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Phase one-

1. Plug in microphone
3. Play the nameless song on ukulele (zoom in, no camera angle)
4. Give up

Phase two-

1. Show some work (outlined with the rest of the list)

2. Editing audio
3. Programming
4. Graphic design
5. Editing a video
6. Writing down ideas in notebook
7. Drawing on iPad
8. Pacing around the room while thinking

Phase three-

1. Show some hobbies (outlined with the rest of the list)

2. Playing Minecraft (show some builds, maybe a Timelapse of me building something)
3. One word. Roblox.
4. Just being in places outside (most likely in front and/or backyard)

Phase four-

1. More work, I dunno

Phase five-

1. Show the best photos I’ve ever taken

2. Some cinematic footage
3. Some graphic design concepts
4. Some writing (I’ll say random passages from prose, poetry, and scripts I’ve
written but it’ll be confusing cos it’s all overdubbed together)
5. Some art

Phase six

1. Play a different but equally nameless song on ukulele

2. Fail miserably and give up
3. Might pet my cats

Phase seven

1. Bloopers or something
2. Some kind of scary jumpscare or other weird and cryptic message that’s supposed
to hint and some other content

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