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Welcome back, now it is time for Q&A with Ambassador Kazuya.

The questions
are on the bilateral relations between Japan and Thailand and also on different
aspects of Japan such as economy, tourism, culture (for audience to get to know)

Firstly please share your background, where were you born?

And on your path in becoming Ambassador?

Let’s start out with question on Nationality and Diplomacy

– What does being Japanese mean to you?

– How has your career of a diplomat shaped the definition of being Japanese?

Wow, nicely said. In Japanese, I will say that これ以上うまく表現できません

“I cannot express it better than that” 本当にその通りです (とおり)

Now on to our bilateral relations: This year in 2022, we celebrated 135 years of
Japan and Thailand bilateral relations, which is one of the longest relations
amongst the world, since 26 September 1887 when we signed a Declaration of
Amity and Commerce with the Government of Japan during the reigns of Emperor
Meiji in Japan (Meiji era) and King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn of Siam).
Our trade actually went back 600 years ago, historical records shows that Ryukyu
(Present-day Okinawa) and Ayudhaya kingdoms were trading with each other.
You see many historical evidence such as ceramics of Thailand from Sukhothai
era were exported to Japan and used as tea ceremony utensils in Japan in 14th
century. There’s also Japanese swords used in Thai army in Rattanakosin period.

Thailand is considered close friends with Japan since then which reflected in our
trade relations are also one of the strongest, Japan is always within the Top 3 of
trading partner with Thailand and Thailand is within Top 6 with Japan.

On Economy

Japan’s economy is the 3rd largest in the world. Japan is the world's 2nd largest
foreign-exchange reserves, worth $1.4 trillion - shows a lot of foreign currencies
flowing in the country. And Japan ranks number 1 in the world in the Economic
Complexity Index (ECI) from 2000 - 2020 which reflects how a country's income
level drives economic development. From these statistics, it is obvious that Japan
is in the forefront of the strong, stable economy of the world so the question is:
What is the cause of continuous economic growth in terms of policies? How
does Japan prepare for the upcoming decade?
A bit of Japan's history time:

From the 1960s to the 1980s, Japan achieved one of the highest economic growth
rates in the world, which Japan rapidly became the world's 2nd largest economy.
It was during post-World War II era and the end of the Cold War.
Based on Japan’s GNI - Gross (โกรส) National Income (GNI) ranked by World
Bank, Japan became a high-income status by the late 1960s.

What caused this growth?

- Increasing urban centers, a relatively well-educated elite (although one with

limited knowledge of European science), a sophisticated government
bureaucracy, productive agriculture, a closely unified nation with highly developed
financial and marketing systems, and a national infrastructure of roads.

- High rates and quality investment that persisted through 1960s to 1980s which
result in rising GNP of 20 - 30% & great savings rates to accompany investment

- Low inflation and government support to manufacturing and consumer spending

-The highly skilled and educated labor force and Japanese businesses imported the
latest technologies to develop the industrial and manufacturing part

Now let’s talk about trade relations between Thailand and Japan.
We both have trade diversification in trade categories in all areas. Main products:
Japan export to Thailand: Motor vehicles, Integrated Circuits, and Hot-Rolled Iron
Japan import to Thailand: Prepared Meat, Broadcasting Equipment, and Cars

We also have a stable trade among us for over a decade now since 2010

Japan exports to Thailand 2010 - 2022: 30 - 40 billion USD in value

Thailand exports to Japan 2010 - 2022: 20 - 25 billion since 2010

Even during Covid years 2020, Thailand and Japan trade still was going strong,
still within our usual trading range, just a slight drop Japan export Thailand in 2020
was $24.5 billion, Thailand export to Japan was $23.2 billion (almost the same)

Question on this topic is

How do you foresee the future trends in the next 10 years on trade between
Japan and Thailand? Which sector should investors keep an eye on?

New economic partnership to better respond to common challenges, such as the

impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, energy and food security, and supply chain.
Our partnership plan ranging from digital trade and e-commerce to quality
infrastructure development in an effort to further enhance bilateral ties.
The 5 Year Joint Action Plan on Japan-Thailand Strategic Economic Partnership"
was signed between Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai (ปอระมัดวินัย) and
Japan's Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi during a meeting in Bangkok.

During the last 25 years the exports of Thailand to Japan have increased at an
annual rate of 3.78%, from $9.7B in 1995 to $24.5 billion in 2021. Vice versa,
exports of Japan to Thailand increased from 19.9 billion in 1995 to 33 billion in
2021 which is 2.04% annual rate growth.

In addition to our partnership in trade, are there other areas that Thailand
and Japan collaborated? For instance, exchange programs between institutions

- We both have strong ties in all levels: Between the Japanese imperial family and
Thai royal family, political & business level, educational exchanges

- Events of Japan-Thailand collaboration in Bangkok such as Nippon Haku event

(Japan Expo in Bangkok) in the past September, Thai-Japan Iconic Music Festival

- Government support: we see talks among Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and
PM Prayut Chan-o-cha last month during APEC 2022 hosted in Bangkok.
There was also discussion of World’s Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan in which have
Thailand’s full support in all aspects // Thailand Phuket as candidate for 2028

- In Education, Japanese government has cooperated with Thai government on

various student exchange program and scholarship opportunities

- Monbukagakusho or MEXT scholarship is the most well-known since it

started from 1954, for 68 years now. With its rigorous selection process:
Full-ride scholarship to 10 – 15 students each year (Undergraduate,
Masters/ PhD)
- JENESYS เจเนซส ิ (HS students, university) go to Japan for 1-2 weeks
based on theme of interest: technology, science, sports, culture
- Asia Kakehashi (Live in Japan as HS students for 10 months)
- SE Asia Youth (Ship for a month to visit each country)

Next up our topics will be on tourism and culture, which we will be interviewing in
Japanese for Jap speaking audiences, for others feel free to view subtitles below.

突然ですが、日本人の視聴者 (ฉิโจฉะ) さんとタイ人の視聴者さんに日本語学習

(Gakushu)されている方もいらっしゃるので、 これからは少し日本語を使って、
Hoka no wadaiについて Nashida 大使にお-うかがいします。

From now on, there are some Japanese viewers and Thai viewers who are learning Japanese, so I
would like to talk in Japanese and listen to H.E. Nashida's answers through these various topics.
On Tourism 観光のトピックから始めましょう - let’s start with tourism

もし Nashida かっかが私たちのツアーガイドであられたら、わたしたちをどこへ
連れて行っていただけますか。日本で有名な(Toshi)都市あるいは かっかが行
“If you were our tour guide for a week, where would you like to take us in Japan?
Can be the well-known city like Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka or are there certain places you have been in
the past that is memorable to Your Excellency”

日本には季節ごとに楽しめるお祭りがたくさんあります。 春は花見、夏は花火、

春には桜花見を楽しむことができます。 栃木県のあしかがフラワーパークの藤
まつりもおすすめです。 3月から4月にかけて藤の花が美しく咲き誇り、観光の名

春の3月(3 Gatsu) 3日(Mitsuka)にはひなまつり日があります。女の子のいる家

人形といいます。ひな人形は伝統的な日本の衣装を着ています。 天皇と皇后両

夏には、毎年7月7日に七夕まつりがあります。 織姫と彦星の出会いを祝う日で
す。 人々は七夕を祝い、色紙に願い事を書いて竹の枝に掛けます。


く紅葉が始まります。 おすすめの紅葉スポットは、北海道の定山渓、栃木県の

が立ち並びます。 また、氷像に触れる・乗れるふれあい広場、撮影スポットであ
ズの作者、日本の漫画家の青山剛昌の故郷です。2017 年の時点で青山先生
の漫画は全世界で 2 億 5000 万部以上売れています。青山剛昌マンガファクト

On Culture 次のトピックは文化です - Next topic is on culture

この特集 (Tokushu) では, 視聴者 (Shicho-sha) に日本で影響力

(Ei-kyou-ryoku) のある人たちをSho-kaiしたいと思います。Shicho-sha はその
人たちをさらに検索 (Ken-saku)してよりいっそう日本のことを知る(Shiru)ことに

Nashida Kakka が日本で影響力のある(Konomashi)好ましい(Jinbutsu)人物

と思われるKata どなたですか。また Artist アーティスト, Cho-sha著者,
Ongakuka 音楽家, Dai-kou-kan 外交官もどんな Shoku-gyou 職業のKataでも
In this topic, I would like to introduce the audience to some influential people of Japan. The audience
can search more about these people to learn more about Japan.

Please share your favorite influential people of Japan? Artist? Author? Musician? Diplomat?

Chiune Sugihara
本の副領事を務めた日本の外交官、「杉原千畝」さんです。 杉原さんは、ホロコースト
Yayoi Kusama

アートの分野では、私の中で話さないでいられない人物がいます。 草間彌生さ
(Tokucho)で、絵画 (Kaiga)、彫刻 (โชkoku)、ファッション、美術館での展示作品
(Tenji sakuhin) から見られます。 草間さんは10歳から作品を作り始めました。
その影響から点が彼女のアートの特徴となっています. 彼女の作品は日本の新
ドンのテート・モダン美術館で見ることができます。草間さんはタイでは「ป้ าจุด」と
呼ばれています。ป้ า は「オバサン」、จุด は「点」という意味です。2018年にバン
コクの最も訪問者が多いショッピングモール「Central World 」で草間さんの作品

Haruki Murakami

てくるではないでしょうか。村上さんはベストセラー長編小説 (Chohen
shosetsu) の「ノルウェーの森」の著者(Chosha)です。1987 年に出版
(Shuppan)されて以来、50 の言語 (Gengo) に翻訳 (Honyaku) され、世界中で
『海辺のカフカ』など国際的な(Kokusai tekina)
Shou o jusho した小説 (Shosetsu) が多数 (Tasuu) あります。村上さんの本
は、Kodoku、Soushitsu、Natsukashisa をテーマにしています。
まだ読んだことない方はZehi読んでみてください, とてもおすすめです。

おわりに、この日本特集 (Tokushuu) を視聴 (ฉิ-โจ) しているタイ人に Nani-ka メッ
In closing, would you like to give a message to the Thai viewers of this special episode on Japan?

Thank you Ambassador

最後に Kakka にインタビューする機会を得た (Kikai o eta) ことを大変光栄 (Taihen

kou-ei)に思います。 まことにありがとうございます。
心から感謝 (Kansha) 申し上げま (Moushi-agemasu)
Kob khun ka ก ้มมมม

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