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Chapter I.


Mother always said, “the night is dark, be weary of its

terrors”. Ever since she uttered those last words of hers, I’ve
spent many sleepless nights contemplating. “What does it mean?
Why did she say that?”, I would repeat to myself at night, ‘till I’d
dry my brain to sleep, a dreamless one.

She died last fall, you see. We buried her in the family plot,
at the local graveyard. It was just me and my sister. Our father,
her ex-husband wasn’t even there. Damn bastard, couldn’t even
fulfill his ex-wife’s dying wish. The idiot was probably too busy
fucking that whore he left us for. Aside from us nobody else really
showed up, and the ceremony was brief, just as she foretold and
wanted. “Shows us just how insignificant we truly are. Your so
called ‘Loved Ones’ don’t really give a damn once you’re no
longer of use to them. Though its good you kids decided to give
your mom a proper farewell, most kids your age don’t really give
a rat’s ass about their parents anymore.”, the undertaker
ejaculated in a soft-toned voice.

We left the cemetery, I held my sister as she burst into

tears, and right on call the rain poured onto the grim setting. It felt
like somewhat of a sign, as a moment of remembrance thrusted
upon me. I vaguely remember something my depressed mother
once told me, “The day you bury me, I’ll make it rain. You’ll know
that I will always be with you.” as she went on another one of her
many suicide attempts. And after I remembered that event, a chill
went down from the back of my head all the way done my spine.

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