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La Cène est un tableau qui a été peint par Léonard de Vinci vers les années 1495 et


Fue pintada para el Duque Ludovico Sforza y es un mural realizado en temple y óleo
sobre yeso.Pertenece al estilo renacentista y mide 880 cm de alto y 460 cm de

Cette œuvre représente les derniers jours de Jésus de Nazareth, le jour de sa

dernière Cène, lorsque Jésus rencontre ses 12 disciples pour annoncer que l’un
d’eux le trahirait.

Principalmente, puede parecer que la composición del cuadro es igual que la

original que se narra en el nuevo testamento, pero da vinci quiso cambiar algunas
Como por ejemplo , Judas, el cual estaba en medio del cuadro, lo sitúa entre los
demas apostoles, y deja a jesus en medio de todos, dejando separacion entre jesus
y sus discípulos, al contrario del nuevo testamento, en el que jesus está entre sus
discípulos como uno mas sin protagonismo adicional.

À ce jour, cette œuvre se trouve au couvent dominicain de Santa Maria delle Grazie,
(Milan, Italie), elle reste sur le même mur sur lequel Léonard de Vinci l’a peinte.

The National Railway Museum of England is a museum, located in England, that

exhibits the entire history of the railway in England.
They have an exhibition of more than 150 trains, which have rolled on the rails of
England, from the first to the last.
In all countries they have a railway museum, but especially, the one in England is
one of the most popular in the world.

The Museum of Modern Art, better known by its acronym MoMA, is an art museum
located in Midtown Manhattan (New York, United States), at the intersection of West
11th and 53rd Streets, and between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. His works include
pieces such as Van Gogh's Starry Night.

The Museum was founded as a public entity, benefiting from numerous donations
from its members and companies, being an example for other museums of its kind,
expanding the frontiers of art to disciplines not admitted in other galleries.
It is considered one of the sanctuaries of impressionist and surrealist art in the world,
constituting (in the opinion of many) one of the best collections of masterpieces

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