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Socio-demographic details
Name: S.S
Age: 7 years’ old
DOB: 14/04/2016
Sex: Male
Educational qualification: Student

Name of examiner: T.S

Referred by: Self
Date of reporting: 9/11/2022
Date of testing: 9/11/2022

Source of information: Parent, mother of the participant

Reliability of information: Adequate:      Yes       Reliable: Yes 

Referral question: To assess child for specific learning disabilities.

Evaluation procedure: Assess the child’s IQ using Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices
(RSPM). If the child’s IQ falls under Average or above average, then administer NIMHANS
Index of Specific Learning Disabilities to assess presence of any learning difficulties.

Behavioural observation
Rapport establishment: Able to develop rapport. Subject appeared to be engaging. Attitude
was relaxed. Eye contact was appropriate.
Alertness and consciousness: well oriented time, place, person. The subject was alert,
focused, sustain thoughts on specific topic, facial expressions were congruent to the speech.
Attention: The subject’s attending skills were appropriate
Eye contact: Appropriate
Psychomotor activity: No unusual movements or psychomotor changes
Speech: Normal rate, tone, volume without pressure
Cooperation: Friendly, cooperative, attentive, interested.
Motivation: Motivated, interested.
Comprehension: Memory, cognition was normal
Problems related to vision/hearing/motor/other: nil

Background information
Birth history
Type of birth: Normal Birth
Birth cry: Yes
Planned or unplanned: Planned
Presence of birth complications: no complications
Milestones: Milestones were met

Motor:  🗸       Cognitive:     🗸       Speech:  🗸      Social and emotional: 🗸

Family history
Type of family: Nuclear Family
Family tree:

82Y 72Y 82Y 72Y

42Y 42Y

Client, 7Y

Presence of mental disorder in the family (if any): Schizophrenia (grandmother)

Educational history
Studying in 2nd standard.
S.S is a 7 year old boy in the 2nd grade, The NIMHANS Index for Specific Learning
Disorders (NIMHANs SLD) was administered on the child. The Scale was administered to
determine whether the child had any learning disabilities. Level 1 of the NIMHANs SLD for
ages 5-7 was administered on the child.

Level 1 Consists 8 subtests which are Attention, Visual Discrimination, Visual Memory,
Audtory Discrimination, Auditory Memory, Speech and Language, Visuo- Motor Skills and
Writing Skills.

In Attention the child had no errors and within the time limit. In Visual Discrimination 1
error was committed. In Visual Memory the child was able to recall 4 items not in the same
sequence, the child was overconfident and did not use all the exposure time concentrating
therefore failed to perform to potential. In Audtory Discrimination the child made no errors
and did not struggle with discriminating the auditory stimuli. In Auditory Behavior the child
showed no deficits, all statements were not true for the child. In Auditory Memory the child
was able to recall all sentences with no errors. The child had no difficulty in auditory memory
with no complaints of failure of memory. In Speech and Language the child did not struggle
to give responses to the pictures providing more than 6 responses to each picture. In Visuo -
Motor Skills the child made a clear recreation of the shapes, including the diamond. In
Writing Skills the child made 1 error in the Alphabets order by putting M – N as N – M. This
error was persevered in the small letters as well.

Level I on NIMHANS Index for Specific Learning Disabilities was assessed on the child.
The child did not show any difficulties on any of the tasks. This indicates that the child does
not show symptoms of Learning Difficulties.

Summary and suggestions

NIMHANS Index of SLD was administered on S.S, a 7-year-old male child, currently
studying in 2nd standard and does not show any atypical behavior or development. He lives
in a nuclear family and there is an absence of a family history of mental disorders. Level I on
NIMHANS Index for Specific Learning Disabilities was assessed on the child. The child did
not show any difficulties on any of the tasks. This indicates that the child does not show
symptoms of Learning Difficulties. No further assessments or interventions are required.

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