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Chapter 1 Jont “Do you ike?” “Yes, Ido. “Do you want i?” “yes, Ido." ‘Do you lke ice-ceam™ “Yes, Id, “The English lestonagain. And always the same questions and the same answers “Do you hate ie?" "Yes, Ido." Do you lke it?” “yes, do.” ‘pod ae enn sedebien cheery ten Vanitds baa, WOl%s vere “And you, Esti?” “if my parens wil let me go. “The meeting isin Room 4," ane ofthe students aid. They took thelr bags and went to Room 4. Widi picked up her books land went too, Joni walked near her. He was happy. He wanted to sit near ber. Priya stood up and spoke toll she students. "Next “Thursday, he sal, “we are going to vst che students of a school in Jakarta, We are going 1 stay with them for three days. ‘We wll vist some places in Jakata too. I wil cost 250 rupiahs Please pay the money soon. Tell me your names and pay the money to me.” He sat dow, All the students began to alk among themselves again, “are you going?” ‘costs a lot of money, docan’t it?” With Bu Tien and her family, but he didnot eat with thm. Every ‘month Jon’ father and mother sent him some rice an! some money. He cooked therce himself and he used the money for his room and for his other food. For the price of the room Bu Tien ve him tea too, She had a gas of tea for him now. “Here is your te,” she sid. Joni wanted to ask Bu Tien about paying forthe room next month, But Bu Tien spoke fis. "Lwant to ask you something, Joni” she sd. “I know you usually pay for your room a the end of the month. But now 1 have a problem. I have just got news from Bandung. My brother ied today and 1 must go there on the train tonight. I don’ have ‘the money forthe train. Can you help me, and pay for your room today?" “OF cours, Bu," Joni said. “I am sorry about you brother.” But his heart sank. He unlocked the drawer in his table and eave Joni felt pleased ashe let the night market. It was good price for the shirt and te trang. He walked slowly along the main sitet. It was crowded with people and the shops were bright Ii He felt the money inhi pocket and looked inthe windows of the shops. He could walt into one of the shops and he could buy Something, Bui he di not want to buy anything. He hada beter plan for his money. Jon, Joni, where ate you going?” he heard. His heart jumped, and he turns. It was Wid, She was with Yun and Est ‘They were just coming out of a restaurant "Pn just going home,” he said. “Where are you going?” “

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