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Anthony Beischel’s and the

Seven hidden legends in

Legwerra, School Of Wizards
After the death of Anthony's parents Niana Beischel
and Torres Beischel he grew up with his aunt and
uncle and his cousin. The three of them were rude to
Anthony. But Anthony did not care. a few days later
a letter came from Legwerra, the School Of Wizards
wizard school for Anthony But Anthony's uncle
didn't tell his parent that they were studying in the
same magical school. So his uncle didn't tell him
about the letter but after a few days the same letter
came but in the form of rain. the day late a giant man
walked into the house. he was the head of Legwerra,
the School Of Wizards wizard school and told him
about Anthony's parents .he told him that you are as
brave as his parents were. Anthony asked my
parents. He asked what's your name, said Anthony
to the head. He replied that my name is Noil
Legwerra, School Of Wizards.
He told me it is time to welcome you to Legwerra,
School Of Wizards wizard school.
Anthony was surprised that there is also a wizard
school .so the Legwerra, School Of Wizards took him
to the school where he made new friends Percy
Thomson and Lussi Dyer. so then the head told all
the 50 new students about the school rule :
Rule 1: there are 4 house
Rule 2: no kids should be out of their house room
after 7;45pm
Rule 3: no kids should be on the 8th floor left room
because that could be dangerous.
Rule 4:there is one prefect in each group and every
kid should listen to him/her
each kid will be selected for their house
So Mr Morris will be calling your name and telling
you your house so there are four houses
Wind –the highest obtaining group of Legwerra,
School Of Wizards wizard school
Water- the most clever group of Legwerra, School Of
Wizards wizard school
Fire- the strongest house of Legwerra, School Of
Wizards wizard school
Nature – the group with a lot of money.
So no Mr Morris may start calling your name
So their 1st name is Abigal Aroyo she is selected for
the nature house
So the 2nd name is Percy Thomson he is selected for
the firehouse
So the 3rd name is Susan bones she is selected for a
4th name is Anthony Beischel he is selected for a
so we may start the feast.
Percy was eating a hungry man for years.
after that, we went to our dominator and slept
then the next morning we went to our first lesson on
magical plant

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