt a sharp pain in the back of his foot.


The foot of Nevida, which came out at the time when Jizan fell, was stepping on the
foot of the regressor. She squashed and knots a vine under her feet.

Nevida, who approached her nose, whispered with a laugh.

“You don’t want to fight with bare hands? That's petty. Since when did you value


'I'm not out... ! The vine knot... !'

distance between each other's feet. Here, the battle took a completely different

Nevida's one hand goes to the face of the returner. Before the regressor was even
aware of it, the qigong engraved on his body moved first.

celestial mirror.

The strongest defense qigong found by the regressor at the end of the regression
was worth it. His lightning fists were barely evaded by a single sheet of paper. At
the same time, he swung his jizz and counterattacked... .

But it was just an attempt.


Nevida's left foot rests on Jizan's handle. Jizan can't stretch. Nevida, who had
overturned the returner's intentions, stretched out her other hand. His hand turns
into a strange shape.

At one time, humans were envious of beasts. In the days when tools and skills were
low, humans used beast weapons such as hides and claws as they were, and worshiped
them to obtain their strength and abilities.

Druids are shamans who follow such old beliefs. A heretic who believed in animals
and obtained that power.

Among them, the primordial druid, Nevida, is imbued with the power of the most
powerful beast.

Geum-soo, Baek Hak-jo.

Nevida's hand changed shape. It changes from a human hand with five fingers
outstretched and blunt claws to a bird's claws spread across the four toes. The
grip of a flying beast that can crush even rocks instantly increases.

'Hurry up... ! Cheoneng!'

grasp. blood splashed The strike that escaped the human structure was so fast that
even the Thousand Radius could not completely evade it.

Instead, thanks to pushing his own body into the compressed space of Cheon Aeng, he
barely prevented the whole shoulder from being torn off. Although her large claws
dug a handful of flesh.

Nevida was slightly surprised by the returner's response.

“It’s pretty good. Obviously, this wasn't borrowed from a future I never
experienced... The karma that I built up by myself through countless experiences.
Do you really have nothing to do with Seonghwangcheong?”

“Chi, it… ! How handsome!”

Instead of answering, the returner hit the ground with a jizzan.

“Gongryu, leveling the ground!”

gurgling. Jizan, who dug into the concrete floor, became a rake and scraped the
ground violently. The returner pulled the digging Jizan vigorously.

Even now, the roots of trees are spreading under Nevida's feet. The root of the
small world tree, which was slowly expanding its territory in the ground, was
judged by its native, Jizan.

The tree roots caught in the jizan are pulled out at once. The hard-stretched roots
and vines are torn apart, and the ground itself shakes as if caught in a net.

The land that had been leveled was now nothing more than a dirt floor. Broken vines
are scattered on the floor, and the slanted tree is trying to straighten its
branches even now. The military headquarters, which used to be a land of concrete,
has now been turned into a land of dirt and trees.

This is the real Gyeongcheondongji. The terrain changes when there are only two
people fighting. Thanks to that, I had to roll on the ground to survive.

Even if there is a way to push it further, Nevida stopped attacking. The regressor
didn't try to grab his injured shoulder, but rather showed me more. This wound was
meant to appeal to the fact that he couldn't even count on the axis of injury.

“Planting seeds? Were you doing some fun tricks? But what about? As long as you
have Jizan, this land won't go your way!"

'haha. I'm glad I have Jizan. If you leave it unchecked, it will turn the
surrounding area into a forest... ! In an environment favorable to him, there is no
answer if he uses wood as a medium to even use rust magic... !'

Obviously, if the fight continues like this, Navida will win. Both the Returner and
Navida know this. However, because of the bluff of the returner... Or, because of
the skills that were revealed during the fight, Nevida's mind was troubled.

'… Let's see. If you fight and win, you will gain a lot. It's also clear that one
will lose when the fight is long. then… ?'

Thoughts that lead to action are quick. But, in comparison, judgment is slow enough
for a tortoise to crawl.

By analogy, it looked like it was doing a reciprocating jump with fast legs. I
think it's not because I'm stupid, but because there are too many standards for
estimating values.

Maybe this is the bow. I shouted out.

“Okay, Shay! Take a little more time! If we fight for a long time, we might win!”

“What time do you take? I'm going to make a life-and-death decision right here!"

'You idiot! If you fight for a long time, you lose! It's best to bluff and get them
to run away! Don't just talk, please help me quickly!'

Talking helps. Now that there is a way out. Like the regressor, I shouted with a
lot of momentum.

“There is someone here to help! Leah! Help me!”

"huh. done! That kind of help!”

'Sergeant? You looked like you collapsed earlier, did you wake up? Then call me
quickly! I need one more hand!'

No, I'm out of my mind His energy is depleted and he can't move his hand.

But it has a different effect. Reminds Navida of the possibility of sniping or

assisting. Primal Druids aren't afraid of snipers, but... .

It's not the sniper that Navida is wary of, it's Maximilian's death.

'Ugh. I don't know if I'm dead, but if I'm still alive, I have to live. I should
congratulate Eun-gong for finding Im. Even if I worship an arbitrary body now...
The only time Im really coming back is when everyone cries out.'

Nevida has finished her long judgment. Gliding behind her, she adjusted her dress
and bowed her head to greet her.
“It’s your confidence Navi. I'm just going away. I look forward to the day we meet

“Are you going to let me run away? Thousand Swords, Doryongcham!”

'Isn't it urgent? I'll use a moderate amount of force, if it's going to turn off,
turn it off quickly!'

The cherry blossoms stretched out in the wind. Naturally, the roughly wielded
Cheongeomgi was blocked by the branches and leaves of the small world tree. Because
he knew and wrote it, the regressor was not very disappointed.

“To commemorate the brief anniversary, I would like to show you a little trick.”

But Nevida's next move would have been quite disappointing.

Nevida grabbed her horn with her hand and twisted it. Contrary to her appearance,
which looks pretty sturdy, her horns are easily broken, as it was intended for her
in the first place. It was obviously horns when it hung on her head, but when she
held it in her hands, it looked like a small sapling to grow.

“O tree of our ancestors who gave birth to and nurtured all things. Among the
innumerable branches, the surviving horses call their roots.”

Nevida dropped a sapling to the ground. Knock, the seedlings that touched the
concrete floor remain... permeated this land.

Seeing this, the returner flinched as if he was about to jump out.

'no. Don't react! If you pretend you know, you'll wonder how you knew [that]! But
why, [that] are you writing here?'

… Maybe it's to show me.


“Realize, beast. The source from which you came.”

After Nevida's order was finished.

The military chimera bean batteries that existed at the military headquarters were
all in a jiffy. If there was a Quartermaster nearby, he would have tilted his head.

Although it is a chimera bean said to be tasteless and even rats curse, the
nutrients contained in it are abundant enough to support households and the
military. The military was more concerned with handling more than weapons, and the
chimera beans harvested from all over the military were gathered at the
headquarters… .

The nutrients exploded all at once.

An ingredient called nutrients is green gunpowder. Humans are slow furnaces that
walk around by putting the firewood in their stomachs and then burning them slowly.
Food and life are adorned with noble deeds, but their essence is other beasts,
crawling worms, or much smaller… They are the same as those invisible to the naked

No matter who's in the stomach, the same firewood is burned with the same flame.
There is no difference other than size.

Know your source.

Intrinsic Magic, Source Water (根源樹).

The tree of origin that embraces the source of life and birth.

Some call it the tree of immorality... A unique magic of any druid.

Even though he named the god, he was still alive, so he didn't belong to everyone.
The great source listens only through him.

Green explosions erupted with screams everywhere. It swallows up all that will
become nutrients, creates a new axis, and stretches out again. It looks like the
earthen dragon is hitting the young that spring up from all over the place.

Navida, who created a disaster-like situation with only one method, shook her hand
and took Maximilien. There is no regret as long as it is decided. Nevida strode
forward and entered the large open knothole.

Before the knot hole closed, Nevida gave a small greeting to me.

“Well then, bye.”

The returner did his best until the very end. She waved the cherry blossoms over
her head and shouted the whale whale as if the pills had risen.

“Do not run away!”

'Quick off!'

Fortunately, Nevida listened to the heart of the returnee. After the tree was
closed, Nevida disappeared deep into her earth.

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