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How to Analyze or Make A Formal Criticism of an Artwork?

There are many suggested ways on how to analyze an artwork or make a formal
criticism about it. In our study, we are going to adopt these easy steps commonly used
by many art enthusiasts. The analysis or criticism must contain the DAIE.

Description. What do you see in the artwork? Without value judgment, you are going
to mention everything that you physically see (the elements and principles): objects,
figures, colors, backgrounds, shapes, shades, lines, tones, etc. It is just similar to
telling the story to your blind friend. It must contain a lot of enumerable observable

Analysis. How did the artist do it? Tell the possible reasons why the artist uses such
features and what possible ideas are meant to be conveyed by him. Analysis goes
beyond just simple description; it is digging deeper into its composition. It is more
concerned on finding the relationship among elements and principles used in the

Interpretation. What message does the artist try to communicate? What is going on in
the artwork? It is basically generating the meaning of the artwork (theme, idea, feeling,
genre, etc.). It is the story-telling part of the entire criticism. The interpretation should
be supported by pieces of evidence found in the artwork itself.

Evaluation. What do you think about the artwork? Do you think the artist succeeds in
communicating his idea? His message? Use art theories that support your evaluation
and provide logical judgment on the artwork. Does the artwork serve its function
personally, socially, or physically? Bear in mind that you do not literally criticize to
bring down the artwork. Your goal is to provide your honest appreciation.

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